The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1072

"What happened to the death Master?"

"The Master of the undead can summon the undead. The land of Shahua Highlands buried how many collapse of the neckya, you should be better than me! Especially the winter, it looks like it? This place is a robber to compete for, ghost How many creatures have been buried in this nearby! And ... you see the undead Master, this gang thief can even open the door to summon! Continuous summoned this word Dynasty, grandmother! "

"This kind of Undead Master you discovered in advance, and quickly solve it! Wait until you go to your winter, no one knows how many undeads can follow him after he is!"

Barbara is on the side: "The boss means that the Master of the undead did not be placed at all."

Different differences in Barbara: "Yes, a girl, you finally translate it once, and also believe in Da Ya."

"You still say this time, it is not good." Kelly was anxious: "Forget! I am coming, you will obviously don't know the horror of these guys."

Said, Kelly is holy, next moment, a piece of armor is covered in her!

This is also the first time that Keli turned into the city. After all, after all, after the winter, this place did not make Kaili chance to become a chance!

Duus looked at the armor of Kelly.

This special armor warrior!

"Special Niang!" Kaili took the armor, the sound became irritated: "Actually there is a Master of the undead dare to appear in front of Laozi! Today I have to hammer them!"

Watching sighs, forgetting ... this should be a prosthetic knight.

However, the guy who hasn't waited for Kaili's sense of acting, Anna stopped her: "Hey, those guys are at least three or forty kilometers, what are you going?"

"Preventing it in order, refusing to the enemy in the city gate." Kelly said: "The sooner, the less trouble, the less trouble."

"Now twenty or 30 kilometers, you can't play it."

Kelly looked at Anna: "You mean this, can you play?"

Anna smiled slightly: "Immediately!"

With the sound of Anna, the east wall finally had a movement.

The eating roar, the sound of the wind element, the roar of fire, the fire!

I saw a large number of unidentified objects were shot from these runners.

Next moment, a group of flames rose from far away! A dramatic explosion has occurred.

However, in addition to killing some stinky fish lazy, even the shadow of the large team did not touch it.

Keli took the face, inexplicably looked at Anna: "Scared me, listen to you, what is the result, what is it!"

Next moment, the city once again remembered the sound.

This time, all shells are precisely hit!

PS: ask for a monthly ticket blade! ! ! ! Only 14 blades yesterday, 40 months tickets! ! !

Chapter 964: Several

Kelly is now a brain.

"What is this!"

"City anti-gun." Springs replied.

"What can you do before playing?"

Barbara disdain: "I don't know if there is something called calibration? First time I just look at it."

"However, your city fire cannon." Kelly looked at the undead military commanders in the distance, said in the mouth: "It seems to be used."

Indeed, although shellings are hit, but .... There is no group to stop the pace of the advancement of these undead military.

But ... this does not affect what.

As the end of the test, each artillery starts adjusting the angle and parameters.

Next moment, the city fire cannon!

This is a gift from 20 kilometers away!

Undead needs to be assembled, there are many cities that have been promoted by the death Master of the Death Master, and every guy from that escaped has left a deep dream!

The most of them is the guys who can't finish, those guys who don't know the pain, those guys who don't retreat, step by step to you!

but now....

Don't say these undead, you can't help it, you can't help it.

Moreover, there are also impact waves in addition to the flames in addition to the flames.

But these undeads are embarrassed, or they don't know what is fear, even if the flames are burning on them, they are not afraid.

However, there is a smirk on the Piciel face that is being commanded: "The upper allegorus!"

Next moment, some city anti-gun began to replace the ammunition.

Then, a piece of cracked play whistling!

Different from the previous tail, this crack bomb is yellow! The core is still fired, but there are some other things inside, which are the elements of elements extracted from those magic buildings.

Coupled with the innovation of the Christine family and Cols, the cracks appear.

As the cracked bombs, the next moment, the next moment, a huge fault flashed!

This is similar to the application of launch technology.

The land under this under the end of the undead is collapsed! Collapssed into a big pit!

Piedz mouth rises: "Fuel bomb!"

A piece of conical iron block was stuffed into the city's anti-gun, and the Springs appeared very kind!

If you don't want to wear armor, it's not blasting, not EMP interference, but ..... used to transport things.

The transportation is a black-like oil in the fuel bomb. .

It is also a material that is extremely flammable but sticky from the food planted in Croatia!

These things are the same as the precise guidance, and the combustion bullets are pulled into a deep pit.

Then ... Piciel smiled: "Free shoot!"

The fire is quite!

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