The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1094

"What did you start just?" Jia Beilila flew in Barbara towards it.

Barbara excited: "That is a god! This is just how much money is worth it! Maybe you can touch the boss to give a dehydrate back."

Jia Pilai laded tone: "I don't know how to be poisonous, yes, what did you touched?"

"Yes." Barbara rings flashed, then a bead appeared in his hand: "Is this awkward?"

Looking at the beads in front of you, Jia Beilira saw a long time, then shake his head: "This black is not slippery, I will ask Cruze. He is more exchanged with death."

The two fell to Springs, Jia Pilanite opened: "What is the situation now?"

"Everything is normal." Xin Di added: "From the inside, there is no damage to the slightest, even how much the magic is consumed, are you not signing with him? Feel your state."

Jia Pilai is slightly closed, then the face changed, she quickly looked at the brain of the hand: "Yes, it's okay, but why I feel less than something, the contract is also broken."

Cindijiao said: "That is not wrong. This is the power of the art, a godderagon is chained with the body's consciousness and body link. Maybe it may be disadvantaged. But ...." Cindya Looks Cruze: "this Disperse ... isn't it what we can do? "

Barbara is in the heart, she asked: "Why don't you ask the boss. This situation is too bad at the time! In this way, take the boss back to the winter."

PS: Sleep, tomorrow, get up in the morning to do it.

Finally ... who knows where there is a reliable pet hospital in Binjiang. I originally wanted to go outside the community. The result of the online check, a bunch of bad reviews.

Chapter 983: System

"What is the situation in Dus?"

The hospital in the winter, a group of people are helpless. At this time, it is no longer Cindya that is responsible for the doctor to see a doctor, but Mon many bishops.

The Holy Tree has a set of people, but the eggs are, they also have a set of people in the rescue.

"This." Deng did not hold the chin: "Your Majesty, S., is a symptom of death into the bone marrow. This ... At least the holy water is soaked, it will be a day, the heavy rules will be wake up. ! "

"Ha?" Cruze eyes said: "We have no way, and your holy holy court will break a shower. Laozi doesn't have to believe in your ..." Say, Cruz suddenly Card shell.

"There is no relationship with the gas into the body." Xin Dijia said: "This is something, little guy, you talk about it, do you want to overthrow my diagnosis?"

Poor Deng doesn't have a lot of hair, and the beard is white and white, and it is also called a little guy.

But this, Dushang can only sigh: "This is really evil, things at the soul ... not good at the sacred court."

"What are you good at?" Jia Pilirass.

"Trauma internal injury." Deng didn't answer: "This strange injury is really no. But .... Women's demon is not the best thing to level at the soul? Cruze, you ..."

"Understand." Cruze said to the outside, then the body disappeared directly.

After a while, the legendary magistrator came back again. He hit a confused man in his hand, still squatting his demon.

"Take a look at the situation." Cruze put this female demon.

"Yes, Your Majesty." This woman said, she said on the forehead of her hand, the power of the soul has explored.

"Who is she?" Jia Beilila asked curious.

"A Sanctuary of Anderson funded, just gave it out from Anderson's home."

Jia Beiliiiiiiki: "There is right to right."

After a while, the woman's demon was on the ground, and then planted the ground.

After smashing the ground, this female demon suddenly woke up.

"What is the situation." Cruze hurriedly asked.

This woman is full of shock: "Just, what is the situation? Where is the soul of the Hall? It is clear that the body is normal, but ... soul?"

"Waste!" Cruze was angry, and the woman demon also felt murderous, and said: "His Royal Highness .. His Royal Highness This is like a soul being trapped in a place ..... Specific reasons .... This may take more detailed understanding. I need ... I need time to you. "

Cruze black face: "OK, then I will give you time, how much help? I have given you."

This woman is crying, and I don't know who to go to the pit at this time.

And Word .....

Where is he?

Inside the system space. Duus tried several times with a system space.

However, the obtained prompts are the same.

[Unable to exit, the body link bridge is closed, the forced exit may cause awareness wandering, system prompt, please temporarily stay in the system space to wait for physical recovery]

Although the system space says that the Springs waits to the body repair, the system did not tell Master how to fix it.

"Grandma." Wenzu is not: "This broken thing makes it, this Nima Pants have discovered that it is a man, this is called what is broken."

Duus is in the system space opening: "System, when this connection bridge can be repaired."

[Unable to estimate, the system is investigating specific reasons]

"How long is this still investigated?"

[I'm investigated]

"How much do you want you to say.

[Please keep the host calm, hardware damage, software is not powerful, don't waste network fees in meaningless things, reasonable consumption, don't blindly

Springs: "........"

He listened to silly, this system turned?

But the next moment, several panels once again appeared again.

[Given the waiting time may be too long, the host can purchase some value-added services, the system is here to recommend three sets of summer, a pair of built-in air conditioners. Recommend the fifteen sets of system space decoration style, recommending the spray rotating seat, solving the pain, the biggest speed, can complete the degreasing oil, the price is high]

"Shut up, born! This breaks who want to buy." Springs were very pleasant: "Forget it, you are old and old, I will go see other things."

Springs said, entered a new door.

The house on this door is written on the hirier. After entering, it is a row of a row of things similar to sleep.

Duus found Newman inside, they were not coming in the mind, and it seems to be ...

"So ... here is the difference between the regular contract signing is to summon?" Xius thought I would like to ask: "System, can the existing contract staff use this contract?"

[Original player deaths can not use this contract, can increase the terms directly signed the contractor agreement or player agreement]

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