The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1033

What is the way to win?

This is a helmet, and the guy who is like these dead is actually .... a child!

This child has already spoke.

"I am the Lord of Death - Sidero."

"Despicable betrayers, open the city gate, welcome the greece! It is my child under my feet."

The sound is like a bell, which is not as an advision, because the lotus found a lot of goblin, therefore killed!

The genre king didn't know when to wear a helmet. His face is ugly: "Those damnate! It is them, definitely they will take God to this side!"

Xunzu's eyes, it seems that the problem of this shelter is indeed very serious, and it is seriously a decker.

The voice of the land is still continuing: "It seems that it is not wrong, this is a new god! A God who has never seen before, the death of death? Does the death of death?"

The Elf King snort: "God can fall, why talk to death? Note ..."

The king of this place was originally planned, but in the sky, Sicottro opened again.

"According to the Shenming agreement, you have ten seconds to consider the surrender begins to resist, and now you start counting down."



This guy does not follow the route, and then it will come directly after the end of ten!

"Obviously, you have chosen resistance."

I saw Sicot Roh to raise hands and gathered!

Next moment, the dead pen is straight!

PS: The next chapter is updated immediately.

PS: Wandering Earth! I am blown out! ! Blow up! ! ! Although there are some logic issues after adaptation, but the plot is complete! Give an explanation, this is not something! ! Especially that special effect! The special effects of true mother! ! Who specifically said that China does not shoot a special effect? ? ?

It turns out that only the money has been used in the right place, the effect is not a problem!

I heard that this is the hospital line version? I hope to have a director clip version.

Back to Hangzhou, I want to go to the IMX theater again! This small broken cinema at home lost a lot of feelings.

Chapter 926: Who are you?

Xunzu looked at this scene in front of him.

There is no way, this scene is really shocking!

This is an unusual shock, just resistant to the power to eliminate the two legendary sanctuary, in that case, in the case of a good shelter, at this time ... actually broke!

Just break!

Although it is said that because of the fact that the line consumes too much, the Springs feel obviously the surge in the elements, but it can't resist the terror of the dead!

Starting straight! A huge gap appeared!

Any object directly directly is directly pressed!

It is obviously one of the squeezed, and the surroundings should be collapsed, but it is not the case around this.

In his surroundings, it is like a knife! Cut the buildings around them!

Huge roar appears!

The middle fire furnace is cut a big mouth on the side of this dead!

Screams are endless!

The king of the land looked at this scene in front of him, as if not believe this thing is the same moment!

Next to him, a sanctuary is highly shouting: "Cut off! Cut off the element load! Fast, put the elements into the mouth to block me! Start the spare energy! Start the backup energy."

After payment, this holy area ran to the descending king, whisper: "Wang! Fast command, king!"

This place of this place reacted, he took the control room: "All the enemy attacked!"

Next moment, Xuncus saw a large number of worships take off from the big fire furnace of this shelter, and rushed toward the death of the death.

They flashed in the light, rushing to the owner of the death, did not choose an attack but directly!

The explosion of the roar is constantly ringing in the sky!

However, even if it is an explosion, the flame and the impact wave are not helpful, and the dead is condensed! Condensed!

They even wrapped the flames in it!

In the end, the dead will break again!

This time, the magic couple rushed to Sidero was stiff to it.

Next moment, they began to quickly aging, and finally fell off the sky into the sky.

After landing, these guys seem to have been a lot of years, and they are in the fine sand!

Dusus is stupid in the following, this is not the power of time, but a kind of .... Practice the existence of life!

Is this God?

But it is clear that these gods and gods have traveled more than Sudu, they don't have any hesitation, the three legends have come out from the city, go to this death!

In this moment, the Lord, which has been a dead death, also stopped the advancement, he stopped, and the dead was dead.

The Elf King also rushed out of the control room, and he lifted his hand, and a energy cover appeared over the shelter.

The Lord of the Death is to call the dead gas around him and the legendary battle, just in the white blood of his fight, a god-like shadow appears from the dark.

Another legend!

A legendary assassin!

His hand with a spike made of gemstones! Put the heart position of Sicrovo!

The legend is whisper: "Go to death!"

However, the dead gas of the body suddenly appeared, directly wrapped around the crystal dagger!

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