The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1092

"Don't hinder me !!!" Si Stro's voice seems to add a motor to the air: "You have already disappeared."

However, this is completely helpful.

A huge eyeball suddenly looked at Shuus, the low and cold voice of Sicottro sounded: "You thieves, since you don't take you, then you will fall into sleep!"

Among the swirls in the sky, a fog suddenly wrapped in it!

At the same time, Sicroe lesions, and a voice also sounded throughout the mainland.

"Death is coming! No one is still born!"

PS: Thanks to 20 blades of Dior Baby!

PS: Eat in the evening ... I didn't pay attention, I have been eaten ....

Chapter 981: To start

Elf Islands.

Blood Elf Queen Angelina and the Forest Elf Wang Sakston is looking at the holy altar of the eye.

In fact, it is a bowl of water in the holy altar, which is clearly silent, but this bowl of water is in general.

Finally, the Forest Elf King broke the amount of silent air: "This magnet is shaking, there is a legend. Moreover, more than one."

"I haven't happened before?" Angelina is full of vigilance: "But there is no such power, last time ... just ripples."

"Yes." Saxon replied: "The previous thing was because Cruze had conflicts with the human empire, but this time ... they won't play it? Is it very active now? ? "

Just when the two said, in front of them, the moon of the three god statues suddenly trembled slightly, and the month of the moon rushed!

"What is the situation!" Two Elf King glanced at the eyes, I didn't know what happened.

But soon, a elf ran in, single knee: "Two hits! I have an accident!"

"What is going on!" Angelina asked.

"Yue Shenquan ... Moon Shenquan consumes sharply. It has been consumed by half."

Saxon stunned, he looked back at the light of the moon and god, suddenly said: "Will not .... Is it a lot?"

"That person deducted the prince of our people?" Angelina frightened: "Not I said that you Saxon, when is the elf?"

"The guy is God." Saxon said: "I saw it, the current night Elf Queen is by his side."

"Do you see his moon? I have a wisdom creature to become a sense of god."

"Amount ....." Saxon card shell: "He doesn't know why ... has not let it look, but ... The Queen of the Night Elf is guaranteed by his beliefs. If she talks or gives up her belief If we here, the holy spring gets easier. And the most important thing! "

Saxophone sighs: "Charlie they are slammed by Jia Beilira."

Angelina also kicked a shell, then he said: "The wolf is in the room! It is still three years? It is estimated that it is not to be killed by Jia Beilila."

That Sanctuary wizard is very wonder what the two elf kings said, but it seems that it is not a matter of reporting.

He can only remind: "Wang, Shengquan ..."

Saxon waved: "Nothing, you go, consume it."

"Yes." The holy area retired.

Angelina is emotional: "Hey, this owe thing, sooner or later is going."

"The problem is why the moon god altar will consume sharply." Saxon wrinkled: "I used to put the output before."

Just when two people think about this problem, suddenly look at the air!

"This is ..." Saxon grew up his mouth.

"The Lord of Death!" Angelina interface.

Next moment, they heard the full announcement of Sichova.

"Death is coming! No one is still born!"


St. three.

Curtis floats with Demnik and on the border line, they look at the northwest direction.

Demnik said: "It's really a quicker, let's find the death of this death for a year, I am afraid that he suddenly goes crazy. I didn't have a good break in the past, and the result is now fell ... this guy actually with Cruze I have played it. "

"Cruz, I also understand." Curtis was confused: "But ... Jia Pilal is also joined in the lady in the forest?"

"The ghost knows, but Sicro is in the world of life, it is not what we are going to deal with him. This game is playing down, no matter where it wins, we are all good news. The Kingdom of Lock also needs the second magic. Little is honest. "

"What if Siyi Taro won?"

"That is also said?" Dominik rose: "Of course, I will return him to his death in the fastest speed. This kind of guy who died appeared in the living world. Good things, in case this guy Huoho Emo, continue to come to Huo Hu, do you not know if you have a tragedy? "

"It is also right." Curtis said: "Anyway, ready to call Xuelika, and don't know how Catherina kid breakthrough."

"You said that there is no problem, we don't have to worry ..." Domnique said half, he looked up, his face was mad: "The Lord of Death!"

Then they heard the sound that as if the continent sounded.

Steier said: "He is .... Decades the war?"


The orc empire, a Thaio legend and a Rhendman legend look at the southeast direction - it is Shahua Highlands.

"It seems that the Lord of Death is true. This is true. I thought it was a chance, but I saw the current situation is estimated. The three legends should be the limit of this death. ? "

"Mainly two neutral guys." The Rhine legend is a pity that.

The two of the beans are really in this feeling, and the voice of death broke their chat.

After listening to the full channel broadcast, the two orc did not hesitate to fly a place.

There is a holy place in the orc - War of War!


Iron furnace.

A dwarf who is selling a hammer suddenly looks up, this legendary dwarf voice is surprised: "This is ....., Sicro. Is it ... still coming?"

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