Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the One Piece 556

And the old two is the king of the virtual circle, known as Bai Legama, just many years ago, the blue dye was defeated, surrender, and then let the virtual night palace, was classified into the new organization.

Old San Hellbel is the only woman, saved by blue dye, so it is grateful to it.

Old Siulchiola, this is a very interesting person, in the ten-blade, the war is extremely good.

Old five, not worth mentioning.

Old six, not worth mentioning.

Qin Yang silently observed, and finally got a conclusion.

These breaks, in addition to the old one and the old four, the remaining people have not reached an absolute stability, obviously blue staining uses their own collapse.

In this world, there are two pieces of collapse, one piece is blue, and the other is Pogenica.

The two people 's collapse failure, after integration, it is the real collapse.

However, mature collapse, Qinyang has a hand, it can be said that this piece in his hand is the most powerful collapse.

After aware of this, Qinyang considers that it is also a batch of ten blade itself, runs for him, this kind of thing can be done, but manufacturing breaks, it is very powerful, otherwise, it will succeed, That is, the level of the previous horse face is far from these ten blade.

"You can also dig the wall from these people ..."

Qinyang wanted a moment, secretly shook his head, "said this later. Magic, scan!"

"Scan ... The scan is over ... I found mystery! However, a little problem."

"Well?" Qin Yang, "What is the problem?"

"The power of these breaks is too miscellaneous, absorbing it." Fantasy Gene: "With it, it is better to hunt to hunt, it is pure, and the power is much purified. "

I heard the words, Qin Yang sinked a moment, said: "It turns out. The virtual power passes through the collapse, but it can be absorbed, it is obeyed."

Simple point, not pure enough.

Fantasy Gene: "According to the spirit of these people in front of these people, it is a big estimate, about 100 ethics, and will get a mysterious force after purification."


Qin Yang was shocked.

It is not surprised to be too big, but it is too small.

There is a big virtual Sen in the virtual ring, and the big fumes are tens of thousands.


Qin Yang's eyes flashed, immediately on several ten blade of the seat, said: "This time, let's explain your task."

"Blue dyed adults, what tasks are it?" Urchiola asked.

"Hunting emperor!"


At the same time, in another world of reality, the virtual ring, the corpse world.

In the corpse soul, there is a huge greement, including the thirteen team of the guard, the so-called team leader, is the captain of the thirteen team.

At this moment, in the center of the central 46th room, a team leader, is launched.

He killed all 46 officials in short moments.

At this moment, stand in the conference room, this team leader, face the flat smile, and weigh the body of the body.

"It's awesome, the blue dyele leader, in an instant, the battle is over."

At the entrance of the conference room, a silver-haired man leaned against the door, squinted, laughing like a strike snake.

"The soldiers are expensive. Silver, you must know more about the military law."

The blue dye is as usual, saying faintly: "Next, it will be done according to the plan. So, first inform the virtual night palace ..."

Chapter 0433


Virtual night palace, tea party.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Hunting ~ kill the defense!"

"Hunting ease?"

Six ten blades Qi Qi, have doubtful.

"Blue dyed adults, is this necessary?" Huri Bell said: "It is ignorant, please ask the blue dyeing."

"Don't know why, you can do it if you don't have to know why."

Qin Yang was too lazy to explain, although she built an excuse to be easy, but he now the absolute hegemony of the villain, there is no need to explain too much.

"First, two, three, five, six rips, you are five, go to the ethics, and each person arrested one hundred big virtual back."

Qin Yang commanded a sentence, then he got up to see the forty-blade, "Ulchiola, you come with me."

"Yes, the blue dyes!"

Six people attached Qi, and no one dared to be dissatisfied.

Five ten blade to complete the task of Qin Yang, and Urchiola followed Qin Yang, came to a communication room.

Virtual night palace is very large, except for some ten blades, and its affiliates, there are cultivation, fighting places, laboratories, communications room, detailed rooms, etc.

With Qin Yang came to the communications room, Urchio was asked whisper: "Blue dyed adults."

"I will see you alone, you think, what do I say?"

Qinyang looked at the communication room, huge screen, loudly: "Ulciola, play your imagination and wisdom, guess, think."

I heard the words, Ulciola is silent, "I don't know. Everything is doing everything, I must have deep meaning, I can't see it."

"Hehe ..."

Qin Yang can't help but laugh, "I told you directly, I am not blue dye!"

If you hear him, Urciola can't help but go.

He guess what the Qinyang will say, but it will absolutely not say this.

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