The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1189

The film expression is stiff.

"Forget it." Xunz screamed: "Let's wait for it, in case, we are found, no one is good."

"Oh boss! You don't want to refuse." Barbara is anxious: "I bid, you pay attention! You don't pay attention to the money, don't do this."

"I am too lazy."

"Oh, I said anyway, you still have it."

Wei Wei looked at the snow: "Is this like this in winter?"

Snowy nod: "So, I am used to it, my brother often said that there are so many things in the world. I always have to find someone to give yourself. When Kaili sister just came to the city, my brother I still often put the belt on my body, and I still have a card to bring a brush, I don't know what it is. "

"Snow, do you say that these transactions can be made?"

"You can." Snow nodded: "Don't have a lower limit for Barbara sister."

When the snow, I quickly got the verification. I saw it at the other side, and then took out two gold coins on the table: "Two thousand impossible, I can accept two gold coins."

Barbara 1 Table: "Transaction!"

Then, her figure disappears in an instant, and there is still the gold coins.

At this time, Kalair pushed the door. When he came in, he also looked at the door, then went to the sideline, he said: "His Royal Highness, Barba Die go? The fire is hot."

Xunzu shake his head: "Don't know, she is like this, it is not surprising."

"What are you writing?"

"It is planning a dismissal statement, there is no problem." Dussen looks to Carlisle: "Do you have any new progress on this?"

"Yes." Carlaire remembered the work, took out a document to handle the Hunz: "This is Silvia let me hand it over, about the corresponding feedback on the mainland."

"Oh?" Springs took this file and opened it.

The name above the document is very simple, probably not coming.

Several countries have naturally not said, all will come, important is foreign, first magic, second magic, third magic, Elf Dynasty, and confirmation with the Dwarf Kingdom. "

"The orc empire is relatively far, so their reply should be that the day is arrived, but the possibility of not coming is not big, and time is still half a month."

"Half a month." Dussen is a point in mind: "Where?"

Carlis pointed to the sky: "Master's city of the country of the country."

Sprint: "Master's country? It should not be ....."

"Holy Empire is right?" Kalaire shakes his head: "The San San did not decide in the sacred empire. After all ... In order to let everyone know what happened to the sea there. Many times, just listen, it is meaningless. "

"Consider is very thoughtful." Springs laughed: "However, the Master is also a big heart, not afraid of the legend to be noisy in their city, and then be broken by the city of the sky."

"Legend is not coming." Kalais opened.

Xunus slammed this time: "Legend is not coming? Isn't it to say that the mainland summit?"

"It is the mainland summit, but the legend is not coming, and the representative of all countries will come over. It is enough to have a weight, and the legend will be done by the communication crystal link."

"I am still very cautious." Duus nodded: "So, is the big brother comes over?"

"No." Carlis shook his head: "The representative of our second magic, is your temple with the Barcelo Koh, Oh, there is me."


Duus almost didn't have a breath!


Carlinger nodded: "Anyway, we are here, now is still closed, the big emperor agent is in the country, you are in human beings, the big emperor can't open, so you will let you and Barcelono The Hall is responsible. "

Springs: "........."

His mouth smoked: "I originally want to be a visitor. To be honest, I don't want to go in that place."

The reason why Dussen does not want to go is actually very simple, and the kingdom of death is a bit close.

"You don't have to worry about this hall." Carlis said: "If the Lord of death can come out, no matter where you are, it is the same."

"Hehehe." Xunno smiled, suddenly, his face was slightly changed: "No, this batch of guys in the invited ...." Is it less than something. "

Carlis nodded, the expression is serious: "Dark spirits refused the summit invitation."

PS: Thanks to the sky dreams of air fideways! Tears! !

PS: Then ... I took a new cat piece today, remember to refresh this chapter to watch.

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Chapter 1,19: What is good?

Dark essence did not choose to participate?

For this dismissal, the Word is actually very unexpected.

In fact, the darkness of the Darkness is the Lord of Death. When the summit began, Springs asked about the crowd.

After all, the mainland died of the sect, but ... Dark spirits have not been moving, everyone can think they don't want to participate.

The reason for the Darkness of Darkness, everyone is clear, plus it is originally a faith, and firm believers will never be dark.

This gang is a matter of changing the belief for his own interests.

But this time .....

Dark spirits have made a decision that Mussen cannot imagine, and they are now almost communicating a signal.

"This is a dark estell." Wonderful mouth: "Is it necessary to declare war? At this time? Don't even need a legend, although they don't have, I don't want to do it?"

"The Third Mozi has already placed the army in the border, and it is always necessary to prevent this group of dark elves." Kalare said: "After the summit, the dark essence may become a place for a priority."

Duus nodded, the selection of the dark spirits was completely pushed in the pile of his tribe.

But the hand is still not to understand: "The group of guys will not receive anything?"

"I have been considered, so the third magic is not active, first wait for the summit."

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