My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 245 of the One Piece.

How many people in this guy succeeded in the end, I arrived at the peak? Youth fist is not compromised.

If it is not for the overall situation, you need to join hands with green cattle, and you will feel that you have already shot, kill the green cattle.

"This time, don't separate, three together." Youth is cool.

Just after being attacked by blood songs, three people were separated, and they were suppressed by blood songs in the lower wind. As long as three together, they will play three major to add one plus one plus one. I don't equal three terrible power.

Green cattle, nodded.

The cold in the green, the rays on the yellow body, the fierce gas of the green cattle, then condensed together.

"This is the three major terrible strength."

"In addition to the four emperors, and the Warring States, who can resist the three major people?"

Before the screen, I saw the terrible power of three major will, people understand that the three major strengths, finally completely played.

Blood songs, this genius, I am afraid it will be smoked!

This dazzling comet, I am afraid it will be smoked!


The green goblin, the green cattle, the yellow cock is simultaneously opened, and the air is suddenly vibrating.

"It's so powerful." The naval soldiers contracted, but they had such a force. This is to move your hand, can the blood song can be life?

At the same time, the Navy is also excited.

"Everyone, help the three major people!"

"it is good"!

Some warships have already accented blood songs. At the same time, several Major will have jumped, step on the moon, cut down towards the blood songs in half.

"Jumping beam clown."

A touch of sound from the blood songs.

The power of blood songs half-step, the strength of the realm is also showed, and those who have just jumped up, I feel that there is a bad air flow, and I suddenly sleeplely trembled!

Then screaming this! The colors that jumped up flew out, bloody and bloody, tearing the blood of the blood song into pieces.

Yuan handsome, you can control the gas!

Although blood songs are half-step, they are dealt with perseverance, but also control!

"You come, three major will give blood songs. These shrimps crabs will be, you are cuisited." Esdes stationed on the Pluto warship, cold open mouth.

I heard the words, Cladal, Luo, Ai Ni Road, and the artificial people Duolan were nodded.

How can the old woman say, how can I not listen?

The next moment is going toward those warships.

Esdes, Hancark is left on the Wan Battleship deck.

In the air, the blood songs looked at the three generals, and the eyes also got a soul cold!

The 278th chapter

"I have to have a naval film today."

"Looking for death." I heard the blood song, the green, the yellow, the green cattle is cold, and then the body is empty, and there is a blood song.

In general, the light speed of the yellow ok is coming to an incredible point. But now this point, green goblin, green cattle has the pavilion of the yellow flashes, like light speed!

There is between the three people, and it has been going to the blood song.

The blood songs stood there, and the eyes flashed a cry of indifferent smiles. Seeing the green goblin, the yellow and green cattle came, and the terrible gas on the blood songs had roared, and the gas wandering The surrounding blood songs.


Suddenly, three people, the green, green cattle, at the same time and blood songs!

The half-step marshal on the blood songs has been going towards the green spoons, yellow and green cattle.

Green cattle, green, and the yellow gobau are also shocked.

Blood songs can be intended to be intended. Since the other party came to find dead, how can the blood songs let the other party go?

The black sword in the blood singer suddenly has been awkward.

The green goblin has extended his hand, "the frozen era, the shield form!"

[Exploring the cold air of the whole body can be asking for two weeks, it is the killing skill of the green. The shield form is the skills of the Qing Dynasty to give birth to blood songs. .

The huge ice wall appeared, and the black sword of the blood song!

At the same time, the green cattle contains the fear of terrible fierce, and the blood songs have been quickly caught.

The green cattle, the green spar is uniform, and there is no time to waste.

However, the blood of the green cattle has not caught the blood songs. After the green cattle, a residual picture appeared, and suddenly, he suddenly kicked green cattle, and the green cow was kicked out.

Blood songs can not be planned to let go of the green cattle, blood songs are cold, blood songs raise the black sword in your hand!

"Four years of the tricks of Jianjie practice!"

"Yan Yu Black Dragon Sword!"

On the black sword of blood songs, it contains a silky, thunder, and the terrible power of magma fruit!

Blood songs are there without moving, but the sword seems to have a soul, and it has been going toward the green cattle.

What is this sword? The green cattle is very horrified, and the green cattle has thought that his fierceness is strong enough.

But I didn't expect blood songs at all, but I was more ferocious than his breath?

The green cattle has a big change, and the body is trembled, I want to hurry!

But the green cow has just turned, the sword of blood songs has come!

"I will fight with you." The green cattle fists up and went toward the sword.

Yan Yu's sword and green cattle's demon fruit strength collides, at this moment, the power of green cattle is completely broken in Yanzhao sword!

At the same time, the sword has taken into the green cattle! The green cattle feels his meridians, flesh, and even souls, and all shares are smashed.

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