Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates, Chapter 510

Then, the red dog, the rattle tiger, and the many naval will be stopped, and they have stared that this suddenly broke into the verge.

Judging from the face, it is very handsome when you are upset.

A black long hair did not take care, and the body was broken down, and after rolling here, the movements got up were very weird, so like the machinery.

"What?" Drought Jack frightenedly staring at the king of the Dragon, "Is it moving from the scene, the government?"

"You go." Thaedo made a look.

See this, Jack immediately rushed, like a knife, rushed to the opponent's collision.

He walks, the earth is dry, as if you have experienced heat, the sun, such as the drought.

In the face of attacks, the king of Tianlong people is always moving, and he faces the direction of the meeting, and the muscles are tight.

It has no mind, only the battle instinct, Qin Emperor's appearance, it gave up the white beard, changed to attack the most threatened people. 123

At this moment, when I watched the impression, it was necessary to reach the left hand, and I slammed the ivory.


The ground vibration, the impulse makes it cracking on the feet, but Jack's body is paused directly, and it will not be able to drive half.

"What !?" Jack's pupil, "Why strange! Who is this guy!"

No one answered him, in the eyes of everyone, it reached out, and the huge mammoth was raised, and then slammed to the ground.

It is also a great rang, which is a great kindly of ancient american, and it can't help but feel it.


Rule, Jack's nose, like a long gun, suddenly talked toward the king of the dragon.

Just, this attack has not been touched it, it disappears in the moment, the speed is far over Jack's perceived probe.

In the next second, it appeared in half empty, followed by falling, one foot on Jack.

boom! !

In an instant, the fierce is hurt, Jack only feels that the bones don't know a few, vomiting blood, the whole body is buried underground.

The turtle spreads out, the earth is like a spider web, and the square is rounded in a hundred meters.

"It's so strong ... Who is this !?"

"One of the three disasters, it was killed in an instant!"

"Does our aid? Secret weapon !?"

Compared with the wealth of the piceps, many people have been delighted.

However, the sound of , a moving shadow suddenly appeared in half, and the empty air was standing.

"Qin Emperor!" The red dog suddenly blocked, and the next consciousness was half a step.

A hundred thief, a big face, and the heart is chaotic.

The name of Qin Emperor, it is a shadow that is shrouded in the world. The super four emphasis is a strong shampoo, the shampoo in 79 areas, there are only a dozen parts.

With Cairdo, Big Mom, despite tough, but can maintain a war with each other.

But Qin Emperor is different, this is a contemporary invincible role, the light is standing there, many orders of the military officers, the meaning of the heart.

However, Qin Yang is obviously not interested in the rest of the person. He looked at the king of the dragon, whispered: "There is no matter what you have, this defense is a scrambled."

Donned, and said: "Eight hundred years ago, you should also be an invincible figure, see you is not a demon fruit power, is not a super swordsman, the body is the ultimate?"

I heard the words, the king of Tianlong people is still, there is no emotional fluctuation, it stepped on Jack, attitude.

The rest of the people heard this, but Qi Qi color.

"Character of 800 years ago?"

"The person in the history ?!"

"How can it be! 800 years ago, this person lives for eight hundred years?"

One thief, the navy, is a big shock.

Only red dog eyes flashes, it is clear what I want.

Next moment, it moved.

It's been jumped, it rushed to Qinyang, and the legs were horizontal.

Its battle is extremely strong, and the attack is very decisive, but it is not afraid of death.

See this, the Qinyang body flashed, avoiding its sweep, and shot at the same time.

Suddenly, the palm of the palm is constantly flashing, and it is turned into a thunder spear and suddenly shot.

So close to the distance, the speed of the king of the dragon people is fast, and it can't.

The thunder spear took its bow, one hit it from the air, nailed directly to the ground.

However, the next moment, it sounded, slammed, and the body was shocked, the Thunder was directly shocked.

The sprint is around, but I can't get it.

It seems that lightning, it is no effect on it.

"Sure enough is the ultimate, with your domineering, waiting for your idle attacks can't hurt you."

Qinyang face calm, a flashes, has appeared on the side of the King of Tianlong people.

At the same time, his left hand grabbed the opponent's head, and slammed down underground.

Normal people's head is attacked, the response of the instinct is dodge, but it is different, it does not have a dodge idea, feel the moment of Qin Yang near, I first launched an attack.

Its right palm is made of hand knife, there is armed tone 1 wind, the whole arm is like a big knife, directly to the neck of Qinyang.

"Sure enough, there is no smart machine, simple attack."

In the heart of Qin Yang, I thought about it, and the body exudes repeated black smoke.

The knife of the King of the Dragon Man, penetrating the body of Qinyang, next second, Qin Yang pressed the other's head, and slammed on the ground.

boom! !

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