My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the pirates of the Emperor Chapter 208

"The general will come?" Blood songs suddenly narrowed their eyes, but they were still moving towards Duofangming brothers, but I am not easy to shoot, if blood is not enough, my sword will not return to sword Sheath. "

"This" "This" Duofangming has heard the words, the brow is slightly wrinkled, and he also listened to the eagle and said that he went to the big sword. Duofangdeo looked at Rio G! The Duo Langdeo will kicked La Oo G. "Then you kill him, can you?"

If you can use others to live yourself! So many Fordo guys can sacrifice!

Whether it is your own biological father, or your own brother! Don't say it is a subordinate!

Raio G did not expect Duofangdeo to give himself, no longer react, the blood song is like a chicken, the chicken is in the hands! "You see, your boss has given up you!"

"Then I let me let me, I don't want to die." At this moment, I was so close, and the momentum of blood songs was called La O'. surprised!

"Do you have to say that I will die?"

"I don't just say it." Robio G is really afraid.

Blood songs are condensed, and it is more cold. At this moment, Luo G, who was squatted in the hands, didn't dare to speak, wide, fear, looked at the blood song.

"Death!" The blood song did not say anything, directly throw him to Clockdal.

"One knife, cut into five pieces"! Blood songs are faint.

I heard the words, Kroddal nodded, and then in the golden hook and went to the "desert treasure knife"! The huge blade of the winds and sand has been drawn directly, and Raio G has been cut into five pieces by Crokdal!


The guards behind the Doroming brother are directly scrambled, as for Duofangming brothers are also staying! He asked himself to be cruel, but there is no blood song so cruel! Killing, a knife cut into five pieces, this kind of thing can be said to be so easy!

How will such a cruel teenager treat yourself? Duofangming brother is not imagined!

From the small to big, the arrogant Duofangming brother, it has never been like this fear today!

Blood songs continue to go up toward Du Fu Lynch.

There are many frightened guards on the road, and the blood songs don't care, don't take the road, directly stepped up!




Then, the four-sounding sounds sounded successively! Those frightened guards are broken, and the pain is awake, and finally completely dying!

"Firmingo, you are." Blood songs are indifferent to stare with the Turkey's general dress, slowly!

At this moment, the blood songs are, Dragon Emperor is domineering! In front of the Dufoming brother, Duofangdeo couldn't help but swallow the mouth. It doesn't help but retreat. "Do you want to fight with me? You have to know that the Navy is coming, it is going to deal with It is you, not me. "

"Yes?" The blood song mouth is slightly smile "Navy only knows that you are" Drescent "king. It is also one of the" Wang Xiaqi Wuhai ", and use the world government to give seven Wuhai rights, control the world around the world. Many industries. Such as Xiangshu Auction, at the same time, the pirates are large, such as the "Huduce", "Harthai Thief Trouple". It is currently the most powerful seven Wuhai. But the Navy does not know that you except In addition to the official, there is also a dark forces, and privately operate illegal human auctions to kidnap the various racial creatures. In the underground world, there are also the four emperors, and there are some associations. If you think the Navy knows this, how will it? ? "

"This" Duofangming brother's brow could not help but frightened.

Needless to say, if the navy knows his dark power, it will definitely chase him!

Then, his Duran Ming Ge is here, but also lives in exile!

Duran Ming Ge is thinking about it at this moment.

The strength is not as good as blood songs, then what should I do?

Duofangming brother, it is definitely not a person who will only rely on strength, when he is more, relying on the conspiracy! Otherwise, it will not be black and white to eat!

Suddenly thought of, Duofangming's mouth could not help but smile in a scorpion!

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Chapter 243 Crisis is coming

"How is our cooperation?" Duofangming brother couldn't help but go up toward the blood song.

Cooperation? Wen said, blood songs are not happy!

Duofangmingo this person's character, blood songs are also understood, will he work with people?

Duofangming, what kind of character is it? Duofangming brother is a bad boy in the years, and has begun habit of smoking.

Its father Don Quixote-Huo Name Ancient Holy on a certain day, the Tianlong people and ordinary people are the same as human, announce that they have to give up the privileges of the Dragon people. It is like a lot of people who live, and the Franmino is not sweet. At the age of 10 (1490 years of Sea Reall), he resolutely shot his father in front of the latter!

This kind of person, for the right, even Dad can kill!

Everyone speaks Klock Darn! But do Klock Dalne can Duo Fu Langming?

Blood songs read a lot of Franmin, I want to take a lot of people, only one way is more embarrassed than him!

"Cooperation" , !

"Yes, cooperate," Duofangming brother nodded! "

Blood songs immediately showed the smile of Seminy, when Doroming brothers were near the blood songs, when they were ready to do, the blood songs have also been preceded!

Dofrang Ming brother's line fruit ability has not responded, blood songs have been played again, put Duofangming again!

Of course, the attack of blood songs is not over! Blood songs quickly shocked, catch up with Doloming brothers that fly out!

Then the blood songs raised their right hand!


Applying for the power of thunderstorms, applied to Raytera!

The right hand of blood songs, such as the blade, the general bloom!

"What do you want to do?" Du Fu Langguo is not a frightened! No matter how many people are fierce, but in the bones, they will die!

Especially people with ambition!


A crisp, blood dripping, Duofangming brother's legs directly by blood songs, bone slag is also thoroughly flattering into both ends!

Duofangming fell, the legs have been cut by the blood songs, see it at this moment, it is not scary!

"You do your Donming brother felt a dramatic pain, reach out of your fingers.

"What?" Blood songs look cold and look at Duofangming, like a big antite!

"Do you think that I don't know, are you my eyes? Near me, I don't preparation, I am dead!" The blood song said slowly.

Wen said, the face of Duofangming brother is completely pale.

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