The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1139

Bud looks to the West: "Can I ask you something?"

Dusi nodded: "What do you want?"

"How do you still bring this scourge?" Bod pointed to Barbara: "When she is a mouth, how many things are you destroyed?"

Duus said with a smile: "It's because I have been bringing, after all .... There is her, beat it, I will not be me."

Bud suddenly realized: "It turns out!"

Barbara is incredible to see a hand.

The dramatic is rushing to him to make the color, reach out a finger.

Barbara is eyebrows.

Deng did not want to ease the embarrassing atmosphere, open the mouth: "That, the Duke of Christine, the matter of the year is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

The Bud brush looks at the "Misunderstanding! Give you a misunderstanding!"

"Oh, this thing is this." Deng has begun to explain, and Bud is he said that he will refute himself.

It's really a change, or vent it.

The first time I saw Bud this, he retired a few steps, moved to Kelly's side, supported the mute nunue: "What is the situation?"

"This is the big public in Christine?"

"Yeah." Duus nodded: "Don't you say to your side, say that two people love?"

"Fart, that, I also heard." Kelly smashed the sound: "Probably 20 years ago, this Christine is praying with his lady to come to the Holy Tree, grace ... The form of diplomacy. At that time, the empire didn't know how, never talk about things that did not infringe, after all, those royal family, Locke Kingdom belongs to the betrayal. So, the sacred and Locke border is often conflict. "

"But it was more than 20 years ago, I suddenly started talking about peace talks." Kelly said: "Then Chris is the family of the Rocky Room as the family, what is the start of the Rocky Room? all good."

"Everyone is friendly, what is the problem about the previous problem, how to avoid the future problems, open up the official business, promote the exchange of the people of the two sides, and even the descendants met, the two kings After all, Locke is independent, there are still many relatives in the sacred empire. The sacred empire has a lot of loved ones in the Rock Kingdom. "

"and then?"

"Then I clicked out, then I got a job, the Duke of Christine took the lady to the Holy See prayed."

"In order to highlight respect and attention, the Pope has chosen the highest goddess blessings with His Majesty. This is a ceremony that will be carried out when the San Dynasty is selected."

"You can understand to pray directly to the goddess, wish you a wish, then the goddess meets your desire."

"But actually ... this matter is very late. But .... Duke of Christine, then their wish is to love each other forever, don't leave. As .... I don't die. The blessing of the goddess is falling. "

Springs stunned: "Is this not a good thing?"

"There is also a listener records the goddess of the goddess." Kelly whispered: "What is the love of each other, it is never a third person to share. '"

"This is not good ....." Zhaus just said here, sudden sound is card: "Wait .... This third person includes not including ..."

Kelly nodded: "Of course, including children."

"At that time, the Duke of Christin didn't know what happened, I didn't have it, and I didn't know anything about the results. I found him although my body is healthy, I have no fertility."

"Because this, the peace talks suddenly fell into a deadlock, and then born after a year, it was directly, and even the Christine family border and the sacred empire conflict were even more powerful."

The people listened to the people were stupid.

He was silent for a long time, and he came: "Can I pick it up?"

Keli said: "What do you mean?"

"I feel that your bright goddess is a bit unreliable!"

Kelly: "........"

She said: "They are late, don't you love?"

After Shuus said, it is said that many of the patries have been finished over there.

At this time, everyone also got through the garden and entered the room.

"The room I will let the maid will arrange it for you." Bud turned: "How long have you stayed here?"

"It will be in one night." Springs looked at Bud's eyes with some sympathy: "Well .... Tomorrow, we will go, I am here to see how you live, this is not comfortable, You will come to the winter in the city, the magic girl there. "

"I am crazy!" Bud glare: "You of the magic of the magic, I have to do it! You look at it is difficult to have a half charm to improve the blood, the result is a change, body It turned into a knife. "

"You are over !!" Barbara jumped: "The old man is finished, I tell you! If you dare to go to the city, I have to find a group of cattle demon old lady to drown you in it!"

"Hey, convergence points, convergence points." Xusu said: "I mean is because of this, so you are still in the winter of the winter."

Bud looked into the tricks, and looked at Kelly.

"Do you tell me my bad words with this kid!"

Xunus quickly shook his head: "No!"

Kelly is very upright: "Question."

Springs: "........"

PS: When I look at it, the number of chapters of this book has exceeded the old book.

Chapter 1,24: What is God (five more)

Although the Bud mouth said that Monchus quickly walked, but the old man was still preparing a sumptuous dinner.

Especially the snow, Bude looked at the more you like it.

"I said, this little girl is really your sister?" Budele, "Looking at the age, the directors, some of our Chris Ding's family is still nice, the monks, do you want to see ? "

At this time, you have to test the strain ability of Springs.

Only listening to the lake: "Snow, what is your strength before."

Snow children is smashed: "Before a year and a half, or ordinary devil?"

"What is it now?" Xunus continued to ask.

"Sino-class." Xuener said: "But the teacher said that I can impact high-level in winter."

Carlishe understood the meaning of Shu, the opening: "In fact, if the snow is not in the training city management, it is not learning the urban economy, there is no learning to learn from Marcus, grace, putting down eight-door mesh including etiquette If you have long, you can have high level. "

The snow starts standing: "There is also the training of the dream world."

Carliser added: "Well ... this is a bit hard."

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