Naruto God Level System

Tree Spa System Chapter 250

Have a happy to even a pair of white bones to touch their throat, he did not know. He touched the neck of **, and the shares used to force moments!


This ghost thing is alive!

Ye Liang was pulling his own white bone. He bit his teeth, screamed, put the bone's finger's head, in one strength, the entire wrist of the white bones.

At this time, the white bone explored the teeth without muscles, and bite it toward Ye Liang's neck.

Ye Liang has already prepared.

He slammed back, borrows the gap of the empty, is a big mouth!


The latter head is exhausted!

Ye Qiang hurriedly put the cheats into his hand, he has heard that there are countless people outside.

Someone here, he can't believe!

I quickly walked out of the room.

The sound of the outside is near, Ye Liang took the point of heart in the heart of the pointer to the distant scene. The dirty dirty things that are dense, and it should be heard of the fight.

He wanted to escape.

at this time!

The sound of the squirrel appeared in the door!

"Bumbe!" The little east and ghosts greeted Ye Liang, which raised the little hands that could not be one inch, and it seems to let Ye Liang have passed.

Chapter 172 Throne Trap

Ye Liang followed the small squirrel into the door of the door.

He arrived behind the door, and it seems that heard the sound of the surrounded, he was soothless, put down his heart.

It is low to grasp the squirrel on the foot.

"Your little guy is too naughty. If you blink, you will run this. I don't know if it is very dangerous!" Ye Liang education a little squirrel, but seeing it cute appearance, but not angry.

"Forget it, forgive you."

He sighed.

At this time, he finally viewed this room.

The inside is much smaller than before, but the spacious, Ye Kiang uses the fingertips of the fingertips to show a huge black throne in the most inside!

He only glanced at it, and there was a share of the impulse to sit up.

Ye Liang hooks his head, don't think too much.

"You let me come here? What does it mean?" He asked like a squirrel. The squirrel is screaming, and then, go to the throne.

Ye Liang told.

"Do you let me sit?"

Ye Liang looked at the squirrel jumped on the throne and waved toward him.

He felt a weird!

Xiao Shuice saved his life, really trust, but this throne always made him a cold meaning. For example, he just came in, there is a feeling of close to the throne!

I am not a feudal society, how can I be interested in the emperor!

"Forget it, let's go." Ye Liang wanted to leave, suddenly feeling that the body was attracted unprecedented, and he took the throne!


This thing has problems!

He felt something, but it was too late!

Your own ass is like sticking to the glue, the dead is sticking to the throne! He pulled hard, except for the feet of his trousers, there is no role in the root!

The door at the door was opened.

Walking around a white white bone.

"Gigle! We met again."

Ye Liang Pan is zoomed!

The white bones that speak this sentence are definitely when they meet. He hurriedly mobilized the energy of the whole body to the arm. At this time, the means of resisting, obviously only barely can move!

"Thunder - Lead!"

Ye Liang relied on the Wizard, smashed a unprecedented 'little light! '

He frowned wrinkled, because the throne of the throne, his thunder was unprecedented, and he barely smashed the opposite white bones.

"Hey, actually use tobach! Your little guy is a person who is ignorant of Ivin." The white bones saw Yong Liang, he shake his hand, the little lighting did not bring a trace of scars.

"Yes! I am a person who is , what do you want!" Ye Ren hated hateful.

He is imaginating!

Since this thing I know that Ivin is king, I can't let go of myself.

"Not very much, just see the traitor's hand, actually will come here, it is a bit amazed." White bones said.


Ye Liang was coming out.

Look, he broke out the name of Yi Evone, did not bring the benefits only, and it seems to kill his identity.

"When Huangquan Emperor was killed, I was evil, and the brothers were hit, and the brothers were buried together. Now just take you as the sacrifice of my resurrection!" The white bones snorted, and they could not move. Good go.

Ye Liang is unclear.

He crazy kicks his legs, and if you want to escape from the throne, there is no role.

Seeing that the white bones will come to him.

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