Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates Chapter 600

Therefore, the captain of the 13th team of the Tria team need to inform you to in the early hours of the night.

Of course, there is no result, everyone is not present.

In the end, the suspicion has become a "dream big demon".

There is only a dreamy monster, this strength is, and it is hostile relationship.

What's more, this side will save the death of the captive, and the other party also has reason to launch a retaliation.

However, in this riot, after the captain meeting, it is inexplicably disappeared in the blue bodies of the integrated ambulance clinic.

This time, completely eluate the suspicion of internal battle, all the eyes, all the dreams.

When the Knight King heard the news, it would not be a bit surprised.

"It is a blue dye, the counseling, let the body disappeared this show, three things in one shot ..."

First, prevent the people of the zero team from exploring the body and identify the trick of the mirror.

Second, deduct the scorpion to a fantastic head.

Third, make a bigger chaos, let everyone think that the enemy is still in the spiritual court.

From the results, this is very successful.

The next week, the entire Tongling Ting is in a state of martial law, and searches for the murderer and the body hiding from the Lingling Ting, one is alert to the sudden invasion of dreams.

However, in the past, there was no happening, no one found the body, and did not find suspicious people, so as the murderer did not exist.

Until the eighth day, only three days left in the end of the death of the deadmark, only three days left.

The Jingli Ting, the sky, the sky, the sky, the sky, suddenly appeared.

Opened the door of the sky, smashing a golden stream, slammed into the West Gate direction.

This scene, suddenly let the thirteen team of the nerve tightened.

Almost in the moment of the door of the sky, a police report was pulled.

"Western Soul Street Direction, I found high concentrations of spiritual pressure!"

"Doubt is intruder, is a dream!"

"Immediately inform the head leader!"

At the technical development bureau's spiritual wave measurement research, a decision-making of the first time report was adopted for the detection reaction.

At the same time, the Knight King is located in the team of Tentong, in the captain's office, looking up to the direction of the West.

"come yet?"

The day Google Winter Lang got up, went to the window, and the face was looked at the same direction.

"Go with me! Can't leave my sight!"

Said, he fiercely flew out from the window and rushed toward the West Gate.

See this, the Knights shook his head slightly, and stepped up.

According to the original plot, Kurosaki protects this invasion, will encounter the city of Military Wait in Ximen, and then defended back by the city's pills, let go.

But now it is different. They just invaded, the corpse is thinking is a dream, and several captains have rushed over a moment.

"Interesting, there are three days, I can't wait to rush, is it cultivated?"

The Knights of Knights wanted.

If so, then you can absorb, Azijing, the corner, the corner of Kurosaki, plus a number of teams, and the double-siki, this time, this time will be upgraded to five-star. By the way, open a new transformation.

Holding this idea, the Knight King quickly followed the body of the day Facial Valley.

Ten minutes later, the two first arrived at West Gate.

At this time, the Ximen, the West Gate, is slowly opened. The guard is a burly old man with a height, and the shoulder guard is slowly raised.

Opposite to the door, it is Heyaki.

Of course, in addition to Kurosaki, there are several unfamiliar faces.

One is a strong, brown skin, a boys who have curled brown short hair, height 190 or more, name is a tea Tab.

One is a classic dress that wears "destroying the master", leaving a short-term short hair, a noodles and cold boys, its name is Shi Tian Yulong.

There is also a person who is a famous girl, the chest, orange hair, is called well, standing in the last position, holding a black cat in his arms.

The West Gate opened to half. The door guards perceived the breath behind him. He slowly looked up, see the moment of the day, and his face suddenly pale.

"Ten, the team leader!"

"What are you doing !?" The day Facial Valley Winter Lisho is angry, "Do you want to put it in?"

While talking, he finally see the appearance of intruders.

"You ... Death?" He saw the Kurosaki, obviously wearing dead bails, can't help.

And Kurosaki, etc., heard the words "Ten Captain", and suddenly changed.

Before you come, Pubao helps a few warned a few times, once you meet the team's long, hurry.

However, I haven't waited for them to take action, I saw a flower in front of my eyes, and a blonde Junyi man suddenly came out of the gate.

"The Dafu Captain, it seems not a dream big demon?" The Knight King said: "White is nervous."


The day Google Winter Slow is cold, "I met me, it is not good! Will be invading this time, you will have to contact your dreams!"

On one side, he slowly took out the knife.

" · !!"

Chapter 0467, see my king!

[First more ~ ​​About the cover, the death of the dead, I thought about it, I will try again, so I will change it back.


" · !"

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