Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates, Chapter 554

The sound is very harsh, full of tyrannical and killing.


Qin Yang picked his eyebrows, the figure was moving, and quickly moved in the direction of the sound.

This is the blanking of the virtual hair, does not have a pixel, can't hear.

Normally, when he heard the emotion, the dead god stationed in the empty seat, it will act quickly and will be deprived.

However, the dead wood Lucia has been dizzy by Qinyang, and now I am still lying on the river, naturally no one goes clear.

Therefore, Qinyang is completely urgent.

After about a quarter of an hour, Qinyang came to the target position.

This is a secluded street near the college, there is a bar, the nightclub existence, Qin Yang arrived, I can see it, lying on the roadside, a middle-aged man.

The men's head is broken, and there is no signs of life, and the soul disappears, it is obviously being swallowed.

"Is it slightly late?" Qin Yang shake his head, "It doesn't matter, the low-level virtual this kind of thing is not a brain, as long as it adds 1 bait, it will be introduced immediately."

So said, Qinyang is a breath of a soul.

Next, a virtual scream immediately sounded.

After Qin Yang, a black gap appeared in space, and then drilled out a monster of a high ten meters.

The monster is standing, it is dark, and Xiong has an empty hole in front of Xiong, and the face is bone mask, like a horse.


After now, this is immediately turned to Qin Yang.

"Sure enough, the beast is standard, no, the beast is not as good, the beast also knows the danger."

Qin Yang slowly stretched out. The left palm, the emptiness of the emblem is empty.

At the same time, his eyes flashed, suddenly, the palm of the occasion, as if there was an intangible power, suppressing the body of this virtual.


In the next second, this fly is a flies, and it is frightened to the ground. "~,"

"Mirror door!"

.. ........

This is the high-end juncture in the bordered, which can rebound the external attack, but it is very easy to damage the internal damage, mainly can be isolated.

"I really want to get strength? You can devour the soul of human beings, just fill in the level of the stomach, I can give you a powerful power."

Standing in front of the virtual, Qinyang face calmly opened, "Do you understand it? The mind is good, it seems to be broken."

Thinking of this, Qin Yang put his hand before Xiong, suddenly, blue light flashes, a treasure jade containing infinite power, slowly appeared.


Qin Yang has a collapse, integrating his will, and transforms the soul of the imaginary in front of him with the help of collapse.


I only listened to the sound of the bones, and I was knocked down the low-class virtual, the fake of the fashion on the face, and positively cracked the gap.

At the same time, a few times a lot of ponders before, suddenly spilling from it.

Fortunately, Qin Yang has prepared, put the mirror door to the first step, otherwise it will be performed by the rest of the empty seat.

In the empty seat, in addition to the two of the death and Pu Zhen, there is another power, and it is a strong death, but it has got the power of the virtual strength, known as the "Black Legion".

Qin Yang is temporarily not interested in working with this group.

The process of breaking the process lasted for about three minutes, this low-grade nailed mask finally broke half, only one of the tops left.

The monster shape has also returned to human appearance, at least seems to be human.

At the same time, behind it, there is still a knife.

"Thank you for your strength!"

This horse's face is excited, first Qin Yang Xing, "the previous officer ..."

"My name is blue dye." Qin Yang interrupts the other party's sustained sin and said: "You open the black cavity, I want to go to the virtual ring."


The horse face did not dare to ask more, and immediately settled, and torn space.

I saw a secret street, there was a black hole, and it was a different feeling of reality from it. It was the taste of the spirit.


Qin Yang nodded, immediately stepped into the black chamber, just got out of three steps, look back, look to the horse face, said: "Young break, you don't have to follow me, now the emoticon-cho is already I am dizzy, you can do it. "

After that, he walked into the black cavity.

With his departure, the black cavity is like a monster's mouth BA, and it is closely closed.

"Ha ha ha ... Is this the feeling of strength?"

When Qin Yang went, the horse face suddenly laughed, "Blue dyed adults? Hey, the district is dead, wait for me to swallow enough souls, go to rule the virtual ring!"

Said, he punched the mirror door.

Next, a blocked pond, fierce shocks.

In an instant, there are many powerful existence of empty seats, and they feel this atmosphere.

In an abandoned factory, on the shabby treadmill, a man wearing a boxing set fiercely stopped.

On the side of the sofa, the girl who looked at the little yellow book was also flashing.

A big fat man practicing the ghost, looking up, looking to the direction of the school, his line of sight, highlighting the physical distance, seeing a newborn break.

"Pingzi, this is!?" The blonde handsome guy who wash the dishes shocked: "That is similar to our similarity ..."

And a man known as a picnic, standing next to the two layers of the factory, looking over the sky over the sky.

"Mature breakfast ... blue dye!"

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