The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1160

This half-step legendary end is almost the next half-step Legend.

However, it is normal to die.

The previous one was killing directly by Jia Beilila, now this ... is killed by a group.

However, the previous place left a black gray, and the words of Lousi, the Shengguang shinested, and he didn't know where to die.

At this time, Silvia looked at Wiryli after Sir, listened to Kelly and explained what is the situation of this deadlite.

However, the Taylor Knight is almost the same.

and so....

Until the Dussen: "Miss Wei Wei is now the second magic citizen, this king's followers, the hiring staff of the winter city, so .... Two adults, what kind of person I should take the Holy See Does it? "

Silvia looked at Thaille. She immediately nodded. "Well, the followers of the Hall, then our holy court is naturally not qualified to say anything. His Hall, this time can come to the Holy See It is already very trustworthy, this kind of thing we naturally won't do. "

Taylor hardcore, who is going to talk, take it back in the throat.

In order to transfer the topic, Kelly asked: "Can't let the head, the head, how did you find this? Isn't it open to open the breath?"

Silvia looked at Taylor to Tildad, and the latter said that my look.

Taylor will open the road: "It is Tylvede Temple tells us."

Tildad is waiting for this sentence, he stepped forward, rushed to the laugh: "This, I am also a thing that can be doing."

Xunus looked at Tildad and thought about it: "Can you laugh?"

Tildad is: "Ah?"

"Looking at the gentleness."

The Tildad face is stiff, then shook his head and said: "You can really joking, grace, I know, you may have a little misunderstanding on the first magic, after all, this ....."

Zunus sway: "It's not misunderstanding. When Hadi guy, I still remember to clearly, don't think that I'm throwing the two sanctuary, I can't find you, this thing I remember clearly, if I have the opportunity to touch Hadi, I have to give him pull down. "

Tildad: "........"

Not right, according to Hadi and your intelligence, this post is not this unreasonable person, shouldn't it be the kind of family?

Why do you touch it directly?

However, Tildad did not forget his own mission. He is also the kind of reaction, immediately interface: "Of course, about Hardi, if you have time to come to the first magic, I will definitely Come out to apologize for you, let you punish him personally. This guy doesn't care about the harmony between the two people, even if I go back this time, I can't spare him. "

"And, because of this, I heard that Lousi is going to deal with you, don't you quickly notify the Pope?"

Xunci laughed: "That is really thank you."

"It should be, it should be."

Barbara shows: "The boss, is there not thank you?"

Xunus looked at Barbara and said with a long time: "This blame is unable to me."

Said, Xunus looked at these three half-step legend, sincerely: "No matter what to say, Mrus is still thanks to the three people to rescue, though ... I have a relatively straight, don't love to lying, a few don't care Ah, in fact, you can't come, we don't have a way to solve it. "

I have a three-way legendary expression that has a little smile on my face.

Taylor is even more eyebrows and picks: "I feel that you are very straightforward, but this is good, we can save a lot of trouble. The old man hates the corner."

Til Dad's eye is smoked, this material is different! Which festive is collected?

This guy actually said to export? How do you say that it is also to save you, you don't have to come to Laozi. What does it mean?

Tildad has a kind of human life that is created and the face is planning.

Barbara listened to the sentence, shook his head, and then lowered by Wei Wei: "Don't believe, people who believe this sentence, only two next game, one is to find that I have been miserable , One is that I haven't found it to be huge. "

Wei Wei blinked, then nodded: "Oh oh."

"You don't care much." Duus smiled and then looked at Tildad: "So, when do you pay for Hadian guys?"

Til Dad suddenly had a kind of way to move the stones.

His eyes turned, hurriedly said: "This, I will go to the first Mo."

"Get it." Zunzu said: "The guys who have went to the Locke Kingdom not just to catch me to go to the first Mozu? Where do I dare to go?"

Tir Dad is ready, thinking that anyway, Mrus is so big to Hadi, the sorry is full of brains: "About this, the first magic is officially apologized to you, that is ha The people who want to shoot, want to find a face from you. But the guy has been punished for three years. "

"This way." Duus nodded.

Just when Til Dad thought that Springs was to walk down the steps, only listening: "Then there is no good to say, you will always pay Hadi, let's talk."

Tildad, he looked to the staff of the two Holy See, according to the previous agreement, they would help talk.

But now, this Pope is looking at the cornger head, it is not a call.

con man!

Tildad took a deep breath, he knew that he could only enhance the recruit, he didn't expect that Dussen is actually so deep to Hadi's resentment value.

I saw him smiling: "Let's don't want to be so absolute under the House, after all, it's a big fault, this time I heard that you are in the sacred empire, there are two things."

Duus did not speak, as if fulfilling himself not to hand over Hardi.

Tildad can only continue to say: "This second thing is to apologize, this natural is also done, the third thing is, it is to unlock some mistakes. For example, the thing of your marriage "

" !" Originally, the idea did not take care of this goods.

When I saw a lot, Tildad knew that he was right, he quickly said: "At the beginning, the marriage contract with Nnello is not because some inexplicable reasons are not released? This time is to relieve these misunderstandings , You see, Android Dagong is coming. "

Til Dad is very confident.

No one can resist Nici Card!

Then, he saw the drazzal biting his teeth: "Tir Dad! You come to me!"

PS: Ask for blade month! ! ! Blade monthly ticket! ! ! !

Chapter 1144: Will it be the reason?

Ferrore City.

The Word, a group arrived at this place at this place.

The legend of the two sacred empire is now a headache, because they can't think of it, when Android is talking about the marriage with the Word, this three princes have entered the state of self-hypnosis, how to say it. It seems to be a complaint that I have encountered before I have.

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