The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1015

Word is a glimpse ....

"Colone ..... Father is really legs with the goddess?"

Carlis shook his head: "I don't know, we only know, before you are a brutal devil, the real brutal devil. But he is a lot of ingredients, and you have had contact with your mother."

"How did the Holy Empire find the second magic?"

"Actually, it is not a second magic." Carlis said: "The first to find the first magic, and later don't know how to fail."

"Then you say that if I go to the sacred empire with them, will it be a problem?"

"Please be sure to accompany you." Carlis said.

"Answer my question." Springs said: "Do you have problems? Or say that the Shenghui is turned off."

"Saint-female." Karair said: "Really, I know that you are not surprised after you learn, but you know that you actually even the regional bishop is because you extinguish, this is a little incredible."

"After lighting? Why?" This is the most concerned question: "Sudden disappeared?"

Carlisle was silent, then said: "Just opposite the temple, the appearance of the saints, this is the power of the Shenghui, and the goddess of the goddess is also the piousness of the sacred court. She first helped the Holy Point. On the Shenghua, then there is a matter of things. "

"It turns out."

Snow is heard in the side, as if you want to record this information in the body.

"Okay, then the question is over."

Carlisle said: "Is there a few questions? There are still many?"

Dusus smiled: "I believe in Kalais, so, wait for you to feel that you can say it, you can tell me what is going on. I only have the last problem now."

"Please say it in the Hall."

"Are you still right?"

Carlisle strokes: "From the beginning to the end, as always."

PS: First, the new food is a bit bad.

I even sorry, I doubtful at home, I have dinner in these days ... The steamed bread pieces with fried bean sprouts, and the kettlerous cakes are cold, but the pancakes are added to the cucumber.


Meat! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chapter 912: Not pressing the routine!

Dusc has never doubts Kalaire.

If there is an old grandfather, the old grandfather of the Mr. should be Kalaire.

He can't give the Suspension, there is no way to give a powerful magic weapon, but Carlishe's meaning is far from the old grandfather.

When you are a malicious strange world, you are full of malicious monster world, your own is the only thing that can believe.

He won't doubt Carlaire, just curious.

"I need you to investigate a thing." Xunz opened.

"Please say it in the Hall."

Xunus looked at the snow, then looked to Carlisle: "Xueer's life is certainly related to the first Mozu, the first Mozu ran to the trouble of my world, I thought I thought it was for Snow. But now listen As soon as you say, I look like this. The guys of the sacred empire give you. "

Springs said, took out the ethnicity of the Snow Home: "The Lion Heart Family, I need to know what the border nobility of the sacred empire ten years ago."

Carlis took this badge with this badge: "Yes, the Hall."

Carlir retired out, the snow is looking up, watching the Shuzu: "Brother, is I gave you trouble?"

Xunzu shake his head, he reached out and smashed the head of the snow: "Silly girl, what is the relationship with you? It is clear, no matter whether you are still me. Our mixed blood is not so simple. Some human, devil, I want to get from us. "

The snow blinks: "That .... Snow is because this identity is dragging your mother?"

Xunzu smiled slightly: "Shantou, don't think too much, your mother brings you out, she will not regret it. Remorse the past never a known choice? You have to do it, it is a future."

"Then we now ....." Snow is a bit confused: "What to do?"

"It's very simple." Springs said with a smile: "Improve yourself, then .... Grain all shrouded all the clouds in our head!"

Snow bite the teeth and then nodded.

Zun laughed, put the snow on his leg: "But there is a good news, you have a last name, if the information is right, the lion is your last name."

However, the snow didn't scream: "I don't like this last name."

Word 1: "Why?"

"Because my mother is because it turns into this now." The snow is not full: "I hate it."

Xuncus laughed: "Shantou, the last name can be the symbol of the noble."

"I don't like nobles. I don't care."

Springs: "You are the people of the city, there is no surname, but you can't say more."

Snow children have some grievances: "Don't you do it."

The hand is shaking: "Sometimes we need some inexplicable things to be a block. Snow ..... If you don't care, then you will use Dolu. You are snow. Dalton. "

The snow, this girl is not a little girl who doesn't understand a year ago.

Even, this year, the ability of Xueger's learning is quite amazing.

So, after listening to the Shu Scout, the snow stayed suddenly, and then he felt: "Brother, Dolton is not a royal family ... Wang's surname?"

"Yes." Xuzu smashed the head of the snow: "So, you will be the princess of the second magic."

"This ....." Xuecier shook his head: "This let the aristocrats of those Senates know that they are not willing. When they come to find you."

Dussen snorted: "What they count, this kind of thing, what I said."

The snow opened his mouth, but he saw that Springs was firm, this gimmick was originally swallowed back.

Dusch pinched the face of the snow, then said: "Okay, it is not too early, you should go back to rest. After Fi Ni is coming back, I will notify her to do."

Snow jumped from Xunus, then waved his hand: "Brother goodbye, but ... this matter will be considered again."

Looking at the little figure going out of the snow, the smile is in the face of the scenery.

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