The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1187

Tit was left, and the hand was a confused: "Is this person not listening to me? Still can't understand what I said? I am talking about the universal language?"

Silvia laughed: "Don't mind in the Hall, Tit is a dead board, maybe we think is just a styled thing, it is a very important thing. He will not interfere with our decision, Will you change yourself. Always do this. "

Duus grinned, then hooks: "Forget it. You still talk about me ten years ago."

"Say, let you take you to the Holy Holy See," Silvia took the road in front of him.

"Ten years ago, this time you should know that in accordance with the predicts of the goddess, you have no response, you will have failed."

Duus nodded: "Yes, but is this happening? How did the Holy Title know?"

Silvia walked in front, side head: "The Great Goddess can be the god of the Holy Tree, and he tells Kalaire's things, naturally notify us."

"It turns out, then?"

"We are not willing to fail." Silvia said: "Whether it is a warning of the goddess, it is a sigh of the wall of the sigh, even the goddess that has no news in the past ten years, these signs have shown, peace Maybe it can't last too long. "

Duus did not speak.

Silvia continued: "At this time, the first Mozu found us, Nasrez's thing in ten years ago, has always had a mustard, thinking that he is the oldest, the most orthodox magic inheritance Goddess did not choose him. But .... He also knows some goddess's plan, so I hope to work with us. Complete the unfinished plan. "

Speaking here, Silvia pointed out the front place: "There is a prayer hall, and loyal believers pray there."

After saying these, the Pope continued: "At that time, we only know what the goddess told them. God gods want to create a era."

Word blinks: "The child of the era?"

Silvia nodded: "Yes, we don't know the meant of the times. Anyway, according to the goddess, the child is the crystallization of the living world. It is the crystal of this era, even can accept the gods. Bless. Future, perhaps an existence that can surpass the legend. "

Dusus slastish in the heart.

He does not move: "So, I lost it at the time?"

"At least it looks like this." Silvia said: "Includes now ... In fact, you are still very far away than the goddess, you are very far away. Well, there is far, Nasrez At the time Said, in fact, he knows something, you can make the blend of blood, although it is impossible to make the era of the era, but create a group of strong people who have a batch of mixed-blooded, the ability to give them extraordinary ability is also a good choice. "

"You agreed?"

"How is it possible?" Silvia said: "He is legend, and I am just a half-step legend, how do you trust me? If you are known by the San San, we have to follow it. But ... He took out the ancient magic rule of obscencing the legendary unknown, so that the holy trip didn't know what happened here. And ..... "

Silvia turned, and then said: "He is willing to share the whole process, and the team of human and demon can learn the process and results of the experiment."

Xunzu shake his head: "Can't reject the conditions."

Silvia sighed: "Yes, you can't refuse the conditions. The ancient magic can not be refused, even if it is a devil estimate?"

Seeing that there is no reaction, Silvia continued: "We promised them that in order to ensure the concealment of things, the experiment is placed in the mountain range in the border area, and the first magic is also the first magic. Saier family, some border with the sacred empire. "

"Is the experiment succeeded?" Xunci didn't move the sound and asked this question.

Silvia shakes his head: "No, even .... The experiment completely failed, or I didn't seem to fail in us."

"you guys?"

Silvia's face flashed a self-blanking: "Well, we, the first Mozu thinks there is no failure, do you know that the demon is right?"

Duus nodded, this stuff, of course, killing a lot. Although they are themselves.

"Blood mix, Shengguang and magic's interleave, birth is a monster similar to that. We think that these guys don't have any reason, as if birth is to destroy their own visit. Everything. They can't communicate, they can't communicate, even ... can't let them calm down, the only way to make them cool, it is frozen, completely freeze them. "

"The First Mozu said that they will find ways to control these horror monsters, but we don't plan to continue. This pure guy who is sure to destroy will never be the pursuit of wisdom. The most horrible thing is, we found These guys have the ability to learn, but they are not reasonable, but by swallowing the power of various elements to enhance their strength. "

"What did you choose?"

"Destroy." Silvia said: "We personally destroy the experimental base and kill all the experimoctures in the cradle, and terminated the plan."

Dussen is slightly shakes: "Do things should not be so simple? I learned from the Locke Kingdom, as if the border aristocrats in that place ... seems to have no survival. Is this for an extinguished mouth?"

Silvia faces sadness: "If you can, we don't want to do so, but ... those only small aristocrats, there are no holy area,"

Word 1: "Will not ....."

Sylvia nodded: "There are always some people can't see so far. If you can't see so far, we think it is a monster, they confirm that it is your own opportunity. Sharing gives us knowledge, but also let those The small aristocrats participating in the experiment have learned that the power can be obtained, so ..... "

"They choose after we withdraw, continue to work with the first magic."

PS: Updated a priest, looked at it, as if there was a bubble to wash your feet, ready to go to a bottle.

Then I found that the special time of the old man played the second-pin rabie, actually as the second needle of my dog, the second needle, the same time!

Hey! Into together ...

Chapter 1,06: Stage

For this kind of operation, the Word is actually not difficult to understand.

In front of the power of strength, not anyone can resist, the sacred court does not need, one is because of this to her completely uncontrollable, the second is that the Holy Tree must be holy three seats.

Perhaps, they also don't want to see the thoughts of these monsters, but there is a little, that is, those little arms can't see.

"When did you find it?"

"The second year, there is a magic injury incident in the border area." Silvia said: "This situation, the regional hustleman sent people to go, we pumped a team of generals with the gods for the sake of safety. Go to the survey. "

"As a result, the seven people died in the fire."

Word 1: "Fire?"

Silvia nodded: "Yes, a village is not just them, and there are more than 30 households in the village. It is said to be swallowed by the flame."

Speaking here, there is a rare appearance on the face of Silvia: "The bishop personally took people to investigate, the walls were not damaged, and the housekear did not be destroyed. The result is obvious."

The heart is secretly screaming, this is living.

Regardless of where, which generation, the death of the minister is to die.

"At that time, Taylor took someone over there, and finally found a hidden laboratory. He found enough information from inside, and then attacked."

"Attacking him is those monsters, they already have the strength of the sanctuary, just like those worships. We can't believe that the time, these guys can evolve to this extent, and then we only know, There is a lot of people missing records. Even sometimes it is a disappearance of a village in village. "

"Taylor did not stay anything, the Shengguang wash the earth, but he was not only destroyed the laboratory, but also threw all the responsible nobles into the holy light."

After the Word's eye is smoked, he actually at this time.

But I thought about it, this sentence doesn't have any use in addition to recruiting.

Sorry, Springs ask: "What reacts on the first Mozu?"

"What can I react?" Silvia said: "With us to make a similar experiment, they seem to have a little thing, knowing the experiment can not continue. I heard that the experiment ran out, slaughtered. A town. Later, after discovering that these guys were completely uncontrollable, they gave up my mind. "

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