The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1158

Lifting the hair of the launched thunder, a thick thunder, and fried and dead, the Springs have sprinkled the yellow spell of the large piece.

The spell revolves around the hand, the bright sky is dark, and the clouds are pressed, thunderous roll.

Springs Qingjian shouted, at least gently at each spell: "Thunder!"


In an instant, the lights in the sky swept down!

The undead below is mourning, but their voice is covered by Thunder!

After a moment, the clouds were scattered, and there was no standing undead.

The worship that is being embassy is embarrassed, is this guy is not a warrior?

This is the importance of information.

If they can make the fast share of information, then there are many information about Springs, although not to say how to deal with it, this gathering is nothing out to make the other one AOE clearing thing will happen.

After solving this group of undead, Springs looked at the worships, he grinned: "You are!"

Next, the body is instantly wrapped by blood, and people have rushed to the witch!

These wins are also guys fighting with humans here, although they die, but left, or they can be played. Or is it.

For example, now, in the face of the attack, these guys lifted their hands in the first time, the big piece of ice appeared from their side, and sharp icebench was rushed, and the ice foundation of the ground can also provide them with terrain. defense.

However, they did not deal with over-Wus, but these 'still dead, the Lich' Demun, can hammered a lot.

For their abilities, Springs is known to know.

There is no need to think, Qinghong sword head, Long Yan fiscal.

Duus directly hit these Ice, a burst of

"How can this be! Why is this element of the flame?"

Obviously, these guys do not know Dragon Yan.

A Wus Temple retired a few steps, then, his feet broke out, and the dead is a sharp spectile.

Dusus snorted, the dazzling holy light lit from his hands, and the blood of the whole body was instant to the power of the Shengguang.

Shengguang is colliding with the dead, these undead is only the dead of the semi-finished sanctuary, but the Sundura Shenggui ... Do not say that from the Shenghui, the power is a lot of strength than they.

So after the Shengguang is released, it is just a short one, then the firewood cuts, she is cut down!

Very painful.

The lunar of the bloom is all: "What is this ghost thing !!"

But just when he shouted, the Springs in the sky suddenly disappeared.

His kung fu, a companion around himself shouted: "Be careful!"

He hasn't responded yet, and the Qinghong sword directly inserted into his head.

Shengguang is Dragon Yan, this guy is swallowed by flame!

"This is ...." Another Lich is going to talk, and the hand has appeared behind him.

There is no significance of resistance, but there is only the holy area of ​​the Shengfo, but there is no holy area of ​​the nature, and the current Springs have not paid completely without any pressure.

Unless they are in the beginning, they will shrink the defense, such as the previous deposit forest, Mrus may pay a little.

But now this is to send experience.

After the Lich is shrouded by the Shengguang, Dusus looked at the other two!

These two wizards are smart, and they are full of death, just like the death, they want to quickly escape.

However, Dusn just lifted his right hand, and the index finger referred to, and the mouth was clear: "Painting the floor is prison."


The surrounding ground suddenly lit up a light, which was a spell that was taken before the Sugs came.

The two worships hit it, all trapped inside.

Xunzu shakes the green sword and laughs: "This is called the door to fight."

The light of the painted land is scattered, and these two Lons have finished playing. After the temporary solve, the Dusus looked at the direction of the high platform.

There is still no accident there, and Wei Wei's Skillar is fighting with the undead of climbing.

It may be the reason why these undeads see that these skiers see that these skiers have no desire to attack.

It is almost rowed.

But you can command that the undead is not just a Lich, and there are those cadres of death.

These guys are not dead, they are all awake.

So, very fast, many undeads have a refund with a dream to wake up.

However, the soldiers occupy the advantages of topography, and these undead is don't want to go.

Xunzheded down, then said: "How do you feel better than a bloody forest? Because of the reason why it is too long?" But it is clearly polluted. "

In fact, the Springs did not know that the styled forests were the same, as long as the first army was raised, Wang Tu's order, or Anderson noticed the threat. It will begin to clean up. At that time, the situation is almost almost. Even cleansing.

The demon can not have to worry about the wake of the whirlpool.

I looked at other directions, elsewhere in facts were almost like this.

Miss, Kelly, Carlisle.

Which is a good bully?

"It seems that I think more." Xuzu looked at these undead: "Is this combat power? What is the ambush of the ambush?"

Just in the moment of this discourse, the surrounding suddenly slammed!

Springs suddenly looked up, seeing a huge black dead fault in the air!

If you don't say that the Springs have come to Kalaire's side. It is strange. With the emergence of this, those only have a few wizards, and they will run!

They didn't chase them. After all, this suddenly appeared something unclear, so the first time was assembled.

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