Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the One Piece, Chapter 551

According to his guess, this strange creature is likely to be made by collapse, in order to infer, the soul is likely to be blue dyed.

"Don't turn around. Tell you directly.

Guely guess the minds of the other party, the Demon haha ​​smiled: "I am a dream!"


Pudao helps the face.

This color change is not because of the words of dreams, but because "I will wait" this!

Occurred, Pudao helped the wall behind Poshen.

With his movement, under the ground of the living room, a dark ghost suddenly stretched. Out, a whole, the whole house is shocked.

At the same time, the cold demon wind is raging, and the people are blown cold.

And in the explosion, a handsome man stepped out.

"I will wait for dreams, you should know my name, I am a big monster in Japan ... Zum boy!"

Chapter 17, Chapter 17, Dabai Qingming

"I will wait, it is a dream! My name, you should know, the big monster in Japan ... Zum boy!"

In the explosion, the Tummu boy stepped out, and the eyes were locked in Pudao, the two people helped the two.

"Zumi boy?" Holding Tiezhai widened his eyes and said: "The store manager, he said that he is a Zum boy !?"

Japan's monster, but in which "river", "", "Nine-tailed fox jade algae", "big day dog", "snow women", "all kinds" and so on.

Of course, Zumi boy is also one of them!

Of course, I can't know it.

Because I know, I feel incredible.

Because of the dead system, it is established more than two thousand years ago, and the monster legend, it is only the legend after the birth system is born.

"Monster ... How can I presence?" The Tummy boy smiled and said: "I saw this sentence from your expression. Unfortunately, the monster is existing! When you die with the wrong fight, I will wait for the monsters. Existent, watching you quietly. "

"How can it be!?"

Pleura hung can't hurt his head, apparently difficult to accept this impact message.

"Can you believe it?" The Tummy boy smiled: "Are you not a long study? It is better to try to grab me, try the study, and you will naturally understand."

Of course, this kind of words are just taunt.

However, it is really effective.

Pleura helped silence, he raised his hand on his hat, halfway :: "You have just started, I have been inappropriate to provoke me, trying to make me with you. What is the purpose?"

"Who knows it."

"However, you are right, since sending your door, I have become a strong interest."

Between the words, Pudao His help, when the hand has a straight knife.

"This shop is my minggen, it is better to change it. Go, Tiezhai!"

Said, he turned and ran.

See this, the Tmmum boy and the fairyman immediately chased it.

The four people rushed out of the living room, came to the storage room, and only the floor of the storage room was opened, and the four men jumped in.

After dozens of meters fall in the fall, it suddenly turned over.

In the underground space of the Pubao store, it is a huge underground space. I am afraid that there is a football field so big, and the top is the human sky, lifelike.

Looking at the Tummu boy and the fusement, I followed it, and Pubao hi can't help but say: "You seem to be familiar with it here? I will follow it with confidence."

If you say that the art is bold, it also said, but Po Zhenhua always felt a bit violation.

It seems that the other party knows very much about himself.

Wen Yan, Zumi boy dismissed, "I said, our monster, always look at you God."

"It turns out that the so-called dream is the monster organization? The same next to the monster is also a monster?"

Pleura hit nodded, probably outlined a mysterious background.

Dream, a group of monsters gathered my mystery, and today, two monsters, find the door, and the purpose is unknown, it seems to have a good time to death.

Of course, this is only inferred, the possibility is less than 30%, how is it, and has to wait for him to seize the two people in front of him, and then confirm it.

"Talented nonsense, I am not interested to accompany you to chat!"

Cold snoring, Zum boy, a claw, "Hell's hand!"

The demon raging, it seems to be spread throughout the underground space.

Pudao helped his head, only see the top of the head, a dark force agglomerated, extends. A ghost, suddenly grabbed it.

"Wicker, Hong Ji!"

When the voice of Pu Zahai, the voice came out, and the chop of the knife in his hand, suddenly made a show of hoof, next, one waved, swelled, turned into a blood red, slamming, slamming.

Catch with Hell's hand, the two power exploded immediately.


In this underground space, it is full of yellow soil, picking up the nose.

At this time, the Tummu boy is rapidly close, his right hand bent to claw, palm black flame bear Bear burning.

" !"

On the five meters of the front of the to Pleura Hall, the Zum boy slammed the flame.

The fire is hit by the impact, and it is instantly in front of the boot of Pushon.

"Strange ability ... is not spiritual! Is it a monster?"

In a critical moment, Pudao Helping is very calmly analyzed by the power of the Tummu boy, and looks at the flame to swallow him. In the moment of one second, he raised the blade in his hand before Xiong.

"Blood Xia Shield!"

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