Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates, Chapter 535

"I just had a letter, and Mare's fleet is not annihilated."

Chapter 0417 Racing Del

[The second ~ Suddenly found, 101 million words ORZ]


"Tharma's fleet has not been annirable!"

I heard Qin Yang's question, Dofang Minggo fakely replied: "The intelligence is just later, just a few minutes."

"Well? The whole army is ignored?"

Qin Yang has a boring, "What is the situation?"

"What is the situation, I don't know." Dofran Mingo shook his head, "We have two undercover in Kahand, and finally, the other party said the 'Tsunami', 'Storm', 'Monster's snoring', then there is no news. "

Donned, he said again: "In that sea area, the storm is very common, even the snow wind will often appear, and the general vessel is hard to save, but Thaedo is four emperors, will not be so easy to finish."

"I know."

Qin Yang nodded, and asked: "What about BIG MOM?"

"I don't know. On the other side, there is no message to convey."

"Is it lost?"

Qin Yang is covered, and the situation of Big Mom is not optimistic.

Two anxiety seems to have no big gains, don't say it is an island, even the point on the map is not found.

"It doesn't matter, I will wait for it."

Thinking of this, Qinyang immediately told: "When the tea is end, you will start to have a long time."


In fact, in fact, Qin Yang can let the big angel fly directly, but even if you find that point, you don't necessarily find the Raul, even if you find the zibedel, you need to log in, and need another method.

In this case, I will launch the big pills of the new world to help him find.

This is also one of the purposes of this tea party. The pirates will make this intend to know the fantasy, they will go, after all, the existence of the big secret treasure is enough to make people crazy.

Immediately, Qinyang returned to the tea party.

The tea party is still ongoing.

The pirates have been tuned for the map, and they are hot, if they are not dreams, they are afraid that they have to turn over the tea party.

And many kings, spread early, avoid this group of madmen.

Some hundred pirates that have already got maps have quietly left, ready to go to the new world's target sea area.

However, this is just a beginning, there are hundreds of pieces of a map, and it is not a thing that cannot be copied. Someone will take the coordinates of Del, share it.

In this way, the map has no need to compete, almost a person, no one knows the position.

In this regard, Qinyang secretly said that he still wants this group of pirates to kill, consume each other, and the right is to watch.

However, no matter what, the purpose of the tea party has reached.

Get the map of the pirates, have left the shampoo island, go to the new world, to explore the situation of the big secret treasure.

And many kings are arranged to the United Nations building, and go to the first United Nations meeting to select 20 members.

The rest of many businessmen, singers, etc. are entertaining by Don Quixote family, and these people want to divide a cup in the new order, of course, will aim at Dofran Minggo's family.


When all people are speaking, there is only a few people.

A high-rise, revolutionary army, a high-rise, a few billion big hundred pirates in the pirates, as well as eagle, emperor, sea, etc. Seven Wuhai.

"Qin Emperor, you alone let us leave, what do you want to say?"

The eyes swept through everyone, and the eagle is the first to prevent silence and opening.

"Hehe, ... Nothing, just want to tell you."

Qinyang sat on the high chair and said with a light smile: "Before today, the world is curious, what is the new order, how will it be established? Now you all know, but now I have to Said, but it is exactly the contrary. "

Speaking here, he suddenly turned, smiles.

"New order? How is this kind of thing doesn't matter, if you have to say, I will wait for order!"

"What?" A few fighterned his eyes, and the heart was not cool.

Of course, it is only uncomfortable. It can only be hidden in your heart, it is not darent.

"Navy, you will continue to maintain your justice. Red dog marshal, your head boss is still a Warring States, he will continue to lead you."

"The revolutionary army, the world you pursue, can only rely on you to build, how to do it, how to do? The United Nations will give you a channel."

"As for the big hundred thiefs, big boaders, big promotion. I advise you, you can hide, Gorr D. Roger opens the big patency era, soon will usher in the end, pull a few partners, grab a big ship You can end in the era of the sea, you can end. "

Qin Yang said calm, and everyone can't hear an angry.

"The last is the seven Wuhai, the seven Wuhai system, from today, it has been a three-generation seven Wuhai, which is a useless organization. Nowadays, today, Wang Xiaqi Wuhai, there is no need to exist."

I heard the words, the eagle, the sea, the goddess of the Emperor held calm, and it was not unexpected to this result.

"I want to say, I have already finished. Do you still ask?"

At the end, Qin Yang said: "If you just ask me, how is the dream? This is not necessary, I will wait for a dream, there is a dream, everywhere, all!"

After hearing this, dozens of people are silent.

No one is open, it seems that there is nothing to ask, it seems to ask, and I can't get the answer.

In the end, the emperor broke the silence.

"What is the assessment of Qin Emperor?"


"I have a dialogue with Hailong, about the assessment of the body added ..."

The emperor whispered.

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