Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates, Chapter 585

"What ?!" The repair of Duo Luo pill was slightly shocked, and the heart was dark: "Is this a big demon?"

Her silver needle, its flight speed, far supermon speed, however, if so, the other party can clamp the finger, simply incredible.

Avoid, bounce, it can be understood, but what is the difference between the fingers, and the flies outside the cannon?

"Hehe ..."

Xue Sheng generously kneaded, the silver needle is temporary, "repairing the Duo Yuli, the holy is your opponent, I want to try the Qin Emperor, you are still a thousand years old."

In the speech, he stretched out the right palm, "the snow!"


In an instant, the wind is whistling, and hundreds of millions of six flower crystals, under the raging of wind, and kill the Duo Luo.

See this, repairing Duo gave up the dealing with Qin Yang, and immediately suddenly sleeve, and his body has a rapid retreat.

For the ability of Snow Sheng, she learned from the information that nature will not be trapped by the other's wind and snow.

"It's very cautious, but you can't escape."

Footsteps, Xue Sheng asked the past.

At the same time, Qin Yang has a green tea, and laughs and stroked the head of the black cat.

In this regard, the black cat is depressed, she is previously a new pet, and now it has become the pet of Qin, which is simply tragic.

The key is that the powerful difference with Xue Sheng can feel, Qin Di is simply unspeakable.

So thinking, Qinyang's voice suddenly sounded.

"Si Fengyuan Night First, you are really special."

When I heard this moment, the pupil of the black cat suddenly contacted, the whole piece of Jiao 1, fell into a stylus.

After a while, she only opened, but this time, it is a woman's voice.

"... When did you find it?"

"Hehe ..."

Qin Yang smiled and said: "When? Interesting questions, when did you happen, I don't know this illusion?"

I heard the words, the four maple garden and the night, only the black cat form, could not see it.

"Of course, I know, from the beginning!"

Chapter 0455, you can't help me this master.

"Of course, I know that from the beginning, I will be clear!"

Qin Yang gently pulse the black cat, obviously, the other party is tense, the body has been stretched, and it will escape at any time.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do it for you."

After listening to this, the black cat did not relax, and it was still very vigilant: "How do you find it? Under this posture, my spiritual pressure is self-seal, in addition to talking this, there is no difference with the real cat. "

The light is talking black cat, it is already bizadant.

Qin Yang is in the heart of the belly, and laughs: "I said, don't be nervous, if I want to shoot you, you have long died, I don't know how many times."

I heard the words, black cats, no, four maple governments have to admit that the other party can do.

After a few days, the other party had countless opportunities to kill themselves, but they did not do it. Don't say that it is her, even Azhi's love, these prisoners are not killed, but in the other party's arrangement, it is trained. Not small upgrade.

Thinking here, the four maple gnowa jumped to the table from Qinyang Huai, and then turned to Qin Yang.

"Since you are broken, then I will not be disguised."

In the speech, from her four claws, it exudes a thick fog, and the fog is surrounded. The black cat is also standing from the four seas, gradually become two upright, the bone knot 330 transformation, black hair fading, cat face Change into a face ...

The conversion of this form is extremely fast, just a few seconds before and after, the black cat has become a naked 1 body, brown skin.

"I haven't changed back to the human form for a long time, but I am not used to it."

The four maple garden night one-handed sheets, I just want to appreciate the expression of Qin Yang, but I see the opponent's interested staring at myself.

"Aunt and praise you, good body." Qin Yang drunk tea, said: "However, if there is no strategy, please wear clothes."

Said, he waved with hand, and there was a set of snow whitening women's clothing.

I heard the words, the four maple governments sighed, said: "I can't think of the dream leader and carry a woman clothes."

I heard this, Qin Yang smiled, "The mortal wisdom. You don't have to try me, tell it directly, this is the ability to make the object, you can proceed to the reality. You can understand 'There is no life,'! "

There is no born!

The four maple cars in the heart of the night, and if the other party didn't lie, it is really a good power.

"I want to change clothes, can you please turn a little?"

Think of this, the four maple garden meets.

Qin Yang stared at the other party, he took a smile after half of it, "Please."

"Thank you ..."

At the same time, the four maple gaps = one leap, fleeing in the church.

See this, Qinyang figure is moving, changing in the same place. @

A broken window on the second floor of the cathedral, the Si Fengyuan night has just rushed out, and he saw a man in a snow-white clothing and standing on the hand.

"What!?" She widened his eyes and said unbelievable: "When!"

"You suddenly changed from the shape of the cat, it was because, the cat form was inconvenient to escape."

Qin Yang has a mouthful of mouth and shakes: "You deliberately give me naked 1 body, I want me to distinguish, but you think more, if you can be confused, I am dead."

After a sudden, I laughed: "The last helpless, you use the excuse to change clothes, let me turn around, trying to take the opportunity to escape."

Wen said, four maple cars nightmare.

The other's movements are too fast. When I first beyond her in front, she did not see the other's mobile trajectory.

That is not a moment, but a more high moving way!

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