The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1080

Just listen to it!

As if something is swept out, then it is a huge bell, and there is a smashing sound in the next time!

Sicline has changed, this is what he came to this mainland, or ... thousands of years, the first time!

Even when I found that the soul disappeared, the death of the death was also slightly frowned.

But at this time, he couldn't help but speak: "The people of the gods! Or both gods!"

Kelly and Deng have already looked silly.

Just after this sentence, a black dead suddenly drilled out from the monarch!

It was shine with the golden rays and the silver light, as if the screamed disappeared!

And Xuncus also suddenly opened his eyes, his head, the dragon, the murder, and the double bold one gold.

However, this state is slightly fleeting, the next moment, the Shu will start dramatically breathe, as if a drowning who just woke up.

Si Stro is a three steps after practicing in the air, this retreat, Carlisle and others feel that the constraints of their body will disappear!

He quickly flew to the weight: "His Royal Highness, you are fine!"

Duus greedy sniper air, stunned: "Mom .... Almost tens of thousands of gold coins, there is something that is just now."

"Judge bells." Jia Beilira said: "Shenming tried the god privilege of life, but ... this thing was originally a trial, now I can use it for you, and ... it is obvious that the trial is dismissed Sicro, you have less time left now? "

Sicroe is gloomy, he looks to Jia Pilal: "Your Dragon Scales are to demonstrate the identity of his gods?"

Jia Bilila file: "The contract protects him, what can my Dragon Scales can be used? And this kid is very blame, even if there is no dragon scales, not triggering the gods, it is estimated that you can't find it, anyway, I can't find it. Guardian is only a guarantee means. "

Dusus suddenly opened behind: "So, he kills me?"

"Of course," Jia Pilai laughed: "The Lord of Death is the owner of death, but ... that is the thing of the deceased. Life and death, this is mutually pertide. Even if he is God, want The more you need to pay the price, the more you stay in the world of stayers, "

"That is to say, I don't want to be afraid?" Springs blinked: "Mom! Scared me! It can't kill me!"

Sicro's application has recovered in this time, after the initial error, he quickly calm down.

He is actually the biggest mistake, except for God, more of the two gods appear in a person!

Bright goddess, the goddess of the goddess of the moon is actually on a human body!

Sichiro suddenly felt that Mrus can collect souls, it is not particularly strange.

But the Lord of the death shook at this time: "Also think of to limit me? But .... Even if you can't trial him, but ... God is not a god, want to fight with the real god Still too much innocent. "

Jia Beilira said: "Do you have a sistero, you can signed a contract with the giant dragon?"

Sicro is a snoring: "If someone is willing to sacrifice, and now ... I don't miss this guy!"

I saw that the two Lich came out. Although they only had a horses and green eyeballs, but at this time, everyone can see the deciduousness from the eyes.

"We curse this demon that despise my Lord!" The two worst sings are devout: "We are willing to use their own soul as a price to curse him!"

Siculo's mouth is a broken: "Your prayer, I heard it!"

Next, the two worships screamed, after a moment, their bone shelves were completely scattered!

In the wrist in Sidero, there are more shiny stars.

Si Stro looks to the Shu: "Do you think that two guys can still care a few times?"

Jia Beilla is just a mouthful: "Sicro, when you use the trial bell, you have been stared, let's stop, you can't kill him."

Sicro's hands! Next, his door appeared a port, a soul tube, a headless knight, and senior undead came out from inside.

"Although it is limited by the world rules, it doesn't matter?"

However, Jia Pila is smiled: "I said it is not this! Don't forget his identity, this guy ... There is a scorpion!"

PS: Everyone is tangled and broken .... No, no update, this is not coming?

PS: Then everyone should not worry, the network cable is the network cable of Telecom, not the second-level developer. This is the telecommunications business fellow helping me find it. I should know that the old book should know, she is the last time I go to the rabbit to run a returned service, and then let me take the ID card, this big sister displaced the one .... Later net fee I can't pay myself, I can only find her.

Then there is a price problem.

When I asked, the business hall is 100m broadband a year 1300.200m broadband, and the year 2200 is still 2400.300. I seem to have a new spring event. When this time, this big sister directly let me take out Taobao and help I find the store. Say above is cost-effective than business halls. Finally .... 300m1100 ....

Chapter 971: Unparalleled Compensation

In the next moment, the sky seems to be torn, and a huge shadow appeared on this battlefield.

Dusse is a bit embarrassing ....

How many times have been saved?

That's right, this time is still Cruze.

At this time, this legendary monarch is not present, he looked at the Lord of the death in front of him, said calm: "Sicro, this is the demon."

Si Stro looked at Jia Beilla, and looked at Kruz, browned: "Where do I want to say?"

Cruze looked back to see a meal, asked: "Is it coming to you?"

Springs smiled: "Father, I don't want, ghosts know why these guys have always come to me. People are sitting, and the pot is coming."

Cruze turned over and said: "Sicro, you have been staying for a long time in the living time, it's time to go back."

Sicottro snorted: "I came out to find this guy in the living world, I remember .... Nixiklaus seems to stay in the big forest, the kid, Nick Rolls are also you? "

Word licks his face, ok .... It's squeezed together.

But just thought of this, Springs suddenly moved.

He suddenly looked at Sicro: "No! Niklaus said he fled himself! How do you know where he is!"

Sicro said: "I always know."

"Do you deliberately? Think about the eye in the eyes, there is a flash in his mouth: Yes! You are!"

"However, Niklas has always rely on the sacrifice and swallowing way to improve their strength, even if it is dead, it is also the same way, you know that it will be .... but it is intentionally let him come out, you ..... "

Listed Niclaus before the death of Nixiklaus, the civil servant is not enough, and the river is congested. He takes the opportunity to run.

But now look at .... It seems that it is not the case.

Sicro said: "Do I want more kill?"

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