The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1082

Newman is still in the rings of the hand, and naturally don't know what happened outside.

However, these side of the death of death, the strength can not be weak.

Although there is no sanctuary, it has its own strength of the Sanctuary.

These attractors do not have a holy area, but the power of the sanctuary is representative ... they already have the strength of the holy area.

For example, this time, the command they receive is killing the Suspi, so it is completely desperate to others, and it is coming directly!

However, if you want to find a lot, you must first break the three-layer barrier.

The first floor, the big killing of the Quarethal.

He holds a knight and swings, and he has killed the quarter.

However, he is the easiest to break through.

Don't look at Carlisle, but the biggest role is actually pulling hatred.

But it is clear that the hatred value of these guys is on Hunus, or the mandatory hatred of the name, how is your DPS? It is not back.

The breakthrough of Carlisle is the layer of Kelly.

This attire can be committed.

The power of the Shengguang is a restraint of evil, and even the Mozi is, no one knows why, just think is an elementary gram.

They said that this is the blessing of the bright goddess, but ... but half a catty is half a catty.

But now it is not to study this, Kelly's sanctuary is dead! Shengguang 'At this time, the power is full.

This mouth is actually a big hammer, and a light column falls from the sky!

The most important thing, this gating will follow you!

At the beginning, the attractions of these deaths also supported a big dead to resist, but the holy light was not like the source, and now it is still in the day, these holy lights are like the sky of the sky, the thorns are dead, let one The attractor of the death country burned under the gods.

In fact, these are not the most headache of these attractors, let them be the most headache the female knight.

Dead is completely unable to play the effect after approaching her, but will be completely blocked by the helmet in his body, and a non-payment will be hive.

This guy is like a large light bulb, everything is in the dark!

How do you say ... You now talk about her is the estimate of God.

The shine in the Shengguang is solemn.

Of course, the premise is that she does not speak.

However, when fighting, let Kaili don't speak ..... This seems impossible.

This group seems to be in general.

At this time, the Paladin has a side waist, after escaping a sneak hit guy, the knight sword suddenly returned to the mouth and didn't forget: "Wang Baqi! Actually sneak!"

At this way, this is not known because the sneak attack is a skill that is attacked. It is still scared by the sneak attack. It is scared, and it is actually stunned.

Second, this is this, he misses the best evasion time.

When he saw the returning sword, he was originally wanted to hide. He even calculated that he must be avoided, but his head was just half, a holy light shot from the sword, directly Half of his head.

"You ... you ... you ..." This is incredible to tremble: "Actually, he attacked!"

"I am a rigid palace!" Kelly screamed: "Never sneak!"

To say it, the Shengguang shot suddenly returned in the air, running through this attire.

She turned her head. The long sword is fixed, sweeping the attraction: "Which rabbit scorpion wants to sneak!"

I didn't say two words, I went straight!

However, Kelly is almost a person, even if there is a range of holy light blocking, even if there is her own fixed-point blow, the attractor of this death country is less than 450.

There is still a lot of breakthroughs of Kelly's blocking, and the third, it is a big bishop.

This bishop is at this time, the handheld stick, the white robe is in the wind.

Seeing the receipt of the rush, this bishop great human rights went to the front, there was low in the mouth: "Sanctuary: holy area of ​​the prisoner!"

With the bishop's holy area, his back is slowly opened.

After the eyes opened, this group of death killed in front of the country suddenly appeared in front of the fence!

"Don't look at that eye!" A attraction.

Although he shouted this, he was in a moment of holy.

Then, the cage starts shrinking, and the burning sound is constantly sounding!

Many attractors quickly turned back!

Deng has just slowly said: "The cage can disappear because it is not alive."

The eye turns, looks at the other hand, the cage appears!

These guys were trapped inside, but some were slammed out before the Shengguang cage fell out!

The guys who were trapped in the inside began to struggle, and the Deng did not only shake his head: "Your current strength is impossible to break free. Even if it is a real holy area, don't want to end it from here. "

Several trapped attractions are dead, want to go out from the gaps of the cage, but .... The result is that there is something to resist, they can't go out, the cage is still under the moment!

They can't connect back to human form!

"Don't try any way outside of the crack." The pair of handheld south squints: "That will only make you more fragile, such as now."

The sound of Zi Si, two chemicals that the two turned into the people who want to come out, but this is not their voluntary, but .... Some people are smoking!

And these dead is the sanctuary of Deng.

However, as before, these attractions have too much.

There is still at least ten attractors who have not been gazed by Shenggui, or from Dumbles.

He finally came to his own ultimate goal. And they are just the first batch, and there may be more.

For the command of the Lord of Death, all the way .... They were trapped, and they died.

But after all, it is a guy who can use the Sanctuary forces. At this time, it came to Munus, and ten hits, even if there is no holy area?

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