The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1008

He said that he would like to talk to you. "Springs said:" I look at him, it seems to go out from the setting sun ... Walk. "Saying the last, the sound of the sound was slow Because he found that Cruze has changed his face.

"Which one ... which head is telling you." Cruze sound is trembling.

"I gave the number one." Shuus said with a heart: "Which one is called a big sister by other brains."

In an instant, Springs found that Cruze face is green!

"No!" Cruze immediately said: "I have to go first!"

I only see the legendary magic owner's business trembling and torn open space cracks, but also muttered in his mouth: "Well, the Magic Guocheng is going back. I have to check it out. I haven't used it for a long time. Can I not arrive? "

"Hey." Xuus looked at Cruze to drill into space cracks, hurriedly asked: "Father, legendary meeting, what are you afraid?"

"I am afraid of a hanging!" Cruze drilled the spatial crack and leaving only one sentence.

"This woman has a giant woman, the father can't help you! Springs, you can ask Du Fu."

Springs stupid were stupid.

What are you afraid that Cruze is scared? At the beginning, the San San San did not see Kruz afraid.

And there is a little wonderful.

How do Cruze know the body structure of Cindya?

PS: Fifth, there are two more, and the headaches of the special code draw code.

I have to go to another city tomorrow to find roommates, I have a meal at noon, what is going on at night.

Ah, dark day! !

Thanks to Red O Mei Ling's 50 reward! Thanks to the 23rd rewards of the whisper 16143651419! Thank you for 45 rewards!

Chapter 906: Divideration (2nd 1)

For Cruze's Huang fled, everyone is a face.

After all, Cruze just talking separately, all of which didn't know what happened.

Jia Pilan is more confused, "" He agreed? "

Duus nodded: "People run, can you agree? Just .... What is the name of Cindya?"

Everyone is also a face.

As for Char, he is now desperate.

I also expected the two brothers to save themselves, the result ... This horror woman is actually Jia Beilla!

She is actually Jia Beilla!

Now that all of the Charle's head is heaven.

The monks did not say anything, but went to the winter.

Although the distance is far, it is better to fly fast.

After entering the winter, Cornas can't help it. After the follow-up, he rushed to the alchemist workshop, and called an anxiety.

Instead, it is Pos, this big fire is not arrogant.

Springs asked, people said: "I haven't been more than 20 years, and I will not be bad for these two days. You should take the situation in Winter City first."

Posao is the serious situation of the winter in the city.

Springs asked the days, everyone went out for about three days.

And these three days, the winter in the city seems to be calm, but everyone knows that a dark tide is surging.

If the hand is not coming back, once the dark tide has set off, it will be done directly after entering the regular winter city.

Therefore, after it comes back, Xunz is comforted by the snow, and then let Barbara have a good pot with Jia Pilan.

After having gold coins, this parent is now coming to the winter city, it is a hot pot.

However, in order to ensure that these two live treasures do not make things, the Springs and Barbara are what problems, from Barbara salary.

Although Barbara can't be wronged, it can only be accepted.

However, more unexpected is that Carlis is not there, but now there is no empty bush day.

Inside the city mainfate, the Duus wears neatly, and a Linglu car parked in the garden of the castle.

This is the lack of goodness of Fiis, this girl returns to the winter of the city, and the followers have said some things to go to the city hall.

There is also a group of civil servants over there.

What is going to do now is that everyone in the winter is known to come back!

Bi Babo temporarily acts as a car, the carriage drove from the castle, on the carriage, Springs stand in the middle, Croatya stands next to Shunus.

Anna came too short, and did not understand the things of winter in the city, so they could only stay in the castle.

However, when Springs came out, I was looking at the snow and ran over and chatted with Anna.

After the carriage, Springs found that the police and the city defense army in the winter in the city have increased much more times more than previously.

Croatia explained on the side: "In order to control the rumors of the rumors you were captured by the dragon, Fisher took out the police force that can be exhausted and the city defense army. This has stabilized the situation in the winter."

Duus nodded: "Thanks to you."

He knows that how big is Jiamiera who takes himself at the time.

And if you are really raised, how big is the influence on the winter? In this world, this rumor is definitely horrible.

Because the rumors are not coming!

If the development is not controlled, even if it is three days, after the time is now, the winter in the city is definitely not as the peaceful state now.

After all, the winter in the city will enter the regular year, and there is no ability to fight risks.

On the way, all the way, see the police and the city defense army all the ceremony, and the civilians also bend waist to the most respectful etiquette.

This is not the same as other cities.

Instead, everyone is self-respecting.

In the end, the carriage stopped in front of the city hall.

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