The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1150

Wei Wei shake his head, then said: "Actually .... This is very good. Although I don't know how the prince is to get along, but I think they are so good. Just talk to friends ....."

Wei Wei said that it suddenly shut up.

"What's wrong?" Kelly looked at this girl.

Wei Wei shakes his head: "No, there is nothing, just I have no friends, so I don't know if it is right."

Keli stunned, then extended his hand toward Vivie: "So, from now, we are friends."

"The Paladin can be friends with the death of the Master?" Wei Wei is very beautiful: "This .... I still understand. You don't have to be."

"Nothing." Kelly said: "The rule is a rule, I remember that my earliest moral teacher also said that the Paladin can't speak vulgar, to be calm, when I was eight years old? As a candidate knight "

Wei Wei is confused: "Well ... then?"

"Then?" Kelly said: "Then the class flew in a fist so big black horses, the classmates were scared, the teacher was also awkward."

"And I, I am running with 'Your Mom's Dog Tell, I'm calling the' Japanese Niang's garbage. Don't be a Laozi Road. After the wood board shoots the stuff, I also said that 'a group is useless. The waste was scared by a place. 'Of course, the result is that my morality can't get it. However, this will become a knight to restrain your behavior. Pay attention to your own impact. "

Wei Wei's : "Why? Because of your efforts? Or is it wrong? Or you want to say, in fact, the Paladin is very understandable, found that it is not right after it?"

Kaili shakes his head: "Strive to be affirmed, but the biggest reason is that I am very good, and there is .... I am a member of the sixth star. He said that the ancient rules are too old, and In, so the lead proposes to modify the Paladin Guidelines. "

Wei Wei: "........"

"Why do you want to tell me these!" This girl is a bit unclear.

Kelly stapped: "For two reasons, one is not wanting to be too ideal, this is not good. You should understand what it means."

"The second is the guideline of this world. You have to know that these two strokes you enter the decision-making layer of Winter Municipality in Winter City, the top one. So, not for you is a friend. This world is Very realistic, you have seen a lot, have never seen anything. "

Wei Wei was stunned.

At this time, Xuus holds the head of Barbara, "Kelly, Will Vivi's face can remove?"

PS: There is only four more time for the time being. It is conceiveing ​​new plots, and it has dropped a lot of versions.

Ask for a ticket!

These things are codewords' fueling machine! ! !

Chapter 1133: Reasoning?

This is quite difficult to remove slave imprint.

St. light is branded, this is not said to remove it.

Even if you dig this meat, the scars of the face are still the image of the mark.

This is the horror of Sheng Guang.

"Can you use the spring of life?" Springs have some headaches.

Kaili shakes his head: "I haven't tried it, the stuff is too difficult to see, of course, you will be another comment. However, it is estimated that you are not afraid that you can consume life, you listen to it. It's terrible. So, if there is something else, this idea is still countless. "

"What is otherwise?"

"Go to the general teaching." Kelly said: "The Holy Tree absorbed some believers who have smashed, as long as they change their new. However, the strive of the general teaching is needed to confirm that he has faithful, and the goddess will only do. But you ..... "

Xunzu said: "I have to help you, let the generals owe my love after the time?"

"Almost one thing."

"I will know." Xuus said: "Well, go back, we will start with everyone tomorrow, to Wei Wei, you may enter a very fun place, rest assured, Someone will tell you where you have gone. "

"Okay." Wei Wei nodded.

Night is deep, everyone will take a break.

The faces of these refugees have no smiles because they know that these people have to save.

Today they have got better treatment, and they eat hot and delicious meals.

However, they don't know, just at this night, the undead of the entire West Dhalium is moving toward this place.

Dawn time, the entire team is complete.

When I came out, I saw a smile.

These smiles are filled with two words - "hope."

Here, there is more than half a month of civilians, and we can finally leave this place today.

Duus took out a stack of spells to Bark, then looked at everyone: "Five people and a group, each group is holding a spell. These spells can protect the erosion of this dead."

A civilian lifted his head: "Adult, this is the blessing of the goddess?"

Xunus looked at the paladiary, then smiled slightly: "Yes."

"Thank God God, praise the Shengguang." A person died, and then everyone came with a chanting.

"Thank you." Deng didn't say it.

"Small things." Said a sentence, then look at everyone: "Now, let us start, follow us, we will bring you out of this desperate place."

The troops are unplugged.

A team of hundreds of people started from this abandoned church and advised to hope.

The undead of the door has been cleared, so the forward direction of the team is still smooth.

After approximately one hour, Kelly flew back from the horrible sky and fell to the ground.

"How?" Springs asked.

"I have been looking for a good route." Kelly replied: "The nearest city is the nearest city is Sile City, a 30,000 people's small town, the nearby area should be cleaned up, so it is very safe, according to now The itinerary, about three days or so, can be reached around three days. However, this is the way to go in accordance with your requirements. In fact, if you can take a close road, you may take only two days. "

"Nothing." Xunzu shake his head: "Let's take a look around."

"I have seen it." Kelly didn't understand: "There is also a narrow point there, we can completely deal with it."

Watching sighs: "So, haven't you think about it? Why do you have the road?"


"In the premise of no commanders, the undead is unconsciously wandering." Springs said: "Why is the undead of the road?"

"This ....." Kelly thought about it, then a face depressed: "This place is the undead, where do I know why? Because the village on the road?"

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