The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1022

As for no logic?

It is too ideal.

A group of guys who have to resist in a group of God cannot be a collective consciousness. Dusus has always been convinced that only the situation of excessiveness will appear in freedom but say that they are not free.

From this group of guys, they can look at the gods. The Springs guess, God should refine this group.

Including this Titan family mentioned in this.

They called Titan as a traitor, but Dusus felt that they were more like a traitor there.

The most important thing, the March knows ... The enslavement will not hurt the weapons of the slavery. Whether it is this 10,000 years ago, or the earlier Titan, they seem to have the strength of hurting the god.

Is this undergoing logic?

As for the situation of this shelter ...

When the old agent leaves one by one, those guys who have not experienced disasters can't understand the persistence of the previous generation.

Or talk .... They just have a good job. Just those who are annoying are not coming to themselves.

This diary now looks now is the most obvious example.

Time is a horror.

Helliff to it will change some of your ideas when you don't know how you will do things.

And those guys who can be easily incited, not because of their high thinking, but they are easily incited.

These densities are obvious examples.

When it is in a place, many things will be forgotten.

However, Duus now knows some things.

In addition to what they happen, there are some basic situations of these gobes.

First of all, their life is longer than the elves.

Second, their breeding seems to be limited.

There is no problem with the population in at least two records.

These guys are then not simple compression resistance.

Word is always able to think of them in the word in the word.

This is good news.

At least ..... Mrus doesn't want your own enemies 'God'.

Finally .... It is also a bit of the most horrible.

These guys have indeed mastered the power of God!

Although it is difficult, it is true.

Word continues to look down on other records, come to the idea.

After another for two hours, after the devastation of a lot of praise information, the Springs finally found anything they want again.


Experimental log 001

The rules have changed, and the rules of the rules have lost their role. It is clear that the fall of the god of the elements makes the gods panic.

Panic to so fast to modify the rules.

This is a good news for us, perhaps.

But now more is trouble, the rules on the hand have completely lost their roles, which represents if we are now found, there is no resistance to resistance.

We need to find new confrontations as soon as possible.


Experimental log 007

The experiment was initially successful.

We finally confirmed that elemental power can fight against rules and divine.

Alternatively, this rule has been fixed and cannot be modified.

This is a genuine good news. We only look for a place to find a place, which means we can save a lot of time.

But the same, this means we have to make changes to all of them.

The experimental team was divided into two parts, a transformation of existing weapons, and a part of continuing research.

This will be a long work.


Experimental log 77.

The control of elemental power is basically close to the end, and we found a stable element forces to anti-divide.

It is also funny that we find this way is purely.

Because we think of gods, they can hurt each other.

This finding is very exciting, even dilute the sadness of the companion sacrifice.

Two legendary masters who sacrificed research we will always be in mind.

We believe that how long does it take? These things can be put into mass production.


Experimental Log 777

We are still too optimistic, and it failed again.

It is not as simple as we think, it may be because we have too little to have the power of the elements.

Oh, we blame our previous relationship with those elements. Otherwise it will not be like this.

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