Self-cultivation of passerby male protagonist

Self-cultivation of Passerby Male Lead Chapter 772

She followed the weapon of great sin to all ages, and trapped the goddess's second spirit in the Heian era, and finally hid in the weapon of great sin, and came to the gods with Wu.

She witnessed Wu Ye's growth all the way, and finally understood all the confusions before, and even many times she really wanted to appear directly in front of Wu Ye, but it was a pity.

There is only one chance to gamble on everything, and only this time, can she actually stop Wuya and prevent the chain of all tragedies, and, only this time, she can clearly find the existence of that guy——

"Hey, you guy, after watching for so long, should you come out and show your face?"

Hearing the quiet words, Wu Ye raised his head and followed the opponent's line of sight to the empty front. Suddenly, a wave of spatial fluctuations spread, and the circular crack reflected the mirror-smooth side.

This is not the power of the gap, and the people who walked out there gave Wu an extremely strange feeling.

"Oh, it's so amazing. I can even perceive my existence. Sure enough, you are already the'second', right?"

"Huo Qing'e." Jing called out the name of the fairy who appeared in front of her. This was an existence that she couldn't see through from beginning to end, but it existed by their side from beginning to end, as if they were a pan-watcher.

"Correct, in other words, where did you hear my name?" The whole body was enveloped by a dusty temperament, and the incompatible aura made Huo Qing'e look more like a god than Chang'e.

"That kind of thing is good, you will appear here, that is to say, all the truths I speculated are correct, right?"

Jing looked at Huo Qing'e with a scrutiny gaze, the space in the weapon of great sin, those incredible dreams, she had a foreboding that the answer to all doubts would be on the fairy in front of her.

"You seem to have a certain misunderstanding of me. Well, I lost. I didn't expect that the appearance of Jing can completely break this cycle. Really, Wu Yejun's heart is too soft."

Huo Qing'e's tone cannot be heard as a flat compliment, but in fact, as a passer-by who has watched countless tragedies, she is very clear that if there is no silence, everything will repeat itself.

Takeshi Kosaka will also kill the soul of Yakumo Zi, and then because there is no relationship with the moon, he will choose to let history repeat itself, end the gods, and then wander alone on the edge of the world until four thousand years later, he will be reborn Until he became the new Takasaka Takeshi.

Four thousand years later, another four thousand years. He was constantly feeling pain in this endless cycle. In countless cycles, whether it was Siji Yingji or Chang'e, they tried to break this cycle, but they all failed.

Wu Ye has been repeating the process of becoming the Dragon God, then killing Adam, becoming another Adam, and finally being reborn as a new Wu Ye.

Unexpectedly, the person who broke the cycle in the end was Jing.

The ancestor maiden was originally an existence that was completely marginalized by history and could not even be touched by the weapon of sin, but it was her who eventually became the only candidate to break the cycle.

Sure enough, because of that?

Huo Qing'e's expression remained unchanged, but she couldn't help sighing from the bottom of her heart. Whether it was Yuko or Jing, after touching the weapon of sin, some uncontrollable variables finally appeared.

It seems that this is the end.

"Oh, I thought that this time I could make a good joke about Yuko, but I didn't expect to be reversed like this. What a pity, I am willing to bet and I will say everything I know."

Yuko?Hearing this unexpected name, Wu Ye became more confused about Huo Qing'e.

"Don't worry, Wu Yejun, I will answer all your doubts, but my words may be a bit long, where do I start talking? Uh-it's him as expected."

Huo Qing'e came to Adam's corpse in two or three steps, bent down and closed his eyes that he was still unwilling to close until he was about to die. While tidying up his remains for Adam, she asked without raising her head.

"Now, you know, this child was also called'Wu Ye' in the past, a long, long time ago."


Chapter 27 The Truth Finally Revealed

"Well—it seems a bit troublesome to explain his story based on your knowledge. In short, Wu Yejun, the first thing I can tell you is that there is not only one so-called world, and the trajectory of the world does not move forward in a straight line. Yes, but there are many branches, many of which you may not even have access to, and exist in parallel in the future."

Huo Qing'e’s words are not difficult to understand. If Wu is also asked to explain the meaning of this passage, then only four words are needed-

"What you want to say is the parallel world, right?"


Huo Qing'e nodded briskly. On the basis of understanding this, her explanation would be much more convenient.

"This person is the "Adam" in your mouth. He is the "Takasaka Takeya" from the parallel world. At the same time, he is also the strongest "you" in all the parallel worlds."

"My parallel world..."

Adam's identity has always been a thorn in Wu Ye's heart. Even at the moment when the secret is revealed, he can't be completely relieved. He doesn't care if he is in the parallel world. He only cares about how many such guys are there.

If Wu Ye in every parallel world thought of killing himself like this, how many times would he have to do it again before he could kill these guys.

Because of Adam's existence, Wu did not have a slight impression of him in the parallel world.

"Don't worry, Wu Yejun, the things you worry about are absolutely impossible to happen, because ah—"

After speaking, Huo Qing'e suddenly lowered her voice and said quietly: "Apart from you, all the remaining parallel world'Takeya Takasaka' have been dealt with by Adam."


The atmosphere became tense again, and Wu Ye always felt that there was an unspeakable fear spreading in his heart, not because he was afraid of Adam's actions, but more profound, originating from that unknown fear.

"Why?" he asked with a sullen face.

"You should have realized the reason for a long time, right?" Huo Qing'e avoided the importance and gave it to Wu Ye.

He looked down at the weapon of heinous sin in his hand, and his tone was unexpectedly surprised: "Because of the weapon of heinous sin?"


Huo Qing'e didn't have the weapon of great sin to use force. It would only arouse unnecessary suspicion. She just stared at the seven weapons of Wu Ye from a distance and said:

"The weapon of great sin-it is an existence that is completely above the rules of the world. It is absolutely impossible for the same world to have the possibility of two instruments of serious sin appear together, but your world has a full collection of seven, you Think this is just a coincidence?"

"Could it be that he did it...but why?" Wu also looked at Adam, and suddenly felt a sense of unnaturalness from that face, and silently looked away.

"'When the seven deadly sins are returned to my hands, this world will surely become an ideal place for us to be enchanted and enchanted'——"

Humming a weird ballad, Huo Qing'e said to Adam's corpse Nunu: "That guy got such a'prophecy' and believes it deeply."

"This..." Wu Ye frowned slightly.

"It's true," Huo Qing'e said in a sure tone: "At least, it is not wrong that a collection of seven deadly weapons can change the world. Therefore, Adam will embark on this crazy road without hesitation."

She said in a sighing tone of Adam’s story: "Unlike you, Adam’s world has already been destroyed. He was at the end of the last time when he discovered the great sin weapon he possessed in his own world-the arrogant sin. The ability of the device is the ability to connect parallel worlds."

"However, the weapon of sin is a very special existence, it cannot be observed, nor can it be detected. Unless the owner of the weapon of sin is voluntarily shown up, it is quite time consuming to take the initiative to find it out. Thing."

"A great sin weapon is likely to be the foundation that supports an entire parallel world. If it is forcibly separated from the world, the world closely connected to it will inevitably be destroyed."

"You should have seen it once? That is the place you call the'Shadow World', and that is the world where all the creatures disappear after being destroyed by Adam."

"Furthermore, not every host of the Weapons of Great Sin is completely awakened like him, and many of them are often unaware of the existence of this power."

"But, despite all the difficulties, Adam has no choice. He can only choose the least efficient way to search one by one, because there is no way to classify without detection. He has only to destroy every parallel world he finds. To ensure accuracy."

"I don’t know how long this journey lasted, until the original'Takeya Takasaka' can't even remember his own name or his past. All that is left is the code name'Adam', as well as a collection of great sins. It’s just a mission."

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