The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1136

"What happens to you first?" Allen is full: "That's the Lord of death."

"Know it." The fortune finger knocked on the table: "It's just a little small, seeing that I don't pleading to kill me, the result is not killing, and then I am angry."

"You will blow."

"I am living well, how is it blowing?" Springs said: "Exchange the information, what is your useful news here?"

Ellen thought, then opened: "The San San Safe is looking for the Lord negotiating, but he is blocked by death, even the land of death is not seen."

"The Master's country is striving to build an East Coastal Defense. They have measured the final landing location of the two bridges. They are building a defense system. I hope that those dead spirits are outside."

"How do you know this?"

"The Master's country is coming to the whole humanity." Allen helpless: "To be honest, our Wawel family has just completed the majesty of the six hundred years, and the results have encountered this break, I am very complicated now. do you know?"

Dusus is : "But do you seem to worry?"

"Strap, after all, support this kind of thing is the order under the San San, we don't have to worry about the conspiracy of the Master's country. As for those undead .... Listening to the San Dynasty, the undead, most of the deaths It is necessary to work in the earth, as long as they block them in the east coast, these guys can't enter the world of living. It is the same as the fish in the water. "

Dusus is somewhat intake: "In this case, why don't you do it first? For example, what two bridges are ruined?"

Allen see the idiot looks at the Sudu: "Big Brother, that is the sea of ​​vortex, distance from the coastline, what we are going to destroy?"

"Even if the warship has passed, can the whirlpool?" Allen said: "The distance given by the Master's country is at least half of the two bridges, they may be able to attack, otherwise don't want He has been looking for me to make a few magic landscaping technology. I also want to give it, but ... I haven't given him? "

Said, Allen looks to the West: "Springs, you see this ... Anna is right on your side?"

For this kind of thing, Dusi nodded: "If there is necessary, I am willing to support the construction of the side, of course, give things do not give the technology. In fact, it is not given, it is, in addition to the Christine family, give it Technology is useless, this point you have the most say. "

"It's also right! I will thank you for humanity." Allen was instantone: "I thought you would die."

"How is it possible." Xunz screamed.

Yes, how could it be!

The main thing of this death is good, now they choose to log in in human beings, how can Xunci may not help?

This Nima is completely unhappy at all others!

A Bald Eagle is the most loved thing!

If things really broke out, Mrus wants to support the Master's head of the country.

Just in your house, you don't extend it.

Since this thing is talking, Allen looks to the Sushu: "What about your information here?"

"Two, not a good news." Springs said: "First, in this continent, there is a lot of hidden legend."

"What are you talking about Warcraft?"

"No." Xunzu shake his head: "It is a hidden legend. They may be a legend now, maybe still have not returned to the legend, but it is the seed of death in Millennium."

"This ... How do you know?"

"I caught a few receipts, the way ... I also arrested a legend. The Mozu, who used to take hundreds of thousands of blood sacrifices for the vampire - Niclaus."

"According to their intelligence, I only know that in each corner of this continent, there may be a lot of legend from the death country."

Here, Allen's expression is serious. "Means ... We can even meet our old ancestors?"

"It is necessary to do this." Springs then said that these principles said.

Speaking of the final, Springs added: "Of course, not just the legend, there are some half-step legend. Although I don't know who, but .... According to the second intelligence, I should guess some."


"The Lord of Death has opened the door of the kingdom of death, released a large number of holy regions ... or the peak of the sorghum. These guys have a characteristic, that is, the hand is contaminated with a lot of blood, innocent, not innocent, wicked. , Good people, ordinary people, elemental power, you can understand ... I have released a group of heavy criminals. So I doubt ... "

Allen's face is ugly to swallow the mouth: "The legend that is deliberately released is true?"

Duus nodded: "Take the Niklaus, he wants to resurrect, may need to find a few hundred thousand people to make a burial. You said .... This kind of person is not normal, is the master of death. Does it? "

"He put it out, maybe kill it, do you say it?"

Allen's heart moves: "You said before, the Lord of death began to lay out thousands of years?"

"The earliest one has been four thousand years, and the ancient devil."

Allen looked at the Wushe: "Then you said ... will there be this possible?"

He took a deep breath, then said: "This death is the owner ... In fact, there is no intention to stay in the kingdom of death, he has long thought .... Survive this life."

Dusi nodded: "You and I think together."

"If this is the case is too horrible." Allen got up: "I have to tell the San three seats in advance! Don't hang it, I have to find those legends that latenner at the living time! They are now big trouble!"

Looking at the anxious Allen, Muscu has to feel again ...


PS: I haven't written a two-in-one chapter for a long time. Today's five is more completed! ! !

Speaking, I will count, the old ancestors seem to be updated is 20,000 words or 205,000. The proportion of 10: 1, this is like heard that he won the day, it will be broken.

PS: Finally, ask for a blade!

Chapter 112: Is this true?

Dusus on the third day of Lock Kingdom.

The Third San Clan is coming.

But only one person, Demnier.

This is also the most calm, I would like to come over, it is estimated that Cruze is really going to do it in the border.

"I really didn't think." Domenier shaken his head and looked at Xu: "At the beginning, I thought you were enough to provoke it in human beings. As a result, look at the temple, you originally in human beings It can be as convergent. "

Springs laughed back: "This is ....

Domenier shakes his head: "I even doubt which one of the initiatives is you with Allen's part."

"Don't don't don't." Xusu hurried: "I am also covered by him, we are all victims in this matter."

Allen has quickly coughed two times: "Let's talk about it, just right."

Demnier also knows the seriousness of things, opening: "Under the Hall, what you said, Allen, I want to know some specific. Who is it?"

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