The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1116

"Look at this look." Carlisle slightly: "It seems to be .... Coaches in the grounds."

"Coaches?" Deng Shang is the first time to open: "Isn't this a few decades?"

Word is confused: "What is Cuisino?"

"There is a ground point magic." Carlis said: "Unlike other land guys, don't know what the reason, this guy is a male affection, after adulthood, there will be a small bug in the body. These bugs The flesh and blood can even be parasitic in the body of the biological body. Later, everyone knows that this guy has killed a little spirit, even in a mountain forest. In the top ten years of the mountain. "

"The hills he occupied is a bug from the birth of his body. When many public security officers want to catch him, they have become a hotbed of the new poison, and even the formal army has covered the thousands of people under his hill. In the end, this guy gave anger, the magic master shot, and he killed him. "

"Magic Lord?" Xiusi suddenly squinted: "Is the magic master shot, is this guy half ahead?"

"There should be no." Carlis said: "This guy is the peak of the sanctuary."

"What about the peaks of the sanctuary. What about the big public?" Sudu suddenly thought of: "If this is the case, how can this guy may live to the sanctuary?"

"Because of his surname." Carlis threw the branches and said: "He called Kuriso ..... Android."

Springs heard this surname, smashing!

"The first magic?"

Carlinger nodded: "Yes, the first magic, if the medicine is divided, it should be considered Nnell Cors."

Dusus grabbed his face: "Mom, how long is it, how suddenly, this name appeared."

Barbara is blinking: "What is going on?"

"What can I come back." Carlay left: "This guy once is the eldest son of Android, but because of the specific reason, he has never been sent by the Android family as a success, but he is a eldest son, and he has not gone. Before the new future generation, the Android family always raised him. "

"This is because of the special body structure, the character has also become angry, the first Mozu, this home has made all the headaches of the Android family, and later, after Android, this guy is It was thrown into a villa in the Android family. "

"This guy is in a four or three years, and then began to be active. In fact, his male affection has nothing to produce such covisters. The focus is that this guy finally puts on his coviscuits, and even intentionally cultivated covivalequid. When a Mozou took him, the guy had already slaughtered five or six villages, plus a town. "

Many of the interface: "I even ran to the Holy Empire, threatening to produce a race."

Duus looked at the underground insects, and the heart was coming out.

"Say it." What did Zun suddenly thought: "What did the magic undead don't seem to be complete?"

Everyone stunned, Kelly opened: "I thought it was that they rebelled."

Carlishe took a breath: "It seems that it is the monster."

As a result, Karaire has just fallen, an angry voice rang: "Who do you say that it is a monster!"

Next, the ground trembled, the spikes of the large piece were slammed out from the ground!

If the previous one is still a root, this time is a piece!

Carlisle snorted: "I really put you out."

I saw the Carlisle fierce, and the misty fog wrapped in the spinning package!

In the instant of Carlis, a spikes cracked, but this situation did not last for many seconds, and the plunger spike suddenly broke the black fog of Carlis.

In the next moment, the black fomization is a humanoid, and Karaire fly back.

Kri quickly jumped to catch Carlisle, Carlas' fog shake, whispered: "Be careful, this guy is now at least the strength of the peak of the sorcerer."

During the speech, a huge, about 78 meters high, huge beetle squeezed a tree, drilled out from the ground.

Bird's eggs on the head stare at the monarch.

This guy exudes a rotten odor, and the body is not like a complete devil, but it is more like a piece of patchwork.

"This guy has not taken a shower." Barba pulled his nose.

"The second magic of the damn." Kuriso's voice is not male, when the tip is thick: "I am just to catch the woman, you have the opportunity to leave, but now ... I change my mind!" "

Duus arm elbow Darwen: "I said the dean, you are chasing this place along the way?"

Darwin laughed: "Actually ... I don't want to say. Not him, this guy, I am also the first time. At the beginning, we hit our ... it is human."

The hand is slightly changed: "Do you say that there is a holy area?"

"If he did not improve the strength these days." Darwin said: "When he saw him on the first day, he was suppressed, the third day ... we can almost play a hand."

The Kuriso is finished, and it belongs to the holy sound of the male to Shen: "Pike, can you still come out?"

Everyone only felt the gymnastics.

The film is twisted, and the hands have a flash of Darwin and the snow!

The position of Just Springs has been inserted with three daggers that flashing with cold light.

I saw a figure from the dead, this is a human, if it is not the dead, no one will feel that this guy is a dead spirit!

And follow him, there are three holy regions.

"It is them." Darwin slowly said: "The murdered team, there is his massacre team, three hundred years ago, the Wanted criminal pursued by the Rock Kingdom, the guy who died in their hands did not count, and the light was catching them. The masters of the sanctuary are dead. "

"But is they still dead?" After the cautious look at this, asked in his mouth: "How to catch it?"

"Did not catch, directly kill." Darwin replied: "At that time, the old Bar of Chris Dedin went off, set a fake village to cheer them in, then fry the village on the same day, enjoying the three putting ban The force of the element is raging for a whole month. "

Springs: "........"

"I am not accidental at all."

PS: Mom, this intermediary problem is to find a housekeeper, but the housekeeper is good, and the things do not pay for money. But contacting the house is too much trouble, I don't know now, in the end, there is only one inner machine, or the outer machine is not delivered.

Chapter 11:00: Let you know

In addition to the four sanctuary, next to Kuriso, I walked out of three undead devils.

A cow magic, a sheep magic, and a wings.

Not only that, surrounded by a burst, the six seven worships and a large number of undeads appear.

Darwin is open: "What I said? Walking, suddenly surrounded."

"It seems that just retreat is just preparing to be ambush us." The Xunxus swept: "These guys who have died for hundreds of years, and they are really troublesome."

Obviously, these guys are calculated that they must come out from the inside. They may be fear that they will be attacked and then retract, so they choose the whistle to the forever. of.

At this point, the undead mankind, Pike has opened: "Are you aunt?"

Word blinks: "Do you know me?"

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