The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1131

Parker shakes his head: "No, who is washed to remember this kind of thing who tells you?"

"A legend."

"Cut." Pike Pun: "The legend did not go in to the Patement, how did he know?"

"The Ming River is really washed away, but .... is not directly washed away, we don't have the country where you have not entered the kingdom, just will be in the Pluto, or The world's world stay, the longer the stay, the more losses. "

"We have entered the kingdom of death from the Pianhe, just went in, it was went out, of course, there is still a memory. Then the old man gave me our position, we can find your own holy area and regain our strength. , Of course, there is also the light column of the country, even ... I learned a new holy area. As long as you are smart enough, of course, I think this is also related to strength, after all, everyone is the sanctuary. "

"Why is the legend not help?

"How can I know, I am not a legend, maybe the legendary special, even if the owner can't help?"

"Many people you have just said." Xunus continued to ask: "Is there any specific character?"

"Characteristics ....." Parker wants to ask: "Does people still have any evil spirits?"

Wonderful eyes: "You are looking for it,"

"No, no." Pike said: "You really want to say the feature, how do I know? I only know that there is a big bureau, a big one. Some die for thousands of years, some died for hundreds of years It's still a few decades, or even a few years. But now think about it, everyone seems to have a common place. "

"such as?"

"Hands are bled, criminals." Pike said: "I talked to some predecessors inside, talking, everyone will share the things when I live, there is a Tucheng's general, There is a robber who doesn't stay, there is anything to pick up, everyone kills the assassin. There is also a big worm, and there are countless innocent bluaties. In fact. "

"If you just kill, the sanctuary should be woked out, after all, this mainland, the road to the holy area, who has never seen blood? When you excellent, there are always trouble to come to you, Your garbage is also the same, very strange, there is no so many sanctuary. And our help, there is no such thing, all is the kind of no cold. "

Duus's heart is slightly moved. "What is the legend?"

"I said that you can don't ask, I don't know, I am the peak of the sorghum, and even the half-step legend is not, how can I know the legend."

"Then you have died for thousands of years, he didn't break through the legend? After all, I have been so long."

Parker shakes his head: "No, even for a more than 6,000 years of the ancient devil, it is still the peak of the sanctuary, not the legend, the half-step legend is not. It seems to be in that place, what kind of time you die, final What will your ceiling be turning it. "

"How much is the number?"

"I don't know." Pike still shook his head: "No number, anyway, the team is constantly growing."

A shock in the heart: "Is it just growing? Didn't shrink?"

"Compared to growing, it is almost negligible, but ...." Pike said: "Where is it staying, saying that it is necessary to enter the Wan River, after all, many guys have not been out, no It is not that they come in. In addition to preserving awareness in the death kingdom, there is no other thing. The gall of the country, the countless' new guy '' can talk, there is no. But if the wisdom creatures have been staying inside, can you want to go new? "

"And these, the Lord of Death will never stop, want to walk, want to stay. This is also the reason why many people choose to join, do not be afraid of restrictions."

"This time is there?"

Pike is still rocked: "I don't know, but ..... There are many! The bridge of the living world and the world of the deceased is building, waiting for the moment, it is estimated that all can come out."

Speaking here, Parker smiled: "When you are going, you will ask yourself!"

What did Zhaus have just said that Carlisle's voice suddenly came out: "His Royal Highness, you come."

"You continue to ask." After the hand, he walked to the outside.

Come to Kalaire, Springs is so proud: "What's wrong?"

"You look around." Kalair slowly said: "Although the dead is thin, this dead is still not scattered, I think ..... This is not a good thing."

Duus eyes suddenly squinted: "Is there?"

Carlis pointed: "And it may be more horrible! What should we do now?"

PS: Seven is more complete! I feel that people have to die ..... Tomorrow is not more than the situation.

Then .... Everyone is sleeping. Four, everyone staying up late to the cultivator, pay attention to the body!

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket to seek blades!

Chapter 111: Champion

Carlisle gave a lot of alert to the moment.

Everyone did not think in this regard at the beginning.

After all, there is such a big dead, who will feel directly dissipated, and only a holy area is coming, there is also a captive.

The death of the forests of the forest filled the people accepted this place. In fact, there is a little dead.

"Fast!" Sudden suddenly shouted: "Packing things, and putting them quickly!"

"What happened?" Barbara wonders.

"The dead has not been dissipated." Springs never said: "The death of this blood forest will not be the top of this two holy area! It is more horrible, walk, from this Location. "

On the other hand, Parker is already laughing: "It's late! You found too late!"

"Give me your mouth!"

Keli is on the Pike's face, directly put his chin, and the Shengguang stitched in the mouth, this wow is spit out of a black tongue.

Then, his voice turned into a sound.

Barbara hit a squat: "Isn't it blocked his mouth?"

"This is more expensive. And I don't want to listen to what you said in the next time. This kind of fart is not." Kelly said uncomfortable: "The tolerance to the enemy is cruel."

Barbara touched the Pakistan: "You are alive and live."

The reminder of Shu also gave everyone alert. Everyone else didn't care about the rest after the war, but hurriedly stood up and continued to rush toward the sunny forest!

Everyone's speed is very fast, even the holy area dragged those high schools, but ....

After an hour, everyone looked at a wolf jungle in front of him, and his face was very ugly.

"Second time." Springs said: "We are the second time I return to this place."

Kri took out the map: "Will not be our walk."

"No." Zuns shook his head: "When I came back, I could go back. We didn't have a problem, but .... This jungle has a problem."

Xunz said going back to the human mage, as for why not Pike ...

Duus is too lazy to give him a tongue.

"What is going on!" Xunzu asked the man's mage.

This human mage smiled, and did not say a word!

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