The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1152

It seems to be faced, and the voice of Bark has just fallen, and the entire ground began to tremble.

Among the sky, a few black clouds came to this side, and the clouds were dead.

The ground seems to make a response, far, a burst of evil spirits have appeared, many 'shadow' shakes towards here.

Touch! It is not far from everyone, a rotten half of the arm is broken.

Then, one of the undead drills from the surrounding black ash.

Just instantly, the monks were surrounded by the middle.

PS: Today, I was awkward by the ancestors, I went to see the wandering earth .... I am not willing to go to the study, my mother, the last or I bought the ticket, very angry!

Ah .... If you look again .... I feel delicious.

The rescue section shows that after the initial middle school identity, the first thing is the Japanese rescue team.

Finally, this time I found a lot of plots inside, such as Li Yifang so excited? Why is someone else's helmet, and there is a bullet hole in the helmet of their rescue team. Special expectation of the rebel plot of the deleted!

Chapter 1133: Want to come over?

Suddenly the undead army made a group of civilians panicked.

Before they were attacked by the undead, it is really true, now the number of undead, it seems that there are more than the previous attack!

And this is still not counted, the dark clouds in the sky have made undead, and I saw the dark clouds of the sky stretched out a cloud staircase, and the undersnel rushed from above.

Here, those civilians face it.

It is not easy to stabilize the emotions, it is completely confused at this moment.

Fortunately, these civilians have experienced desperation, not only once, otherwise surrounded by such a wide range, many people will not stand directly, thinking about the short circuit to start instinct the four.

After all, there is no brain when you escape.

The only brain is incomparably, how to let yourself live and how to let the guys who want to make lives.

However, in the face of these undead military, Springs are slightly: "What should the heavens should be the holy area?"

"It looks yes." Kelly has gone in the holy, and the incarnation is the 'card plane.

"So ... Why don't those guys?"

"Want to consume us?" Carlis said onside.

"Or do you have any other purpose?" Springs whispered: "However, no matter what is the purpose, our actions seem to have been seen in the eyes by the other side, how do I suddenly have a feeling?"


"We will not be low-key after you come here." Springs asked: "These waste worship can't know our location, but you look at this battle, like ambush. Deng many bishop, we are Where do you say anyone? "

"The Temple of the No. 4 District." Deng did not open the mouth: "After all, we have so many civilians, so I posted communications to them, let them bring people to support."

"How long does it take to support?"

"I need a half-day, and I have been coming over. But I have received a reply." Deng said: "Because we have not cleaned up the death sect, and the fourth partition temple A year because there is no reason why Saint-Surgee, the loss is heavy, so in order to ensure safety, they will ask nearby regions. This afternoon should be assembled. If they come to us, it should be tomorrow. "

"Is it so clever?"

The hardships of Deng have changed: "Are you doubting the Holy See?"

"I just feel too clever, this time card is very good?"

"I don't think it will." Deng said: "If it is the reason why the Holy Holy See is, then we have already issued a problem, the position of the Bishop in the empire can be positioned through the Shengguang. If you want to find us trouble I have come early. And ... your business is about a district or even the entire sacred court, and the pope will not let such things happen. "

Word looks to Carlisle.

The latter nodded: "He said it is right, the chance of the Holy Temple is .... Not big, we are in the land of death, and so many people, we have killed so many undead, causing attention Perhaps it is normal. The most important, the four regions don't have any development, and they are doing the most correct and rational choices. "

Duus nodded: "I have retained my opinion temporarily, and now I will solve the problem in front of you."

"So many undeads." Kelle took a breath: "We are not afraid, but these people behind."

"Then fight the defense war." Springs said, there was a stick in his hand.

At the same time as the sanctuary is open, the Dusk has begun to come with a spell.

A perfect memory allows the hand to make a lot of speed. If it is not for elemental outline, Musk can even make high-level magic instantaneous.

But it is almost almost.

The ground began to tremble, and those civilians panic at this time.

But the next moment, the land under the foot begins to rise!

After a while, a high platform of approximately 20 meters appeared in this area, and there was not only a high platform, and there was a gully in the high platform! The gap is very deep, covered with sharp stone thorns!

This soil high platform is also changing, after shrinking one-third of the size, turns into a stone-made high platform.

And this high platform has a football field so big, and it is more than enough.

Deng didn't look at the things under the feet, and they were amazed: "The high-level soil magic - the fortress, which is not much plastic construction magic, this magic can be related to the magic of the magician, so big One place ... The sanctuary is generally not available. "

Dusc did not explain his unforgettable sanctuary, anyway, after this high platform, I finally gave the reasons for some peace of mind.

And Zuns is looking back: "Inside, there are some strengths."

Those civilians listened to Springs so shouted, bite the teeth, and ten people came out.

"Bark, you come over. With them together."

Boke ran over the 20th people to come over: "Adult."

"Who is always thrown?"

Everyone looked at each other, five human beings came out with the two Saint Knights: "We usually like to play birds, can you smash, fully watching the reaction, it is not paying attention, we have a blessing."

"Very good." Xunx said that he had a big hand, and four boxes appeared on the ground.

"this is...."

Duus opens a box, which is a satisfaction with long pillar.

Duus took out two unclear clothes, open the mouth: "See this? Open the upper cover, the top of these two crystals rub." Duus double handle and then slammed, then brush brush Two down this play and throw it out.

Everyone saw this two inexplicable things to start flush from the top and then spread toward the entire body.

Then, the two stuffed into the undead and the body was completely popular.

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