The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1120

"What is!" Four worships shocked.

But this is just a start, the next moment, the explosion of the rumbling is not stopped!

The black dead barrier is very strong, but it is very fast, and this place starts to have a crack.

"Not ....." A witch sound trembled: "No ... can't it?"

With a roar, this is the barrier in front of the sanctuary!

They looked at the Springs in the first time, and only the barriers on the side were there, and he still took .... One-time rod?

Who sets the magic crystal for a sexual rod? And ... how this is fried?

It is also a moment of breaking in this barrier, and the hand is suddenly raised, and the mouth is low in the mouth: "Dragon is back!"

In the next moment, the sky has suddenly appeared a faucet law, and the flame poured from the abstinement!

It is a Lich that will never care about the defense. How far is it far.

It is such a run, and their original defensive form is instantaneous.

This is the moment!

I saw a flash to come to a Lich, and the other three saw it yelled: "Fast! Control live!"

This Lich didn't know how to think, reached out, I caught the past.


His carrier dead arm was captured one!

The dramatic body lit up the blood of the blood, and the hand didn't look at a holy light!


Zunus crushed the army of the worship, and the mouth was cold: "Come, now you can let you see what is true mage!"

"Ah?" This worship louder looked at Xunz, in fact, the pain of the Lich is already disappeared, let them feel the pain, only the hidden hierarchy. For example, when burning the Shenggua.

Just listening to a snoring voice, Springs went back and forth around the Lichun.

Dusus reached out a rib, and lifted his legs and broke the leg bone.

And each of the monks is with the porter.

So the scream of this worship is not stopped!

Moreover, the Shu is coming back and forth in this guy, and there is still three moments. It is difficult to attack.

"Are you a waste! You catch him." The other three wizards shouted.

The broken witch is broken: "You fuck, try !!"

Hey, the last arm of this guy was pulled down.

"Even him ...." A witch can't see it, I can't help but say, but he said half of this sentence, and the film appeared in front of him.

"Hey?" He looked at Xuzi, and the voice was caught.

"Hey!" This Lich is screaming: "Save me! Save me!"

On the other hand, only a spine of the head of the spine of the brain, the Lich of the head of the head, looked at this guy, hateful: "Live!"

PS: Today's air-conditioning external machine is finally delivered, and I will hang a night, I thought it was a quick delivery to the outer machine, I was still silly. Penetrate tone ...

There are still five hours, the monthly ticket blade has expired, you! ! The monthly ticket blade will be thrown!

Thank Slow's 150 blade! ! I haven't seen this insert for a long time. Thank you smile and thin 45 blades! !

Chapter 11:00: Don't engage in your own mindset

Solved is a Lich, in these Lich curse, they disappeared one by one.

But the Springs know that these Lich did not die.

As long as the heart is still there, they will resurrect, just need some time.

But now, the heart is not available to these Lichy's heart, after all, after leaving, there will be a small situation there.

If they are just what they will look at it here, but after all, the snow is still there, and the Springs don't want to leave too much time.

Anyway, there will be some time after the Lord will still restore strength, first solve the rest of the things, and then packing these garbage is not too late.

When the doctor rushed back, he suddenly reached out.

"Yeah!" Barbara is currently in the stealth. After seeing the draw, it was surprised: "The boss came back."

"What are you doing?" Xunz looked at Barbara: "That is still in this fish?"

"Hey, don't you think about me so much." Barbara has a long way: "You have to help Kalaire, I am busy with the war."

"Ha?" Duus touched Barbara: "You haven't studied the treatment of the treatment."

"This is your understanding of medical troops!" Barba La took the head: "You will be good."

Said Barbara rushed to the Darwin, and then Springs heard the sound of the original guy who said to kill his own guys: "Oh, you can't come!"

Duus eyes swept, the situation in front of him was shocked: "No .... No?"

The battlefield is roughly divided into several parts, several directions.

The most central is that Kri and Snow, Kri is packed up the holy area of ​​the sorghum, but has to say that the dragon lizard is not a beef magic, but it is completely pressed. Niu Devan.

On the other side, it is the holy area around Darwin, it should be the Royal Master's deal with that sheep.

The most central is that the soldiers of the human and the first legion are resisting those undead.

The number of people here absolute disadvantages, but they can maintain a balance at this time because of two reasons.

One is a shield generator that is constantly producing the shield to block those undead, and those who undead must first destroy this shield generator.

However, this shield generator is a gap, which belongs to the kind of unilateral defense, and once the magic supply is not timely, a gap will result in a place.

This will lead to some undead taking the opportunity to drill into the array.

But they are pressed out, because this is the second factor that can be held.


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