The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1100

Croaty: "........"

"At this time, you also give me a poor!"

Monchus is very helpless, you said that this is the truth, no one is a letter.

"Don't tell me first." Duus now cares about something else: "What is the situation of death? What about them?"

Differently did not come and looked at the Lord of the Death, and was in the system space.

"The Lord of Death has been sucked back." Croaty said that he also looked at Barbara: "Also, this is not to go back to the winter, always hidden outside, finally The Lord of Death did not start, but also stolen a hand. Don't look at her now, outside, right arms are gone. "

Springs suddenly looked at Barbara: "You really want money to be!"

Barbara scratched his head: "The opportunity is rare, the opportunity is rare. Oops, you don't say it, they all said, I will ..."

I haven't waited for Barbara, and I've opened: "So you stolen?"

Barbara: "......."

"The boss, you don't care about me?"

"Are you nothing?" Springs were surprised: "Half an arm, you will come back, you can't pray too much, give you a bathtub! Can you make you a strange thing? "

Barbara: "........"

"I don't know what it is." Barbara said: "Anyway is a black lacquered bead."

"Two thousand gold coins." Springs direct opening: "I will pay this, let Carlie have studied."

Barbara eyes: "Boss! This is worth 10,000, you have to value five thousand! And this is the gods! How to say it is a artifact! I think hundreds of thousands of gold coins are sold. Going up! "

Dusus snorted: "Don't give me this set, can you be pulled by you in your holy area? I admit that this gather may be artifact, but in case it is only the main entrance of death. A pendant hanging on your body? It is estimated that even two thousand is worth it. "

"That ..." "Barbara Phatei:" That should be the price of the artifact. "

Springs: "If you are legend, I will give you 50,000 gold coins now! But you are just a sanctuary, it is too small. That can't be identified first, when you look at what is giving you? If it is just a small decoration, two thousand gold coins can become two gold coins. "

Barbara is a bit closed.

"That .... Two thousand too, I want five thousand!"

"Three thousand can not be more!" Hitu said: "How much do you know how much you use the life of life? Every impulse is a impulsive, it is your own cool, but you know because of one Impulse, is it less than the winter?

Barbara bite the teeth: "Four thousand! Boss, my courage can be Jiajia."

"The transaction! Can not repent!" Duus looked at Eliana: "After going out, give this four thousand gold coins, then take things over."

Barbara saw that Springs promised so decisive, people were there.

She looked at Anna: "Is I pitted?"

Anna shakes his head: "No .... You are just brought to the pit. But .... Theoretical your trophy should be directly paid? Loud point, this time is a variety of time Do business, I didn't expect you to pay, otherwise ... You may not have a gold coin. "

Barbara first stayed first, then immediately loudly laughed: "Yes! Thank you, thank you! You don't say that I almost forgot this, I got gold coins, I will definitely pay you ten .... Five ... Well, one, one is ok! "

Anna: "......."

"Hold your gold coins." Anna turned a white eye.

On the other hand, Crota is the legend of the legend.

"Anyway, your father and Jia Pilal are not light, although there is nothing, but it is obvious that the burden with God is still too big, Jia Beilira has went to sleep. Your father also returned to the devil. As for Cindida ... "

Croatia was a bit, then said: "It seems to be accounted with your father, and the relationship between them seems to be a bit strange."

Xun will think of the original state of Cinderga, and thought of Cruze knowing some things that were not known, and suddenly the body was trembled.

I am cheap, I am so smell, will it be so strange?


If it is a taste, he shouldn't be afraid of it, is it ....

Suddenly there was a sudden in the heart of the heart that may be used directly by Cruze to use six pro.

However, the legendary serious injury is definitely not a good news for Mon.

He must wake up as soon as possible.

It is also confirmed that the situation in Winter City is, in fact, these monarch can also confirm in the game world.

But he needs to know some general cases, and after knowing that there is nothing, it is relieved.

After everyone goes to rest, the Springs returned to the system space, and we must see what is nothing wrong with this.

PS: There is also a more, ask for a monthly ticket, I want to stabilize this update these days. Today, I was called, and I came up with a good aunt who appeared to clean before, I said that I didn't have time, I said that I put not piles inside the stairs. When she took it directly away.

The result is that the property is called me today, let me go back to clean up. I asked it, I only knew .... The aunt really only took useful things and paper boxes ...


Chapter 989! plan

After returning to the system space, the calculation time should have been in the past seven or eight hours.

This time, no one will grab the network cable yourself, and you can't find out what you want.

"System, how is the situation there?"

[Try to conscious link]

[Detecting unknown blocking, breaking through block]

[Expected breakthrough time, nine thousand seventh hundred and sixty two hours]

Dussen doubt that his ears are wrong: "! How do you?"

[Data correction: 1966 hours]

"Wait! How do you still add it!"

[Data correction, 307,820]

"Don't you talk?"

[Data correction: 40,000 million]

[Data correction, 76,200 hours]

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