Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Writes Legend Chapter 601

"Suicide, the waitress is my mother, my father died, after the death, relatives pushed each other and refused to pay me, this should be more helpful to Sumang teacher, otherwise I may starve to death in the street. ... I can have today, can become a rock singer, and the help of Mr. Suffang! "Said that Bluechuan Winter is glad to see a Su Fang, but the heart is a slow, said:" Moreover In Promotion, there are a lot of people who have lost their families due to traffic accidents, not only me, the teacher has been trying to help those affiliates of traffic accidents. "

"I am very touched, I will try my best in the charity in next week!" Song Pingwang waved his arm, said excited, it is really a stupid.

"I am also ..." The Tong has a little bit of a low look at his wedding rings. "" 20 years ago, my wife is also died in traffic accidents, I can participate in the charity fundraising of Soviet, the wife of heaven It's happy for me. "


After eating dinner, everyone came to the fake, in addition to displaying countless fans, there are many entertainment facilities, such as billiards table, table tennis table, and chess, of course, if you want to play poker The words are also possible.

Bluechuan Xingya, Skitong Ji Ji and Song Ping, three people are playing billiards, seven nights are not interested to accompany three big men to play billiards, but sitting aside, accompanying chess.

"General." Xiao mournfully held his hand, and he would not be given to seven nights at all.

"Hey, mourning sauce." The seven nights looked helplessly looked at little mourning, no need to be so embarrassed.

"Hey!" Xiao Miss is very proudly snorted, and then drunk freshly squeezed orange juice.

I shrugged the shoulders for seven nights. I clearly took a little mourning. I said that the maid said: "Miss Sui Niki, can you please take a bottle of wine?"

"Yes, Mr. Liu, what kind of wine you want to drink?"

"Xueli is good, is there Russian Snowli?"

"Some, please wait a moment."

Xiao watched the seven nights, said: "How do you drink snow today?" The seven night taste is naturally clear, although it is said that it is not refused, if you want to eat, what you can eat for seven nights, even if you give His one ton of U-235 can also be swallowed, but the seven nights of his own taste, or like to drink spirits, drink Russia's sweet wine is really uncommon.

"Because this is my favorite Xue Li." I smiled in the seven nights, and I looked at the little mourning.

Little sorrowful face is red, I am a bite, although I know that this guy is crabbing, but no longer ask him.

On the other side, the mysterious diviner is still in front of a table, and the table is placed on the table, and she looks at the results of myself, and she has always frowned. I don't know what I dresses.

Time is 12 o'clock in midnight ...

"Dear, the pointer is fast to 12 o'clock." "According to the rules, the fake residence is to lock the door." After the lock door, the east side and the west side could not go through "" So please stay in the lock door. " Before returning to your own room. "Next, Sui Niomei and the next, the sister said one person, really, twin is trouble, a paragraph has two people to turn.

"Is there any reason for locks on 12 points?"

"Xiao Bru's furniture likes the prank, I will come out to play around at 12 o'clock." Xiaike Su Namei smiled.

"There is therefore to lock them in the room."

"How can there be such a thing?"

"It's true, after the dawn, the fake leaves oblique." Mei Nai Huan.

"Or falling on the ground, have happened many times." Sui Nimei said, how do you distinguish between them ...

"So, everyone, please return to your own room." * 2

The bells of the midnight were ringing, and the sealed furniture, Shaw Brun's vacation smiles ...


Rooms on the second floor of the east ...

After the seven nights and little mourning, they were squatting, they were preparing to sleep, suddenly a phone voice woke up, the internal line of the room rang.

I opened the handshake for seven nights, a strange laughter sounded from the phone.

"I am the messenger of curses, the curse is eager for blood, who will sacrifice tonight?"

"Sacrifice your old mother !!" The seven nights gave a lot to the phone, "Dare to bother God to sleep! Laozi wants to dig your pig brain and blow up the night !!!"

Little mourning, there is also the murderer on the phone instantly ...

Seven nights and little mourning can only get up, put on clothes, come to the face of the fake, I want to make a punch for the door, I'm suddenly a flash in the eyes, and I don't speak. Suddenly scream: "Little mourning! You go to find Sui Ni Mei to take the key!"

After saying, Xiao mourning is still in the same place, but he didn't say it again, but I didn't know that I took out a Swiss army knife on my body, put the knife into the keyhole, dial a few times, easily The door is opened.

"The action is really skilled, I am afraid that there is nothing to do less." Xiao said.

"Yes, it's right, even if I am in the White House." I laughed on the seven nights, and I walked together with Xiao Wei.

"Shaw Brun's fans ..." Xiao Wei frowned, because it was originally placed on the cabinet, all of Shaw Brun's flavor, at this time.


At this time, there was a sudden sound on the ceiling, just like a lot of things suddenly dropped in the same sound.

"What happened, what happened?" At this time, I also slept in the east side of the suite, I walked over, looked at the empty holiday, I couldn't help but hop, "What is going on, Shaw Brun What is the spending?! "

"Hey ... You are very noisy, now it is very late ..." The blue-chuan Winter, the blue-chuan winter is hue, and it is not true after seeing the situation of the fake, "Shaw Brun France ... actually disappeared ?! "

"I went to call my sister Mei Nai," Sui Nimei immediately said, then I will use the internal call to call my sister.

"No!" Seven Night Shen Sheng, went to the front door to the west side, a punch, directly, the lock is shredded, the door is also easy to open.

"What's wrong, Mr. Lu?" Everyone woked out of the room from the seven-night violence, walked out from the room, and asked for seven nights.

"Miss Sufang may have an accident!" Immediately said on the night, then rushed directly to the three floors and came to the door of Soviet red.

"Rely! Lock!" I once again in seven nights. This group of people like to lock the door so much. If there is no such habit to seven nights, maybe there is any unexpected harvest.


Seven Nights a gun Direct violently opened the door, a punch made a few pieces, except for the people outside the little mourning.

In the seven night, I went into the room, I saw it, I was lying in the bed, I was blood, and there was a mask of Shaw Bru, like a lot of life in Suifeng.

Chapter 594 - Clears of Cursing Facilities! (Finish)

Twenty minutes later, the eyes took the brigade and arrived at the fart.

"Seven Nights, how is the situation?"

Seven nights stretched the body, said: "The deceased is the owner of this luxury home, is also a chairman of a charity company, Soviet red, I received an internal phone in the room at night, saying is a 'curse I am eager to have blood, and I have rushed to the spending, and I found that the fossil that originally placed there was not all. "

"Cursed furniture, what is it?" The eyes looked confused seven nights.

Seven Nights refers to the false scenes of the scattered, said: "It is to scattered these Shaw Brun's fans in the scene. Legend of the masters of these flescers will suffer, it is a false scene of the curse."

The eyes are obvious, he doesn't believe in the seven nights, but not believe in the curse, after all, in this era of scientific civilization, although the people are not in a small number, but the people who believe in science are incomparable. huge.

"Right, there is this." I gave the eye to the past. "

"The messenger of curse ... Why don't you inform us early?"

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