Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates, Chapter 517

It is a real ultra-empty tyrant, as a four emperor, red hair feels weak.

The world has changed an overlord, and everyone should get used to the new hegemony.

When the red hair is walking, Robin is busy handing on black tea, asking Xiao: "Qin Emperor, the tea party will be a month later, will we go to Law Delle?"

"Racing Del, no need to worry, there is a sharp pioneer in Camry and Big Mom."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "The redhead is clearly said, even if there is a map, you need to land and need special ways. We have made the wall, see what Khaom can find anything."


Robin nodded, "Then I am going to keep their movements."


Not to mention the intention of Qinyang, in the new world, the island that is floating somewhere.

The island has only a football size, which is a very small island, called it is island, it is to look at it.

In the middle of this mini island, there is a experimental base full of technology.

On the base, on the white platform, "God" Vio is slowly opened his eyes.

He reached out and touched his left eye. This eyes have become mechanical eyes.

"It is a magical thing to transform the fruit."

Violant said, through mechanical eyes, you can see a lot of incredible things.

"You can live, magical!"

A middle-aged man wearing a white coat couldn't help but say: "I have already thought about it, how to let you die on the operating table. Three transformation processes, you actually take it down."

"Hey, I want to kill me is not so easy."

Wei Wei snorted, then smiled: "The words come back, dreaming actually teamed up with three four emperors, and destroy the world government. Also hold a tea party, share the four historical texts, I don't think, don't you go? Now, there is more than enough time. Your beasts One Piece, isn't you always looking for red stone? "

"People who find red stone are the beast King Lake, it doesn't matter to me. I am just a researcher."

The man laughed: "It is more interested in comparison with Red Stone, ancient weapon '."

"King? Urnos?"

Violene, "Do you have a king's intelligence in your hand?"

"What information ... The king has always existed."

The man refers to the head of the finger, low laughing: "In the place you can't see, it has been existed. However, I really want to go to the shampoo, after all, the stone is also related to the king!"

When I said here, he suddenly took a whisper. "Moreover, dream Qin Emperor, also makes me very curious ...!"

Chapter 0404 Time and Space Fish Discovery!

Slightly exercise, people have to scatter o (╯ □ ╰) o]


Time speed flow rate, turn into the blink of an eye, the battle in the Holy Land has passed a week.

In this week, the news about the world government's demise, the spread range is getting wider and wider, and it is no longer limited to the great power of the news, even the small island, small villages in the remote corner of the world, are already known.

Above the sea area of ​​the first half of the great route, a hundred pirate boat is Xu Huihang.

The vessel hangs the straw hat, at this moment, the captain grass hat is sitting on the front of the boat, holding a fishing rod in his hand, boring to fish.

After the body, a man wearing three-pin shorts is looking at a new newspaper, shouting with a full face: "When we don't know, it is really a big event that shocked the world."

"What's wrong?" Namei looked at a pack of gold and asked in profitability.

"The World Government ... Dear!"

The metamorphosis shorts men shake their heads, but they finished, the atmosphere suddenly quiet.

After three or five seconds, Namei, who is still full of smile, and immediately widened his eyes, unintended: "The World Government is destroyed, dying?"

Shanzhi, Choba, Soon, Uso et al, also stopped the movement of the hand, and it has rely on.

"It's impossible, how can the World Government die?"

"Volume knocked eyebrows, look at it yourself."

"It's really ... the headline of news newspaper, a week ago, the four emperors, the four emperors Big Mom, the original four emperor, and the dream of the Qin Emperor and other multi-party forces jointly, and the Shengdi Marie Joya, one After the war, the five old stars died, and the holy land was erased from the map ... "

After reading this, Mountain Can't help but feel the mouth, "A few four emperors jointly attacked Holy Land !?"

If this newspaper is a big media organization, he can't believe his eyes.

"Four Emperor?" The straw road suddenly turned, curiously said: "What is it?"

"Intercourse? Even this is not known! Let you look at the news." Namei turned over the eyes, said: "The four emperors are the new world, the new world is the second half of the great route, and the four emperors are The new world is like the four hundred thiefs of the emperor. Rumors, any four emperor, have the power of the Navy's part! "

Wen said, the straw road is still misunderstood.

See this, Sauon fools up, "The inhale you know is the four emperor red hair."

This, the straw hat immediately understood, and said: "What? Can XV attacks the World Government?"

"Sure enough, it is fool!"

Namei is a speechless expression.

At this time, the expression of Solaron turned, and the right hand quietly pressed the sword handle.


Wen said, everyone is a boring, and then look at it.

I saw the front of the ship sailing, and about several tens of meters, a huge turtle of a head type was slowly moved.

On the back of the turtle, there is a high chair, the chair is sitting on a quiet woman.

Female is twenty-seven years old, the face is exquisite, she wears a pair of glasses, takes a single horse, sitting there, and looks quietly in the hand in the hand.

_ As if to detect the sight of the straw hat, this woman looked up slightly, then revealed a smile Q ~

A slap, she clonted her book and slowed down.

"I finally found it, straw hat pirate"

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