Net King: God-level player

Net Wang: God-level player Chapter 41


The army is relieved. If you continue to go, you will be scrapped in the stadium.

"Ghosts are lost."

The ghost ten ghosts who have a little bit of blood are sighing.

I have said to the river: "The Equation Institute realized his promise. He defeated the ghost."

"Is this not ting?"

Village Tu also laughed: "The Equation is our teammate, and we should not be happy?"

"makes sense."

Eight Mulagui flashed in the eyes.

It is precisely because there is an equal hospital Phoenix will try to surpass him, then defeat him!

"I don't know if the Equal is could break my nile?"

The island repair two looked at the Equal of Phoenix so thought, and after the face revealed, he won't go to NO.1, which is too tired.

Or continue to be a NO.2 mixed day.


Ghost Ten Tie Lang did not show frustration because of the loss of the game. Instead, because the game ghosts felt that they would be further.


Equal Phoenix snorted, then two people held handshake.

The ghost ten lakes shook their heads, and he didn't come to the Phoenix.

After the game, the two left the court.

"Is it destined to the end of the game."

Royal fox gods look at the Equal Phoenix and the ghost ten times.

"Go down the mountain?"

Equal Phoenix saw the Royal Fox gods, and later.

Royal fox god double blazing replied: "Well, it will go back for so long."

"it's time to go?"

Ghost Ten Tie Lang is a surprise, and then thinking that Royal Fox is now in the first grade of the first year.

"Oh? Double blazing, do you want to go back to the ice?"

Into the river and the island repair two and the Yue Yueyue three people have seen it.

Other army also looked at him.

"I said the seniors, I still can't always stay in U1-17?"

Royal fox god double blazing stalls both hands: "And the Kantong Competition started, I have to go back to the support scene."

"Hey, what is the kind of boring game?"

Danyan said.

Jun Island pushed the next glasses: "Do you have not participated in the National Competition?"

"Bastard, do you find it? Jun Island?"

Domani is unhappy when he is.

The obstacle shrug shrug is shrug.

Wood village also asked: "When is it?"

"Wait a minute."

"this is for you."

Sanjin Valley Assembly took out a note, throwing it to Royal Fox, said: "This is a new training program, which is more complete than the last time."

Royal Fox God Shuang Hui: "Thank you for the school."

Yuanye shouted: "Shuangqi, go back to me to complete the punishment thirteen strokes, when you see you, if you see you, if you don't finish you, you will die?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Royal fox gods helplessly replied.

I laughed into the river.

"So, the students see it again."

Also said a few words, and then the fox gods are ready to leave.


PS: Readers greatly beg to evaluate tickets and flowers

please! ! !

38. Don't let me down, Jingwu (seeking flowers ..

U-17 gate.

A luxurious private car parked at the door and stood two maids in the door.

It is Ram and Run.

"I don't know how young is these days?"

Two maids are thinking about this issue every day after Royal Fox God.

At this time, the door opened, and the Royal Fox god squatted his bag and took his baggage.

"Young master."

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