The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1002

"This is." Xin Dijia has some helpless: "If you go back, give your father, let me talk to him twice. Now I am a little can't come. Let him in Shahua Highlands Waiting for one, "

Duus nodded: "It must be conveyed."

Xin Dijia smiled, she looked at the gully behind: "Is this what you mean?"

"What happened?" Jia Pilan is very dissatisfied: "Isn't it dug a ditch!"

"I am just curious." Xin Di said: "How did you do it?"

Obviously, Cindika did not know that he lived for so long, and there is still a raise of 50,000 years ago.

Xunxus's beads turned, and hurriedly said: "We found a place of the vein, I want to get a core under my hand, you should be able to see, his core is gone, now the sanctuary cannot advance. But very Obviously, we failed. The core is not bubble. "

It was so embarrassing that there is no reason, he is really afraid that Jia Beilla suddenly strokes the underground remains.

What will happen in the ghost!

So he thought about a pleasant reason to flicker, and Yan Magic was not a new thing because of the earthquake caused by the gear veins.


However, let Mrs are unexpectedly, Cindya is watching Poros, then nodded: "It's really, a good one is a magic, the core is gone. Forget it, Yan Mo is also a good element. Yeah .. .. this is holding. "

Cindida still comes with a red gating: "This is my meeting ceremony. Ok, let's go, I still have something."

The top of the 8th came out: "House."

"Okay." No. 1 comfort turned his body: "I will repair it now."

PS: I rely! ! Joined the yin yang tonight ... really stimulate! ! When the last ticket is left, the result is ... I smoke my mobile phone along the way, the lack of the one finally! A total of more than 200 tickets! Successfully succeeded.

Then it is owed today, the screenshot of the background is put directly.

Image: "Background Screenshot", Location: "Images / 1548994963-100072907-102836808.JPG"

I owe 17 more! It is changed today, owing 93.

I fuck .... This is broken?

By the way, by the way, the new month will start, the monthly ticket is limited, and my add is not related, I can see how much before the blessing is closed.

Sleeping, ready to get up early!

Chapter 910: First

Cindida left.

Everyone is relieved.

Jia Pilan is even more helpless: "How, I can save you. How do you repay me?"

Springs: "........."

"Go back and talk." Fi Ni said with a smile: "This time, Thani Bilira is."

Jia Beilila is very happy.


"Hey, Shu," Jia Beilila looked at the things in the hand: "What is Cindijia? What is the old thing I don't know how long it is, there is too much good thing in my hand? Yes, are you ? Valid? "

Zunus looked at the stuff on the hand, a red gem, as if there is a heart to be moved.

"What is this?" Springs are also a little curious.

Baros has been excited: "The core of lava! This is the core of the lava! I don't know how many messenger is tens of thousands of years."

"Is it useful to you?" Asked.

"Of course!" Pos excited about what is like: "I lost this thing! But I am the magic born, this .... this is ... We also have to look for things! "

Duus raised his hand to throw it to Poros: "Give you, you can break through the sanctuary?"

Poss is excited: "Yes, as long as the element is enough!"

Shuppus: "This is good, let's go, I will go to the elves to go to the springs. The last elements are crystallized in the wizard space."

Jia Pilai laked looked at the garter, then stunned: "Hey! Springs, you give you this thing, what?"

Dusus is very proud: "What do you say is also a legend, what else needs?"

"Gold Coin!" Jia Beilira said.

During the view of Croatia, I extended a finger.

Croatia nodded, then slightly waved, a box of gold coins appeared on the ground. This box also said more than 5,000 gold coins.

Seeing this box of gold coins, Jia Pilal is a bit incredible: "Give me?"

Springs storm: "Otherwise, I didn't say it before, we are now employing relationships, what I can satisfy, I will be satisfied."

"Oh!" Jia Pilai was moving in an instant what is: "One thousand years! One thousand years! I have never seen the active gold coins in a thousand years!"

Dark desperately, it was strange, and the previous dragon lost the dragon's reputation. Later draballs grabbed the country, and everyone gave you to see you.

So many failed examples in front of you, ghosts will believe the dragon.

"Where are you ready to put it?" Springs asked: "If the person is form, is your space props not in your hand?"

"Rest assured!" Jia Pilai was taken on this gold coin box, and then opened his mouth, then swallowed this box of gold coins.

"I put it in my stomach and go back to spit out."


It's a Warcraft!

I think that there is such a thing of the scene, and the Springs open the mouth: "Then let's go to the wizard space first, first send Pos to the sanctuary."

"Bai Xie Hall!" Poss is very excited.

I lost my twenty years, I desperate for 20 years, I was bullied by a group of aristors for 20 years, saying that Pos is not angry, it is a crazy.

But the Mozu is a place that is supreme, you don't have strength, you can only be in this gas.

but now.....

Poss saw hope!

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