The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1166

It seems to be in space.

"This feeling ....." Dussen: "It's very familiar."

When I was aware of the body, it was like this when I was in the air.

However, I was really amazing in space, but now I don't know where it is.

"Mom, I should not let the guy who are full of brain, there is nothing."

Duus tried to use their own capabilities, but found no effect.

He even wanted to summon the Shengguang, but there is still no response.

"The day is a dog." Xunzu lived: "Can I call the system?"

However, the thoughts of the film have just appeared, and they suddenly appear like a virtual screen, but in an instant, these things disappeared.

Duus turned over the god at once.

Start try back to the system space.

Next moment, the sound of the system sounded in the Suguzzi.

[Node arrival]

[Information, please wait]

After a while.

[Information is included]

[Whether to play information]

Duus, although the system is just a few words, but it is a huge information that brings to the hand.

Play. "

With the choice of Shu, a woman's vain appeared in front of the hand.

This person is familiar with this person!

The abandoned church on the road, in the courtyard of the partition. This person is too much to see!

This is the goddess of the goddess!

Or this figure is a face with a bright goddess.

I saw this goddess flexion slowly: "You ...."

Then, the vain disappeared.

Springs stunned.

He waited for a long time, there is no matter what happened around!

"System, this is it?"

[Node record information is complete]

"Your uncle! This is a fart information!" Xuncina called an angry!

He shouted around: "Hey! Is there! Someone is there!"

no respond.

"Is God?"

Still no response.

"Is there a gasping?"

"Will you feel it doesn't matter, is there anything? Can you speak!"

Looking at everything around, Sir can not work.

"There is a ghost of CNM!"

However, this is destined to be futile.

Springs helpless: "System, information play."

The goddess appeared again, still that sentence: "You are coming."

Xunsi really wants to tell her a little master, but this is not a egg.

Xunus looked at that light, said: "System, can I send me to where?"

Next moment, Springs came to the spot in front of the spot, or that spot came to the front of the dragon.

After all, there is no reference in this place. In the end, it is still the past or it's it, it is completely distinguished.

Xunxus looked at the spot in front of the eyes, and he didn't respond, and finally, he reached out and touched it.

Then, the Word feels that he is full of eyes! He hurriedly closed his eyes, but the next moment, Mrus felt that he was afraid of closing his eyes, and the light was full of his mind!

When the rays were scattered, when the dramatic opened his eyes, he appeared again in the room.

However, it is different from before, this dark lacquered room is full of light. In front of you, you have a glorious brilliance, but this light is very warm in this light.

The print of the chest exudes warm, ear, is the sound of Silvia Xinxi.


PS: There are two more, say the blade monthly ticket! Yesterday, 25 months, 1 blade ...

Chapter 1,48: Once (two in one)

With the holy light here, Silvia looked at the witness of the hand.

Now, there are more than his eyes .... What do you say?


"It seems that your hose is sitting." Silvia said with excitement: "Next, you only need to go to the General Holy See to make a ritual, you can carry out your identity, true I didn't expect .... I was successful. "

Said, Silvia looked at Kelly: "Kelly Knight, you go out, remember, anyone is not allowed."

Kaili single-handed chest: "Yes, let's down."

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