The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1204

Information record 811: That group of bastards actually makes us a little bit! Actually, even if it is a fool, it can make this stuff reduce at least ten kilograms! Are they idiot! Four hundred kilograms of things do not reduce ten kilograms What is the difference between fish people!

Information records 82: The fact proves that I am correct, I will give them ten kilograms, and since this group of bastards will also make me decrease! Damn, at least one week of pure land activities, how can they say so simple! This group of fish actually said that fish didn't be such a horrible weight in land, my mother didn't know, you let them bring this thing in the water!

Zhus strongly endured himself to tear the impulse.

Information records 821: Very good, my proposal was adopted.

Springs: "......."

Information records 1,000: We found a huge problem! Falling into a dead cycle! That is ..... This place is originally used on land, in the water .... Fish people seem to do not need it. Just the relationship between freshwater and salt water, they think ... and need to take something, this is a satisfactory thing on this. "

Springs slamming his face: "So .... Your fucking has recorded this problem for 200 times. No ... is you!"

Information records 1 thousand nine: The current situation is very serious, we face a huge danger, order us to make portable portable equipment in a month! Otherwise, we are too losing!

Information records 14: Under the huge crisis, the team is united! We don't sleep for three days, and the four hundred pounds of the tassel have been successfully optimized. Now, this is only a ten kilogram portable device, even if it is a child who has no adult, can wear it.

Springs: "??????????"

"What happened for three days!"

Hunus continued to look, he was eager to know what happened behind.

The information is recorded one thousand.

We are domain.

PS: Today it is more than a half hour than usual ... but still didn't take me!

The next chapter puts the cat. Next chapter fifteen minutes.

Chapter 118: I haven't come! (Six more)

Duus turned over these pages, then swayed the book on his hand, and finally looked up.

"System, check the information is complete, is your fucking to delete the old man!"

[No deletion]

"you sure?"


Dawns look at the records on the hand and the complex complexes.

What information did he get now?

A group of fish people's neuropathy!

A group of strange ethnic races that touch the fish!

If the effective utilization time of a lifetime is thirty years.

This group of babies used for twenty-nine years and eleven months used to touch the fish to play the actions to spit out with each other!

And the rest of this month, this is a doing thing!

But this is a one-month affairs. They have completed the marine land, which is this month, they have completed a large string of murals with the kingdom of death.

No, Xunz is a little doubt, he is now doubting the timeline on the wall of the sigh.

However, in a sense, these fish people are indeed strong! If they are willing to become stronger.

Information records 116: Let us destroy the base, but I don't plan to do this, here there is all my heart, although in the underground, everyone has already used it as a home, no fish will destroy their own home. We will leave this place and hope that our research can help the future. The black dead salted fish above the above should have occupied the city, we can't go. However, I plan to close the base, block this underground river, then ... we may be able to leave with the last water flow, saying that the road can be encountered before the missing egg. "

The log is here.

Zun Scorned the stuff and then looked at the remaining row: "Can I ask, what are these?"

[Technical Record and Support Information]

Zun will recruit one.

"Product introduction: In the closing room, you are bored, you are bored."

"I call it space positioning, you can summon items carried by the space in the room, so that I am afraid that I am afraid that I don't know that ghosts will give me a little fun. Stay. "

Below is a series of things that I don't understand, but this thing is aware of the Musk, as long as .....

System, information reading! "

[Information reading]

[No choice of target defaults to host reading]

[Read completion, download match]

[Match completion]

As this voice falls, the hand suddenly feels that there is more things in his head as if there is more.

He quited the system space directly and returned to the hand of his room to touch the spatial ring on his hand.

In the past, this kind of space props if you want to open, the general props appear in front of you or in your hand, this is controllable.

But this time ....

As the Duste heart, a set of clothes in the space rings appeared in a hanger outside the seven-meter-away.

Although I can't be recovered directly, I'm already satisfied!

He took the brain: "The death should give this ability to Anna!"

Duct returned to the system space.

"System, can I have just got to strip, or have you backup?"

[Cannot be transferred after the ability, the ability is unable to back up, the host can be transferred to the understanding of itself]

Got, this is a fart understanding. Word is not studying this thing.

But the dramatic knows that there is a lot of things above.

Duus found the second.

"I hate to wear clothes every day, so troubles, don't you directly pass clothes? Fact prove ... It doesn't seem to be. Hey ... I don't need to wear it in the water. But .... Maybe I can I want to me. "

"Find a way! Add some small things on my clothes, change their structure, usually to post a card on your body, injection into the magic, it is necessary!"

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