The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1177

Just like the collective activities, there is always one or two, let you think about him.

And now, this kind of thing is no longer there.

Previously, Tildad took the pendant was that Barcelleto had always loved to bring it on the body. It was more than the play of the Shu, plus Barcelo Koo. Have to worry.

"I still want to ask you." Barcelo Khaha laughed and took the shoulder of the launch: "How are your kids are here? I can hear that you are coming over."

Lucky laughed: "Come to help them, do you have. Er brother, you?"

"Tour the mainland." Barceloo said: "The big brother breaks through the sanctuary, your boy is a high order, this pressure is very big. Anyway, in our second magic, there is nothing, just come out to travel The mainland will see if there is anything to help. "

Dusus looked at Tildad next to: "That ... this big emperor."

"Are friends." Barcelo Koh said: "Tildad helped me too busy."

Tildad quickly swayed: "It is a lot of Andrews to help you."

"All the same, all." Barcelono is not involved.

Dusus also probably understands what it means, the second magic tribal Duchest, two empty one. They are the dragon of Andersen's dragon lifting, Fisher's females, and one, who once trapezed in the autumn hunting, the Wings Wings, Rosekin family. The feather woman's head is born, the race of the person, the red leather bag, the difference between the feathers is ... Yu Devil is more like a birds evolved, while the wings are like being cursed. Moreover, the whole is only women, the birth is also women.

It can be seen that in the second magic, it is the Duke of the Devils.

At the first Moz, the Duke is only two, the rest is the prince, regardless of two fear, a ground point.

Therefore, if Barcelono is out of travel, Android Great Mong will help nothing is strange.

After all, these bugs, the 18th generation of the ancestors, and it is estimated that they can also take them.

Barcelo Koho Wushes: "Kid, you now ... What strength?"

Zun Scorned the laugh: "You can't see it?"

"I see you is a high level." Barcelono is trying to repair: "But it is not like a high level, I feel that you are much better than how it is, but you are a sanctuary, there is a difference."

"It's the sanctuary." Springs said, the sanctuary suddenly opened, and then closed: "Just I control it."

Barcelocondon, haha ​​laughed: "Good kid! It is my Dalton family, you are twenty this year?"

Dusi nodded.

Barceloto looks to Tildad: "I said the big emperor, what strength is you twenty?"

Tildad is not full of mouth: "What happened to you?"

Barcelo is shaking his head, and a pity said: "Oh, this is almost meant."

"You still have to breathe, Barceloo, you didn't make this when you didn't build a sorcerer half a year ago."

"But I am now the sanctuary." Barceloo is a bit of a bit.

Sudu shook his head on the side, and his mood finally relaxed, and asked: "Er brother, you haven't said that you come to the sacred Empire."

"There are so few things." Barcelleto waved: "I heard that there is a relic from this side, and human beings are not good, I have to dig some holes, this is not to find the first magic I will see if there is any good thing to take it. "

The film is brushing up: "Relics! Newly Discovered?"

Tir Dad said on the side: "It is not newly discovered. At 20 years ago, I found out that a lot of skills in the sacred empire seem to be from that remains. But in order to ensure that the place is not Destroy, they were very careful, and they were twenty years, and there were not all dug, various research. "

The Word's eye is pulled, he thought of the landlord ....

I have been in the place for a few hours, and I am blown.

This is the guy that the group really dissensive, it is estimated that it can be mad on the spot.

The so-called ruins are the most interesting stuff now.

"The remains of human beings, can the devil participate?" Springs asked on the side of the test.

Til Dad is : "Otherwise I am doing? Those remains seem to be left before the elf, there are also more than 20,000 years, and even the elf, the earliest elf is also 10,000 The year ago. So, this place is not understanding, our demon does not understand. So they don't have any emblems, help give money to materials, still quite refreshing. "

Dusc thinks thinking, it seems to be this truth.

Although I don't want to talk to this Tildad, I see the current situation, I am not impossible to estimate the relationship.

Sorry, Sprint: "This, can I participate?"

"If you are interested, you will look at it." Barcelono said: "Anyway is also a hole."

Tildad is laughing: "After you don't have to worry about this, you are a holy court, they are the common controls of the relics, maybe you can take the royal family from them than us. More things. After all, the ruins are found to find the Holy Tree. "

Duus: "I am relieved."

Said, Dusus looks to Barcelo: "Er brother, you said this is the first thing, what is the second?"

"This is simple." Barcelona scratched his head, I am sorry: "This is not the Android lady to help me."

"Ah?" Springs stunned, Barcelono's answer, let Schus have a feeling of Android Duke green: "What is busy?"

"Nnell Cor has always wanted to come to the sacred Empire to see human life. It seems that it is very interested in humans after coming back from your winter. So I followed it together."


Sprinter stood up!


PS: Today is really eating melon ..... a lot of things .....

Chapter 1,05: Not two!

This name is the pain of Hunus forever.

If this is not this name, the Springs are now safe and heartless as their prince, using the system to grade.

When I arrived, I saw who the sword of Tenli Po is in general.

Maybe it is, ... in a place where you like invincible, you can also be more popular.

However, all this is destroyed by Nnell Cors.

In order to flee marriage, Muscu has to become an upgraded stream from invincible flow.

Now, the name of this woman is actually there!

This is simply like a general name in the mind.

Just when the Springs wanted to turn around, his attention list, there was a name at this time.

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