Pioneers of the Heavens World

Chapter 83 of the World Training

I heard the words, the Duchew couldn't help but stopped by the umbrella, but Chen Mo, didn't have a good temper.

"Close your stinky mouth, idiots. We have something eligible for your so-called mission. I think, the task failed to have half of the responsibility, and even I doubt that you will notify the nano-war intelligence to give that forces. "

Chen Mail said that the counterattack of McCarren's face suddenly turned up, and it seems to be a bit close to the truth.

"Hey, how can this, this is nothing benefit to me!"

McCarren's killing glance, Chen Mo, some gas can't say.

"Is it? The one can be unknown."

On the other side of the Duke, watching McCarron's anger, could not help but make a knife.

"Okay! This will be put on the side. Now let's talk about your task! In order not to be tracked again by those people, you have to turn off the tracking signal hidden in the box."

McCarren knows that they are arguing with Chen Mile, not a good choice, so he decisively selects the transfer topic.

"We have turned off!" The circuit breaker said confident.

"Good look, just let me check it!"

McCarren shook his head and said seriously.

Then, the circuit breaker looked at the generals of Hawke. After getting his consent, I took the box out.

Just have not waited for the circuit breaker to check, McCarlen said, "Please open the box! I want to check it yourself!"

"Okay!" For McCarren's request, the circuit breaker also got a point, and it has also passed the consent of Hawke General.

After the box is opened, McCarren can't wait to touch these warheads. At the same time, four virtual panels have also emerged from the touch position.

Looking at McAllen's action, Chen Mo, who is showing a sinister smile.

Just now, when McCarlen came into contact with the "Nano Sunday", Chen Mo also reads the location of McCarren using the tapers of the camouflage.

Since McCarren want to play high-tech, as Chen Mo, which is an expert in this area, naturally it is also accompanying. So he used the finalists of the camouflage and gave McAllen.

"Please let me know your progress, general!"

After McAllen finished everything, I reminded them that the stereoscopic images also disappeared in front of them.

When McCarry leaves, the red-haired woman asked the circuit breaker: "Circuit Breaker, do you have any discovery?"

"Of course, my voice analyzer shows that Mr. McCarren is swinging up and down, and it seems that there is something that takes a submarine!"

"Oh, it seems that McCarren is busy, we don't know what it is!" The overload on the side also suspected.

"I think there is this possibility, and we don't know why McCarren is. But be careful or good."

Chen Mo touched the chin and analyzed them.

"Well, since the new task appears, then you may wish to train it!"

General Hawke felt the dignity of the atmosphere, not from the opening.

And on the other hand, Baron and McCaron also discuss how to attack special forces base.

"I have already opened the tracking signal, the location is approximately in the desert of Egypt. Now I will send people there to explore it, and then all the troops will take the nano-warhead."

In the submarine, McCaron issued a command to the Baron's lady through three-dimensional projection.

"No problem, relying on our strength, it is very easy to deal with special forces. After winning success, I will activate in Paris, France."

The Baron said that he said to McCarrona.

"Very good, hard you!" McCarlen nodded slightly, and the Baron lady was finished, but also disappeared in front of him.

At this time, McCarn once again accessed the holographic projection communication of the white crest. Only saw a cold asian face, appearing in front of his eyes.

"If you send me to me, you may have completed the task."

The white cocks looked at McAllen in a face, and putting darts in your hand.

"Well, now I will send you, remember not to fail! Our plan can not be affected."

Then, after receiving the command, the Bai Huan also disappeared in front of him.

At this time, McCaron has also arrived at the Census Base of the Arctic Ocean, ready to make the necessary deployment.

However, McCarren doesn't know, after it will fall into a more dangerous situation.

Chapter 95 Chess and Chess

When McCarren plans to capture the nanowene, Chen Mo is also trained in the special forces based on the special forces, and training in the base.

Of course, with Chen Mo's physical quality and combat experience, it does not require additional training.

But Chen Mo understood that he can't be too big. So during this time, he also patiently learned a variety of knowledge, enriching its knowledge reserves.

What have you had to say, Chen Mo's attitude has also made Hawke's generals feel very unexpected.

Because it is rare.

Soon, after training for a week, they got the accreditation of Hawke, and came to the warehouse to deposit the Delta No. 6 accelerated armor.

In the warehouse, heavy daily looked at Chen Mile, pointing to accelerated armor, opening road in front of the cold metal gloss.

"I don't know how you mix into the special forces, but here, I am your chief."

After overloading Chen Mo and the Duke, I suddenly said, continue: "Now, it is the 6th accelerated armor on the Delta ..."

"What is the acceleration?" Asked an idiot question.

"Acceleration to you! It will make you faster and jump! Let you be more powerful than enemies. This is a gas mechanics device from the head to the hemodynamics and high pressure. Equipped with advanced smart helmets, Connected to the set. With this armor, you can catch the opportunity and flaws. "

"There are two air pressure to advance guns, triple fire, automatic navigation rockets. You can also mount a 10 mm submachine gun, fully automatic fire control!"

On the heavy load, while watching Chen Mo and Duke they put on accelerated armor.

According to the description of the overload, after the part of the armor, Chen Mo is careful, tested the performance of accelerating armor.

As a result, Chen Mo is found that accelerated armor seems to be a lot more likely to have a lot of iron and liquid armor.

Just still in the category of black technology, even if you don't have to use it, you can also give a member of the Tiansheng organization.

"Oh, then, is this armor that has been mass production?" Chen Mo's event, asked the heavy duty.

"No, these armors are too high due to cost, so the base can only be limited to production and equipment. In this base, there is only one hundred sets."

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