Pokemon: The Legend of Wreck Eye

Pet Elf Write Eye Legend Chapter 603

"Do you really think that I will have no evidence?" Seven nights and smiled coldly, said: "Mr. Winter, I remember that when you have a transcript with the eye, I said that you heard the little sorrow. , Right, "

"Yeah, how is it ?!"

"Miss Su Nai, may I ask you to get the key?"

"No, isn't I have already opened it?"

"Now you understand, Mr. Winter, you didn't see it, because you were still in this room, prepared to cut off rubber band, and I did called Xiao Musi to find the key, But I am sorry, I am a bit of anxious, so I will open the door when I haven't going to find Sui Nimei. "

"It's evil! Will be a little bit ... Will be such a little leak!" Bluechuan Winter is squatting on the ground, unwilling to use his fist with his fist.

"Winter, the teacher takes care of you ... you actually ..."

"You shut up !!" Bluechuan Winter is rushing on rice and behalf: "Indeed, I have always used her as a benefactor, but until two months ago, when I finished my mother's reincarnation , I know that all the truths, 20 years ago, the car accident is a wife who killed Mr Tong, and then gave my mother, and finally killed my mother! The day of the car accident is my birthday, my mother is all in the day. Let together, how can I become a dead? !! I actually so many years, I also put my own enemy, when I was a benefactor ... "

"How is this, the teacher is an excellent figure for 15 years of charity activities."

"Don't talk," Lanchuan Winter is finger with rice and generation, "Do you think I don't know?! She fake borrowed charity activities, the corruption charity fund, full of private humans! Here you also have a copy !!!"

For the mother, it is indeed a good reason, but everything is late, the blue-chuan Dongyu is taken away by them, and the company of Su Fang, and the rice and generations will soon usher in. A survey of the police department.

"Hey ... another unfortunate holiday."

Chapter 595 - Principal of the Full of Lie! (on)

The toilet of the police station ...

Seven nights in the toilet, but it is not a large, the legs put a laptop, the fingers are hitting, the corner is unable to hide the evil smile, the headset wearing the headset is constantly coming to a woman The voice of people delusions.

See a small movie? Seven Nights is not so boring, see what the small movie is countless, this is the adult masterpiece who personally fought guidance.

On the screen, it is a pair of repairs and white beautiful legs, which completely exposes women's mysterious place. A delicious white jade hand is constantly kneading in that place. The spring water is constantly emerging, wet A large piece of sheets.

This woman has a very proud baby, the size is very large, but it is full of elasticity, not going to hang, even the two Baozles above it is still pink, girls are general, but this woman is already 42 Aged mature woman, and there is a 17-year-old son.

"How, I will say this will be very comfortable. Is it more feeling more than usual?" I opened the evil smile on the seven nights, and I didn't cover the woman in the woman in the woman.

"Yes ... ah ... I feel like ... I am so comfortable ..." The woman on the computer continues to breathe, and the voice is also very moving.

"I now take it out now."

"Yes ..." Under the dispute of lust, the woman has no reason to exist, twisting the beautiful body, climbed to the bedside cabinet, takes out a box that is almost in size with the watch box. Open the box cover, lying on a pink little thing in the inside, people with some knowledge of knowledge know what this is.

"this is……"

"Put it into your body, it will be very cool." Said that the sound was like a human sauce, and the sound of the magistics of death.

" ..." The woman swallowed his mouth, and said: "Ok ..."

The jade finger has smashed the pink little thing, and it has no resistance to it into his wet cave.

Seven Night Evil smiled, took out a small remote control from the pocket, pressed the button above.

"Ah ... how suddenly ... I am shocked ... ah ... I can't ..." The woman is comfortable, but although he said, it is not self-defeated.

"How is it, very comfortable." The seven-night evil spirits laughed, and in his hand, he put the remote control and transferred the frequency of the vibration.

Under the seven nights, the woman will arrive soon, scream, the water sprayed out, the whole screen is all.

"Remember, there is no allowance, I don't want to take the thing at any time, I am always able to start the thing to detect you."

"Yes ..." The woman came from the computer.

After seven night, I turned off the computer and put the remote control back into the pocket, and my mood was very good. The woman who has just played by the 24th night is not someone else, is the mother of the Kansai Detecting Exploration Department, the Minister of the Osaka Police, the Minister of the Minister, the Department of Service.

Xiaolan and Mao's new mom have already lying on the bed of seven nights, and the beautiful mom in the part of the ministry will not let go of the seven nights, and the quality of the Ministry is a beautiful woman. Seven Nights should be tuned.

For Hi Si and Hi, although the seven nights have used a lot of people who have not seen people, they have violently have Xizi, but the end result is still two emotions, but for the service department Jinghua, I want to try this to teach this. Mature women, anyway, he hasn't been done for a long time.

Several wife's most troublesome places are their husband. But seven nights did not plan to kill the clothes in the department, at least, I have to wait until he knows that his wife has completely betray him to kill him.

Although the seven nights won't kill the part of the clothes, but how can I get him first, otherwise, it is not the same as the part of the part.

The next thing is simple, a forty-year-old adult woman, where is a long-term depression and loneliness, seven nights naturally, first, first in the case of the computer, the department is quietly contacted. Then, step by step, it is always until today, finally persuading the service department Jinghua and he opened the video, letting the seven nights to see the service department Jinghua self-comfort, and let her put the thing into the body.

The last sentence in Seven Nights is also the effect of illusion, and has made a psychological implies in the heart of the Department Jinghua. It will never take it out of his order.

That small toy is a seven night to give Beri Maste, using satellite signals, no matter in the world, you can manipulate the remote control of the seven-night hands, but the seven nights will be Behizos to do this, Belle Ji Mos is almost hidden in seven nights, thinking of him Besi Mas, actually being asked to do this, thinking about being shameful, but finally, Bercho So is still succumbing to seven nights Next, there is no way, afraid of it.

In the next few days, the seven-night and service department still maintains the relationship between the video ML, until ...

"Hey, which position?" Sitting on the couch at home on the night, connected to the phone.

"Hello, is it a six police officer?"

"Yes, which one is you?" Asked on the night, this voice was so cooked.

"Hello, my name is the pool wave."

I stunned for seven nights, I almost broke out, the pool is Jinghua, it is not the woman who serves the Department Jinghua. Just like Kiki, Kisi and Fujima have the difference between Xi Zi, the pool is Jinghua is the name before the department is married.

"Is there anything, Miss Chi Bao?" The evil in the seven nights, but did not show it in the tone, smiled.

"This is the case, I listen to my friends saying that if you pleasedon the police officer, people I want to find will be found."

"Looking for someone?" Seven nights said, "Why don't you find private detectives? If you are missing, you can come to me?"

"No, people I have to find are not missing, just for a long time, I haven't seen the police, if I find private detective, I think their ability should not be compared with the six police officers, please rest assured, you The remuneration must not be less. "

"This, no problem, I have time tomorrow morning, I will go to my house at 9 o'clock in the morning, and I No. 7, I."

"Thank you."


On 9:00 am, the service department was in the past 7 nights on time.

"I bother, I am a pool wave called yesterday." The service department was in the hands of the hands on the legs, slightly owed, very politely.

The department is still a purple kimono, because the weather is cold, so there is a black coat in the hands, and there is a handbag, combing a very tone of temperament, looks a very big and well Quality Japanese classical woman, like Poisonous Island, coincident, the service department is very good at Kevia and cuisine, the poisonous island is also true.

Jinghua is definitely a big beauty, the original animation in Connas, the first time in the first time, the heart is also amazed is a big beauty, and in the modern city Tokyo, the Ministry of Goods is in this kind of dress, with The classical woman is obviously more attractive to men.

But who can I think? This beautiful, elegant woman, under her quarter, holy place, still stuffed an adult toy.

"Ms. Poxi, please come." There was no flaw on the seven nights, and smiled and got into the home.

The two sit on the sofa, rushed two cups of tea on the seven night.

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