The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1059

"I think it is, the winter is developing, everyone is to eat, mix, mixed, but now ... Everyone is full, with some deposits, always have some other pursuit? No It is the winter, the second magic, and even the whole continent. The right represents gold coins. If ... I am saying, if you don't harm the benefits, everyone earns more fast. "

Marcus eyes are said: "What are you talking about!"

Mrus raised his hand to let Marcus shut up, but squatted to the Bill: "You said the big reverse, you can do this."

Bill smiled and said: "The His Royal Highness, I am a bit, it is good. I have seen more scenes. The things that are pursuit is simple. I only enjoy the right of the hand, the people of the winter, the residents of the winter Enough. There are other messy, I am too lazy. You put it in front of me 100,000 gold coins, I don't know how to spend. I also give yourself trouble, attracting a pile of piles ... What are more tired. I know content. "

"But ... I have little idea. Similarly, there is also a small understanding of Marcus Director." Bill said: "The whole continent, becoming an official for what ... It is for yourself, you can't eat a high wind, in order to earn extra, it is true that you are doing this. I still want to come to the city hall as an official. "

"Fart!" Mukus's white face is red: "Whether it is the oath of the entry, or the rules on the wall, you all understand white-written! Bill, you are giving them off!"

A face of Bill is bitterly bitter: "I can't say it! You are not letting me say, this is the bureau of Marcus."

Duus is swaying: "Nothing, what can be said. What is always better than anything."

Fiis's heart moved slightly, looked at the lack of gods, she suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness .... Are you a heart ... I have an idea?"

Dusi nodded: "I just want to see what you think, how do those municipal guys think."

Word stood up and opened: "Let's say the result, severely punish the official, an unbelievable! The night chamber of commerce is severely punished, the specific court will compensate, other Chamber of Commerce, warned fines, punishment is the secondary education."

"But the temple." Fiis felt.

Springs interrupted her: "Listen to me."

"Winter Municipality is a new era, a new idea, a legal city without nobles. I know that from the aristocratic class system, it is difficult to jump to the current system. But ... we have so Done."

"We are pioneers, can't have any mistakes! We have developed our own rules, and if the air of this continent does not match us, we are not compromising, but boycott! Just resist the group of privileges same!"

"As for officials, the role of officials is to coordinate the development of urban development. We decided to implement, they decided to have the following countless civilian food and clothing. If they can be purchased, listen to the words of bribes. What? We are equivalent to Put the right to your hands to those rich guys. "

"As for this, the reason is also the reason for severe punishment. Winter Municipality is just a city, Shahua is so big! There may be a second third, or even the fourth city in the future! Winter Municipality is this core As long as we appear a little defect, the following other cities will be filled with cracks! So, this kind of thing, there is no room for any discussion! "

Xunus looked at Fiis, said: "This is a new era, put the old thoughts! Think about earning a foreign official, and never really guides the city development! This kind of thing is not black, white! No exception! "

"This is my first time to correct my thoughts, and hope to be the last time."

Sitting on: "Prepare the carriage, go to the city hall."

PS: Update is completed, before asking me to live in the city center, because there is a business circle around, watching the movies. Most important .... Takeaway! ! The place where the old ancestors live ... Many takeaways are not available! !

One thing is to be lively at night, sometimes come out to dinner, go home in the middle of the night, I may not be high and high-hearted sister, return (or go out.

I can't take a look at this is good, go back to us around the community after going back. After all, it is convenient.

PS: Then, thanks before and before and before .... Nowadays ... no new.

Today (No. 12) wooden, several blades, wooden tickets, a few rewards.

Today, I'm snowing ... update delay

After waking up, I went to my sister to introduce the cat to watch the cat, and used for two or three hours. I thought that people went to Hangzhou when they raised them. The result was seen after ... it was completely unhappy ... this must take back.

Then Zhengzhou, this is snowing ... Feng Road! Drip driver dares to send me ... can only be delivered to the subway station. Go back to take the cat, you must take the bus, watching the snowfall road .... Laozi is ...

I feel that I am going to go to the cousin for one night .... As long as there is a computer enough, I will update it for a while to write. Estimate .. Was an hour to get it. Update is 9:00.

Picture: "Cat", Location: "Images / 1550057713-100072907-102875658.JPG"

The ninth fifteenth: this is the rule

The city hall, at this time, the official of the city hall was gathered together, and the heart couldn't help.

Starting from three days ago, a cloud of clouds is pressed on the head of these Winter Municipality.

The colleagues around them took a one-stop investigation by a policeman, which was the first time in the winter.

Under normal circumstances, the police in winter in the city are friendly cooperation with officials of the city hall, and the ghost knows why this time suddenly ran over.

Three days, some winds also spread out, after all, everyone is working under a roof, sometimes some small actions still still know some.

Plus the winter in the city is so big, the official police said that it is not a rare thing.

Moreover, Springs did not have a secret for this review arrest, even said that as long as these people ask, then it can be said.

The news of accepting bribes has gradually passed out, and the things that misappropriated public funds and ruined the famous winter city were also passed out.

So, why is such a police to catch people, and the reason is also obvious.

Before everyone, I only know that this Sundus is so relieved to the enemy, but I am not clear for my own ....

At this time, it was assembled, and everyone's heart was drumping.

Especially when they gather, a policeman also walked into the meeting room hall.

what's the situation? Is the police ready to prepare a pot?

As a result, I saw that the director of Marcus came in and let everyone sit down all.

Is the police to meet?

After that, even the Embassy Department of Army, the Ministry of Agriculture is also coming.

It can be said that all of the democratic departments of winter in the city appear in this venue, and crowded the entire venue.

When everyone is wondering, the Xunzu appeared on the primary podium, and everyone's eyes gathered to the body.

Everyone wants to know what this ambiguk is going to do.

However, seeing the face, everyone knows that this time is not good at this time.

Xunzu cleared the throat, the sound of the sound of magic appeared.

He opened: "Everyone must have a good gift, and what is the matter of you."

"But don't be curious, because you will know soon." Springs went to the front of the podium: "Today, the three-day winter in the city is over, the king is very sad!"

"There is a thorough investment, more than 20 volumes of bribery! There is an official of the city hall, there is a policeman, all of your colleagues. Who can look at who you are around, you will know Whoever has an accident. "

Watching scheduled, then continue to say: "Here, this king must reiterate one thing. In winter, you must keep the rules of the winter in the city! Whether it is winter, the rules and regulations of each department, with no exceptions!"

"About more than 20 people who have previously involved, the police station has fully put all other lawsuits that have already been filed to the court, and there are three people in this. Many people don't understand what the current court is meaningful, then I Just tell you here. "

"The so-called court is actually the place of trial crimes. Anyone's crime!"

"The police station is responsible for evidence that they no longer have the right to trial and only have law enforcement rights."

This is a major change in the future of Winter Municipality, or it has changed it almost a month, but you don't seem to be unisexual. Don't give me an understanding, after all, the task of law is arduous. "

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