The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1163

"We can think of this scene now, I believe they have also thought about it. So ..... If you are these undead, how do you deal with guys who have been moving?"

Carlisle is suddenly: "The position of the budget advances, and set the trap in time."

Word continued: "If we don't walk into their traps?"

"Then I can only meet enemies."

Springs suddenly clapped: "To the top!"

Barbara is an inexplicator: "What is going on!"

"The time is relatively." Xunzu said: "I am seriously suspicious now, our whereabouts have exposed!"

"Ah? Where is it exposed?"

"Winter Municipality." Springs slowly said these three words.

"How could it be!" Barbara does not believe it.

Duus continued: "Time line If you want to go, you must satisfy a condition, that is, these people know where we are! Just wait for the preparation, now these guys, Holy See I have always known that there is no need. Then there is only the death session and the first magic. "

Carlis Looks to the West: "Who will you think?"

Xunchu took a deep breath, then said: "Order Marcus, give me a thoroughly in the winter of the city! This piece of things followed, just like it. Coincidental is fear "

"I understand the Hall, I will tell you this."

Wei Wei looked at the Schus, strange: "But even if you find out from the hometown, how do you determine who is it?"

Springs smiled: "Do yourself, as long as you find out, Winter Municipality has the ability to let those guys open."

PS: Suddenly wood has the power of codewords ..... I want the blade monthly ticket! !

then sleep. Get up early tomorrow, to help the road to contact the residential landlord, watch the house ...

Of course, my getting up is twelve o'clock before .....

Chapter 1,45: Look at the reaction

Winter city.

Marcus returned to the Winter Municipality Office.

Arthur came over: "How is the boss, how about the new city?"

"Solved." Mukus said: "A very smart guy has been a case in the territory. I have negated it with the flying dragon in the province. It is indeed the guy who was crossed in them before."

"It's amazing." Archer said: "This will only go for three days, and you will seize this serial murder. It is estimated that the face is green. They caught five years and even dispatched the sanctuary. Didn't find the prisoner. "

"The guy is a movie." Muus is open: "If you really want to hide, you want to catch him is not a simple thing. And a emotional murderer, the choice goals have no contact, the crime time is also With your own ideas, this kind of magic, it is difficult to catch it. "

Arthurle said: "That is not to be caught by you."

Marcus shakes his head: "I am also lucky, but, don't think too much, you just need to remember ....."

Marcus didn't finish it, Arthur's interface: "Three times and ten times, ten times, no prisoners can't be discouraged, because we can make countless mistakes, but even if they are afraid of making a mistake, Don't want to run again. I am listening. "

"Keep in mind." Marcus Rod Road: "The prisoner caught back, and the matter of the post-trial is given to you, ready to prosecute after preparing materials."

Arthur joke: "This kind of guy, actually did not kill on the spot?"

"He surrendered." Marcus said: "When you interrogate you, don't give him any opportunity to know?"

Arthuri: "What do you mean?"

"He knew that he did not escape after his exposure." Mukus said: "When I found him, this guy is drinking tea in my own residence, and it is .... Two cups."

Arthuri: "He knows you are going?"

Marcus nodded: "I found a lot of winter in the winter of the city in his residence, and I also found a lot of books. So ... be careful, I suspect that this guy is studying the law of winter in winter. So don't let him catch what handle know? "

Arthur nodded: "Understand, rest assured, boss."

Marcus is just a breather: "Know it."

Said, this police chief stretched a lazy waist, tired: "I didn't look at it in three days, I will go back to rest first, and the rest is given to you."

Marcus is going to go, and Arthur has stopped him. I saw Arthur 's face: "That .... Boss, although this is a bit unagaming, but .... You may have no way rest."

Marcus eyes squinted: "What happened again?"

"I don't know." Arthur shakes his head: "Yesterday evening, Fiis's adults personally explained things, let you return to her today. She didn't say anything, but ... It is quite serious to see the expression. "

Marcus is a touch: "Is this only told you?"

"Yes." Arturi nodded.

"I know, this is the past." Mukus said, also explained: "About this matter, don't mention anyone."



Ferrore City.

Springs woke up by knocking outside the door.

He wore it to open the door. I saw Kelly to go in. She looked at the bed and surprised: "I said the Hall, don't I wake you up? How is it? "

The mozzare is behind, and the head looked at the clock in the house. "Is this 7 o'clock in the morning?"

"It's the morning!" Kelly corrected: "Or in the morning."

Xun Scorned the head: "I only have to go out, only noon, in the afternoon, night, late night in the morning. In the morning? What is it?"

Kelly: "........"

"You are really enjoying this."

"A nonsense, don't take care of it, it is exhausted, especially this time, it is to help you. What is I am worried?"

"You don't talk to me here." Kelly said: "You still wait for you in the main hall of the region, are we going?"


"The Master Carlaire is ready, and the snow has also woke up. Barbara and Wei Wei are still sleeping."

"Cheng." Springs got up: "Let's go, go to the main hall."

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