The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1035

This is the image information of at least 50,000 years!

50,000 years!

Cross the time speech conversation?

If you encounter this situation in the shelter, maybe a lot is a little better, but now .... He is an image that is watching in the system is a systematic.

Can this still do?

"Why can the Lord that have just seen me?"

[Unknown reason, unable to analyze "


Zuns took a deep breath, he muttered: "Is it .......................

Word wants to try it, but there is some palpitish in your heart.

Is it true to tell you?

Word is very much, but .... This strange thing happened in front of him, and if you didn't figure out a clear, I always feel that there is something in my heart to block myself.

Considering the thirteen, the Word is still decided to see Chu!

In case it is not to look at yourself, maybe you still miss any important information!

"System, play again."

The spot construction, shelter is ‰, once again.

The scene of just experienced again, and the grounds were deposited in the excitement of the legend, but the next moment, the Lord of Death came.

It is still an explosion, sneak attack, reactive, but.

Often it is, everything is losing angry.

The same blocker, one is not stayed!

This time, this changed a view, and he watched his position just now, and he mole must be a little more.

But this time, let the Shuqi have taken advantage!

I saw the owner of the death of the death of the death, and then the head was standing, then the head was low, the line just didn't see it!

The body has been shaking slightly. That sentence ..... is indeed the owner of this death!

This is the record of information, and it is impossible to have a line that hasn't been there!

But clearly, this time the death of this death seems to have not found himself, he floated to the air, after the underground shelter swept, smashed his hand.

Dead is swept off!

After a moment, a transparent thing began to condense his hand, and finally integrated into a ring on his hand.

That ring was originally dark, but after these things entered, suddenly became like the night sky, the star is shining.

Liangtang's shelter begins with a step into the dark, and the light is getting darker, as if this is the original information record.

Hitz is somewhat doubt, he can't understand why this is the guy discover himself?

He looked at the Lord of Death, staring at the back of this guy, curious how this 'God' did.

The owner of death disappeared.

After a breath, it should be this image to disappear.

However, the next moment, the people of death, clearly disappeared, but suddenly appeared in front of the draft, a pair of pupils seem to have to suck people in general black.

"Is it you?" He said.

Duus feels that the heart has been smashed, and the cold sweat is muted in the whole body! This is still not counted, this death is raised, and I caught it out to this side!


The picture dissipates.

[World image is complete]

No more time around it, there is no death, there is no shelter, nothing.

And Zunus has been sitting on the ground.

His expression is a bit stiff.

correct! The owner of the death can indeed discover yourself! I found my own figures after this 50,000 years later!

Special, if the earth has this guy, those keyboarders are estimated to die!

"System!" Springs bite the teeth: "What happened, what happened?" What is going on! "

[Unknown reason, unable to analyze "

"I want to know all the information about God." Springs stood up.

Although the thoughts just have a very horror, although they were injured, although they were scared.

But Muscings never sits people sitting.

Since there is a problem, the light is fear is useless, find a problem, solving the problem is what you should do!

Why is this this?

This is a first reaction from the problem from the 'scientific' society.

Find out his reason!

[The host does not classify the information]

"Don't use it all this whole!" Mr. said: "Do you want to open a member of the month? Still you want to swipe the Yue Yue one or two, you will say it! Don't you give you a year?"

[Payment of 30 yuan upgrade fee per month, the system can automatically retrieve information vocabulary]

[Need to set up the corresponding vocabulary]

"I know it." After the Springs chose to pay, this system is also enough. Plus the last member space, this before and after, you can't do it in this year, you have to spend 20,000 gold coins in this.

[System upgrade]

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