The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1169

At this time, most of the Shengguang suddenly extinguished, it is to be a friend of Jameson!

The Qinghong Jian is almost instantly descent, and the Jameson's Knights have just been pulled out half. The rigorous swords of the Springs have been posted on his brain.

Jameson's movement stiff.

Dusus passed the past, the voice was cold and incomparable: "I am troubles with you, but I am killed is you, now I want to revenge or you! Jameson, tell me what is the truth? Laozi The station will let you kill this? Mom, the strength is not high, the temper is not small! No wonder is an orphan. "

In front, each said, Jameson feels that his momentum is weak, but the last sentence of Dussen comes out, Jameson feels that he has received a great insult.

He just said that the hand of the palm of his head was on his head, his mouth said: "You are such a guy, why do you have Shengguang?"

Then, the Word reached out and pulled out!

In an instant, everyone seems to have seen something in Jamessen is pulled out!

The screams have been issued in Jameson, and the Shengguang on the body has been completely bleak!

Sprinkled to: "I only dare to deceive the garbage, you will come directly to the challenge to revenge for your teacher, Laozi can also look at you high, the result .... Just this? Will only glory?"

Xun Scormed to leave here, Kelly looked at Jameson's direction and shook his head and said: "Jameson, when Farcos made a heart, blinded his eyes, you ...."

At this time, Jameson only felt that the darkness in front of him, or the whole world was in the dark.

It seems that the Shengguang has left him!

But soon, I shouted in shining, Jameson opened his eyes, seeing Silvia.

"Corckinal." Farco lowered.

Silvia helplessly sighed: "Jameson. Even if I follow Taylor, I don't dare to mention things a year ago in front of March. Wrong is wrong, we have to pay for this. Ercos pays a price for the impulse he doesn't listen to the order. This price he pays life, we have to pay is your face and other things. "

"I thought that the task may be inaccurate with our mission. So, in order to compensate, promote you as a bishop, tall the fourth area. But Jameson, you are too disappointed. I have been afraid You are covered by hatred, but now I know, cover your eyes is not hatred, but ... ignorance and arrogance! "

Said, Silvia turned: "Take away, take into the trial."

Sylvia left, Jameson has already faced full of face!

Looking at the judges with a shackles, Jameson wanted to resist, but found that he couldn't afford a power!

PS: I went out today, where to come in Hangzhou, I saw a pure black kitten, or a raccoon cat. I can't help but buy that pure black. However, some individuals have arrived two minutes later. I bought it directly .....

Hey .... Very qi!

Thanks to the great bones of the 81 blade! ! I haven't seen this huge sum for a long time.

In the hospital injection

is not cautious, wallet two tears. Today, the dog is holding hands. As a result, after a cat ham, it is still just smelling sniffing.

Seeing that learning is not expected, I will put it on the side. As a result, this guy . Then there was a layer of skin with the teeth on the thumb ..., bleeding.

The hospital in the door is still no dog injury. Can only run Xiaoshan ... Come here. Oh, it's a big city. It's really a lot to play ravings in the middle of the night.

Pharmaceutical fees ... fare ... Nima car fee is 50 pieces ...

Chapter 1,55: You have to go!

"What? I was caught?"

Tildad looked at the shadow of his opposite: "Do you say that Jameson is caught?"

"Yes." This image replied: "See you with your own eyes, it seems to be caught."

Tildad was shocked: "Hey! Trial court? Mom, can it come in?"

That shadow magic shook his head.

"What is the specific situation?"

"Jameson is based on our conventions, and to establish a relationship with the scriptures and provide us with opportunities for us."

Tildad nodded, this is true.

I want to be friends, in fact, the simplest and fast way is to help him solve some trouble. The trouble before the previous Tildad can only be suspended, and it can break the deadlock in solving a few.

Especially the enemy of Jameson's enemies, Duus is not good.

Therefore, Tildad thought helped the Dusc to convey the information, with the Jenmesen cooperated to act, and said it could not be used in a few times.

Jameson's pursuit is just avengement. When he finds that he revenge, he chose to believe Tildad.

Because he has not been selected.

Today, it is the first step in the contradiction of him.

That Sagad said: "But .... Jameson just said that there is no two sentences, it is called to be returned, this is not counted, and the film is over, I also put him on the ground. In the end, he took away his holy light. "

Til Dad was.

"You .... You will tell me again."

That Magic Magic said it again.

Tildad grabbed his face, and his mouth: "Hey! How can I forget that he is a cruel magistrate!"

"So now the Jameson line is abolished?"

"Basically abolished." That Black Shadow Devil said: "After all ... The trial of the Holy Tree, go in, has not come yet."

Tildad took a deep breath: "Hey ... how good a piece of chess, how did you just fall down the chessboard? Yes, what is the situation in the family?"

"It has been notified by communication crystals."

"It seems that I can only expect this." Til Dad said helpless.


The first magic, the land estate.

Nneikol looked at a full of firepacles on his hand, and his eyes were complicated.

"Miss." The maid came over: "You .... Consider clear?"

Nnell Could looked at the letters on his hand, said: "He ...."


The maidaid didn't finish it, Nnell Cors took her: "I know, we have an answer."

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