The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1026

"Can you change it?"

Fiis laughed and replied: "Can there be a good life, have a few willing to be a robber? There may be some special, but .... Winter city is not a free labor that does not have money? ? "

Duus nodded: "It is good."

Zipus heard that he had a headache after several thousand robbers.

This quantity, throwing into the prison, not, absorbing the hidden dangers of residents, he is really afraid of Fiis, which is directly absorbed by the population of winter in the winter.

As a result, Fisi consider is still very thoughtful.

Create a class system and let them see the rising channel.

When they fight forces to live, they are more secure than they send them directly.

And .... Winter Municipality is now limited, it is also a large number of serfs to get the identity of the free people. With competition, there will be no mix of mixed drink.

"One point." Sudden suddenly said: "Who is the person audited?"

"The official of the city hall." Fiis asked: "What's wrong?"

Word looks to Croaty: "Can the Ministry of Agriculture include an elf review?"

Croatia nodded: "At present, the Ministry of Agriculture can also take a hand, but .... Elf review devil?"

"It is a winter moon official to review serf." Springs replied: "At least, the Elf Master will not be interested in things in their hands?"

Before Marcus's things, I wake up.

Some things can eliminate, it is best to eliminate it first.

The province will happen.

"Okay." Croaty replied: "I will arrange it."

"Then." Word looks to Fiis: "You don't have to go to the old man first, um, the canal is arranged first."

Fiisi: "The following things?"

Duus nodded: "It is the matter of follow-up serfs, so that the city hall is ready, in the case, when I was taken away, how did the Bill be promoted? Jia Pilana is the patroise of winter? "

"Amount ..." Fi Niwei had a low head: "I am negligent."

Fiis knows the situation of this dragon, so propaganda is the right to weapon, and there is no other way at the time, how can she think that Mussen can turn a legendary dragon to turn back!

"Nothing." Springs sway: "There is no such a publicity, anyway, I am also preparing to create such a creation, the A cat Aka, which is outside, I think the winter is a good bully. I can experience it twice. The happiness of the face, the number of times is really annoying. I am going to handle things that the canal within one day. "

"One day?" Fiis said: "How can I only have one day, wait, you won't be ......."

Duus nodded: "The above sleep is that, you can't eat it without work."

"I will go." Barbara pulled the fork stale: "Are you serious? Let a legendary dragon to dig the river? That is the legend!"

Dusc scored: "Do you know how much is you eating yesterday?"

Barbara blinks: "Isn't it free?"

"The first floor of the first floor sent it." Springs were up to: "From noon to eat at noon, the legend is not afraid of hot, you have two people ate a thousand gold coins."

Barbara, then licking: "Um .... that let her go to dig as if there is no problem."

Fisse: "........."

"Do you seriously?"

Duus nodded: "Of course, but cooperate with publicity, in the people, the province caused unnecessary panic."

"What is promoted?" Fiis stunned.

"The miracle of the guardian." Xushen thought: "When you come to the city, you can broadcast, Croaty, which may need some elves to help."

"Don't be so troublesome." Anna opened: "This thing is the most in this, some of the alchemists that come and come, as long as the magical is sufficient."

"Too good." Shuppus: "That is ready. Yes, the benefits of promoting the opening of the Canal in the same way."

"His Royal Highness." Fiis smiled: "This is already promoted, and now I don't know how many residents wait for the opening of the Canal."

"Computation." Duus nodded: "Now, look at the idiostal dragon wake up."

PS: Thank? O_O) 23 blades! Thank you Qiang Mimi's pig's 20 blades! Thanks to the 23rd reward of this subordinance! (The name of the pig is sensitive, actually sensitive words!)

PS: ask monthly ticket monthly ticket! !

Today, I went to my sister to see her temper and super good grade, very good .... Find a place to buy a cat!

Chapter 921: Strange

"Kelly, I think we should stay here."

In the face of Kelly who wants to go out, it is a little dissatisfaction.

"Don't you be interested here?" Kelly looked at the interior of the door to stop his own bishop, very helpless: "I said that the bishop adult, I will not provoke, just go out and take a look."

"Here is a demon city."

"When you said before talking, he also said that it is a holy city of the Son that can't be released."

"Mr. I've sent people to Maguan, and we should wait for the meeting at this time."

"We are not prisoners, people don't care about us, what happened to see it again?"

"Kelly!" This has been sinking his face that has been smiling. "You are best to stay!"

Seeing the bishop, Kelle looked up: "Cheng Cheng, I will go back."

The Shengwucked Knight squatted back to his room, but he didn't stay with a whit, and jumped out directly from the window.

The distance of more than ten meters is simple to her.

She looked back at the hotel and shook his head: "Cut. Come here, how can you not look at it?"

The Harley Knight was in the first time. In the winter, she learned that the city defense army saw the Culler's identity.

So, all the way, she didn't pay attention.

And now, she is going to visit the winter in the winter.

She always feels that this city is not the same as before.

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