The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1004

He can only pray in your heart, praying that Charlie and Check the slag can be smooth, and when you come to save yourself.


Winter city.

Police station interrogation room.




"You won't look at it."

He opposed the auditorian eyes: "What do you say! Where to do so much nonsense!"

If you put it in the usual, check the slag is not that the black corner magic black torn.

But now, this guy can only take a deep breath: "Male."


"Mom! I can't see the gender, you can't see it!"

"Don't cooperate?" He opposite the black corner devil attacked: "Don't cooperate, will you throw you in a few days of your letter?"

"You think that I am afraid of you!" The slag disdain.

Take him in a big dress, he is more likely to run.

"If you want to ask, what is so much?"

"You!" The black corner of the devil took the table stood up.

"How?" Looking at him disdain: "To do it? Come!"

Outside this interrogation room, a black corner magic can not understand Marcus: "Director, this kind of saying is not necessary? What is the meaning of this kind of thing?"

"This is a psychological hint." Mucus looked at the situation inside the interrogation room: "Several unimportant questions, first ask the trial, put the opponent's momentum first. This person is obedient After a few questions, we can take the initiative in the next trial. And the thinking of wisdom creatures is inertia. Several questions are true, the opposite moment is still so strong, and then The chances of honestly have a bigger chance. "

"But ....." The Black Corner Looking at the interrogation room: "This guy seems to be a bit different."

"These are the tricks of ordinary criminals." Marcus said: "Some psychological qualities are stronger, including some habitual users are not afraid of this, this is also a human, and it can be so hard in the monsters. It has been proven This guy is not simple. Let the guy inside come out, isn't the His Royal Highway? Prepare, I will review it. "


The slag slag is looking at the black horn of the opposite, very loving.

A low-level guy also dared to call in front of himself.

But soon, the door opened.

That personnel caught his security, the director came in.

He waved his hand to make another person, he was sitting in front of himself.

"Is Mr. Chase?" Markus smiled.

Check the slag cold: "Yes, what happened. Can you ask if you have anything? I just came to the winter to play, how to spy?"

Marcus took out a piece of information and threw it on the table: "Then let's explain this, this is the 36th witness report, of which 16 are from the city mainfare. Save 20 copies From all walks of life in winter. I looked at the map. Two days, you touched the winter in the city. "

The grades have stayed, so many shot reports? Does these Winter Municipality demon nothing to monitor your own?

I didn't have this treatment in other places.

"I ..." Plussed with the words, open the mouth: "I am coming to the city to play, rumors this place is broken and bad, I will come and look at it, how do you turn more? I am curious. As for the city owner, then a big building, and I heard that it is still a miracle of instant, I look at it is not normal? "

Marcus nodded: "It is reasonable explanation."

"Reasonably, don't you put me?"

"Don't worry." Mucus smiled: "I have a few reports here. Have you been inquiring things under the Hall?"

"Is this not normal?" The graded frowning: "Said that the miracle is the monkete, I am curious to ask."

Marcus raised his hand and threw a material: "According to our visit and received report, you ask questions about the habit of the temple, there are seven times, ask if there is a number of times in love, there are ten times, inquiry The problem of winter in the city defense is thirteen, asked where a titration time in the temple nineteen, and some asked is relatively small, all written above. "

Marcus smiles: "How do you explain these?"

Check the slag ...

What? I don't remember what you are better than I am more clear! Are you just a question on your way, all is the eyeliner of this winter?

PS: Second, the third has been more written, and after writing, thank you ...

Grandma, began to run outside, and. Do I remember that we are not banned in the city ....

I am quarrel.

Chapter 910: It is not easy to mix.

Marcus waited for a while, and found that the slag support didn't say anything, and smiled: "You don't talk to your identity?"

The sediment face is slightly changed: "You are framing! I haven't done this kind of thing!"

He is really hard to understand now, go to a place to understand local news, just find someone to come and throw some money to listen to it is not normal?

I didn't have done it before, my companion didn't have done. I have never been a problem for hundreds of years. Why is this problem?

"Every one is real-name report, with the police officers to confirm the intelligence of many people." Marcus placed: "We believe that the residents of the winter city don't have to lie to us on this, this is the tacit understanding of the police and civilian cooperation Of course, if you can give obvious vulnerabilities, or if you don't have prove, we will also verify the situation. "

The grades are depressed, don't you prove it? Which this is?

"This is a fragment!" I knew what you have to do! Isn't it a gold coin? I have more ways to see you in this kind of law security bureau, say .... We don't ring around, How much do you say? I will give it. "

Marcus did not speak, just watching him, suddenly, Marcus shakes his head: "Well, then you answer me the following questions."

"As a human, why can't I live in North Town? The other side is the place where I come to Winter Line City."

"What happened to live in human beings?"

"Even afraid next to demon?"


"So, as a human, you can't go to the first floor, don't go to a few a few character, don't say you don't know, your landlord said it has been recommended to you. Why do you want to take the winter? Is it a change in the city? "

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