Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Write Eye Legend Chapter 107

The four shadow balls undoubtedly hit the ghosts who did not dodge. They were hung by the shadow crochet claws, and four powerful shadows, mourning, lost their fighting power .


This sound rang as the ghost fell, but Dakulei fell to the ground, his eyes were not god, and it lost its combat power.

The two eyes of the seven-night, the pupils were slightly contracted, and they were a little surprised. Then the eyes were turned, and the tone was very affirmative: "Is the same life?" In the trick of the ghost, it is possible to hold a second. Dacurai, who is mostly blood, only the tricks of the same life.

"Hey!" The chrysanthemum snorted and did not deny that today's battle was a shameful for her. It was easier to pick up four things, although now defeated Dakulai, but Still using the same life, fight for life, but she seems to have forgotten, the uncle of Heba is seven nights to pick up six.

Seven Night speechless, he and the old man are really no way to communicate, especially those who are old and stubborn in their heads, seven nights are more annoying, if they are strong, they have been strong, they have been respected by seven nights, they will take advantage of the old age. The look, according to the seven-night stinky, no matter whether the other person is not an old man, absolutely fat!

However, the chrysanthemum is really enough. At this age, there is a determination of this kind of death, let the ghost use the same life and Dakulai. In general, young people dare to fight, in the power of opponents, the easiest impulse is the same.

However, this kind of rushing will increase with his age, and weaken the experience, in general, people who have been in the old age are determined by this life fight, and the chrysanthemum now has this determination. It is really unimaginable. When you are young, you are getting crazy.

Chrysanthemum has gripped his fifth elves, biting his teeth, although she didn't recognize it, but the subconscious recognized that she was not an opponent, she spent four essants to defeat a Dakule Yi, and seven nights and Diarua and Paruchia did not take it, and there is still a top card that has not been taken in seven nights. No matter how it is, the chrysanthemum is not worthless.

The fifth elf taken out is a dream demon, while the elf takes out the battle in Seven Nights is Paruchia.

"Paruchia, use wave missiles!"

Paruchia once again issued a hit absorbed missile.

"Dream, shadow ball!"

Dreams quickly condensed a purple black shadow ball, flew to the wave missile.


Two energy balls have exploded in the air, there is a thick smoke, and the next moment, the smoke is broken, and Paruchia rushed over, and the powerful million tons of boxing in the dream demon. .

Dreams didn't have a big thin body in Paruchia, and I was bombed out, like a meteor, and set off the black dust on the ground.

Next moment, the dream of the dream rushed from the dust, and the two big eyes sent a special color light, attacked Paridge.

The Paruchia's offensive was slightly blocked slightly in the illusion of dream demon, but immediately, Paruchia waved, the huge power was scattered with the dream of dreams.

"Paruchia, use power to gems!"

"Dream, strength of the strength."

Dreams and Paruchia also makes strength gems, but Purizia's power is obviously much more than dreams, and the strength of the strength of the gems is also more intensive and powerful, although Paruchia strength gem has Some were offset by the dream of dreams, but there were still many continued to fly to the dream.

Seven Night attacks, more powerful, shout: "Paruchia! Super large destruction of death !!"

All the power of Paruchia gathered into the mouth, quickly condensed a high concentration energy ball so far more than one meter. The golden energy ball exudes the hot high temperature like the sun, because the excessive compression of energy, in the surface of the energy ball, there is a black lightning flow.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

A very huge light column is issued from the Paruchiakou. The general lady is destroyed, the thickness of the light column is similar, but the super-large destruction of Paruchia is a small. Dog and elephant gap.

Under the huge light column, the huge energy completely presses the dream of dreams, so that he can't break, golden light column, swallow the dream of dreams.

Chapter 154 - The Battle of the King (End)

Super huge energy waves swallow the dream of the dream, this super large destruction of the power of the dead, in addition to the incoming space rules, other energy, destructive power is not harder than the Parzia's big trim.

The endless red heat energy is constantly impacting the ground, forming a semi-circular energy ball on the ground, then the energy ball surface is shocked, the energy ball suddenly begins to shrink, the energy is quickly compressed, straight down to only one Table tennis size light ball is stopped.

The energy ball is slowly rotated, it looks extremely slow, but it has already reached a limit speed, slow, that is only the illusion of the naked eye.

boom! ! !

The energy ball once again exploded, and the huge light column rushed to the sky, once again swallowed the little poor body, a light column straight, torn the clouds in the sky.


After the light column rushed into the sky, once again, a huge mushroom cloud was formed. The huge power spread, and the square was rounded, all the clouds were easily torn, and countless ginseng trees were pushed down by this energy wave, but The strange thing is that the audience in the stadium, and there is no influence of the chrysanthemum.

This is of course a masterpiece of the seven nights. He used the space shroud to protect the chrysanthemum and all the audience when he shot in Paruchia. Although he can easily resurrect alone, but it is also troublesome.

Chrysanthemum recovered a dream, and his face was already in a lot. At this time, it was like a kind old man looked at his own grandson, but it was not reacted for seven nights.

It's unexpectedly for seven nights, the chrysanthemum did not take out his last elf and the last game for seven nights, but he hit his own hand and shouted: "I accept!"

After finishing, chrysanthemums are not very surprised by all the audience, and they will also walk out of the stadium.

I looked at the synonymous figure on the day of seven nights. I didn't know why, I suddenly sighed.

Originally, although the chrysanthemum is a 50-year-old man, it is difficult to listen, people have lived in a lifetime, and one is going into the coffin. However, no one dares to distinguish the chrysanthemum, even It is the alliance champion in all regions, and I have to admire the oldest King of the Alliance.

Chrysanthemum is stubborn and proud, although not like the previous Jiade Riya, it will run away, but for the chrysanthemum, every failure is a great shame.

Today, the chrysanthemum is really defeated, and it is completely lost in a ten-year-old little ghost. This failure is just like the end of an era, whether it is for chrysanthemums, or Her support is a huge blow.

I scratched my hair in seven nights. The trouble is not what he is willing. Seven nights is a very selfish person. In addition to ourselves and their own women, I have never willing to the outside.


That night, there is no love with the girls in seven nights, but sitting in a senior Western restaurant, playing red wine glasses, smiling, looking at this beautiful woman in front of it.

After the end of the competition, the Koi invited to meet the dinner for seven nights. Seven Nights will certainly not let go of the opportunity of Konga, which is pleased.

Koa took a drink, gently touched the cups in the seven-night hands, said: "Congratulations, I won a game, now there is only one left." It is a touch of moving in the flat. " Rejoice.

Seven nights smiled slightly, taking your best, put the rest of the red wine in the cup, smiled: "Don't know if there is any reward?"

The Bo took the upper body to explore the upper body, with her movements, the neckline slightly low, and the snow-white sacred sacred peaks were exposed to the eyes of seven nights.

In today's dinner today, Cherish is also deliberately dressed, a black evening dress, lining the temperament of Koai, no mysterious, no glasses, but wearing a contact lens, after the glasses, the department Take another style except for knowledge - charming.

Koa is definitely a beautiful beauty, but because of her strength and identity, the countless men can only look up, this world, only seven nights this shameless, the heart and powerful man dare to treat the department.

Koa took the red lips into the seven nights of the ear, and Ruand said: "You ... what rewards?"

The feeling of damp heat in the ear is allowed to shake the seven nights, and the face is slightly red, it is simply a small andiental Taoyou who is playing by the Royal Sister.

Koa looked at the seven nights slight red handsome face, and the eyes were glanced in the eye, reach a hand, pinched the seven-night chin, and kissed the little lips on the seven nights.

by! Laozi has been kissed! There is only this idea in the past seven-night mind.

The tongue of Koa is very soft, very slippery, very sweet, these days, although, although the seven nights and Kaina did not have any substantive relationship, the hot kiss and hug were already normal.

Every Kaeta and seven nights are all fascinating, but the spirit of Koa is too tough. Although the eyes are full of love * desires, but in the depths of the eyes, they still have to be as calm.

If you want to get the body of Koa, you can always feel like you are in seven nights, but he is very happy to enjoy the fun of this men and women, the same, the two tacitally keep this friend, lovers The following wonderful relationship.

Passive tolerance is not the style of the seven nights, although it is kissed by Kazao, but it is just the kung fu for a while. After the reaction, I started a coming strike in seven nights, using my tongue to take the sweet clove to Tackle In the oral cavity, then suck the Kuaixiang.

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