The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1206

"What happened again?" Mucus saw a hand.

"Good news." Springs smiled: "Right, let's talk about your situation, saying that Carlis is responsible for reporting, and has not heard the situation in winter. Well, No. 9 how about it?"

"Emotional stability." Fiis said: "But our gold coin is not stable."

"I still don't want to work with the guys of the Dark Brotherhood." Marcus is a bit dissatisfied.

"Don't look at people with colored eyes." Springs sway: "Weapons sell?"

"The delegation of the Kingdom of Locke has been coming, and their emotions are also very stable, and they are very refreshing. But .... I don't know if they are really refreshing, or every time Corses must pinch a hand thunder. The reason for people. "Croaty said in the position next to Shugu:" However, if all talks, this will be a pneumatic income, and it will also be a test for our stock. "

Cornus lifted his head: "I just show them the security of our items, these guys don't know why I don't care about this problem."

The Queen of the Elf has turned a white eye: "I told you many times. Don't say that I will develop with Anna when I introduce people."

"You have a prejudice to me." The right side of Xunz, Anna said that: "I can already control the elements now, I will not explode so easy, at least .... Do ten meters will not be!"

Croatyard: "But even if you demonstrate, the group of people in your kingdom is still afraid."

"That is their prejudice!"

Crone Yas said: "The data will not be deceived, and the facts prove that as long as you say that you have participated, their purchases will have declined."

"That is what you don't understand how to use this lady!" Anna said: "My name should not be erased directly, you should let them sign the money, then tell them when they remind them, speed up production Need me to go in to help you understand! "

"Which is threatening customers?"

"How can I have a pit?"

The two said this side said.

Poss is low, whispered: "Do we need to say something?"

Piedz glanced at him: "In the words of Barbara, the two boss quarrers do you have to be expelled?"

"It is also right." Poss suddenly realized.

"Well, it's okay." Xusu quickly stopped two people, and asked Fiis: "Other?"

"The Duke of Christine is coming to believe that you want some of our little girl." Fiis looked at the Suspi: "Give it?"

Anna blossoms: "Don't worry about him."

Sprinter swing: "Give it."


"Right, who is going to handle it now?"

The Bill raised his hand: "His Royal Highness, I .... Responsible for the statistics. As long as it is the lady of Ilina."

"what's the situation?"

"The Dragon Express has issued a policy, limiting the population outstream." Ai Lota said: "According to the reason, the spring and summer set should be the peak period of the Dragon, but now ..... We can only change some propaganda language, it is useful at the beginning, but it is not used later. This thing has never known how to handle it. "

Dynasty Dynasty Anna: "What do you think?"

Anna did not care about: "They even have a batch of refugees, and will not improve what. Those nobles always need people to oppress, so ... don't worry, winter is the winter in winter."

Croatia judged on the side: "I can't think so."

PS: Thanks 105 blades of the Mado! !

PS: The next chapter is 10 minutes .... Let's check the fast.

Chapter 1,88: a bold idea

Sprinkler, he is a little doubt now, is the reason why Jia Beilila has never woke up.

However, Croatya also makes sense: "It's just that the refugee is too trouble. They may carry some bad things on them. The killing magic in the new city is not coming over with the refugees. Only receive refugees, Quality is too bad, even if we have cultivated it from scratch. Time span is too long. "

"But these guys have handed more experienced."

"It is experience, but their identity is even more difficult to verify."

The two did not have noisy this time, but it looked at the hand.

Xunsto thought about it, then looks to Emina: "What policy?"

"Limiting residents to leave the territory, want to leave the territory must declare to the local city hall or the lord, passing can only leave. Especially in winter, you need to pay for a deposit. According to us Information feedback, what is the aristocrates there .... The North level is united, it seems to set the level in the Rhinefield, review guys who go to the north. And, it seems to be prepared to get it and go to the north. "

Fiisi interface: "Once the Dragon Dragon Dragon Sales through these proposals, the development of winter in the winter is definitely a huge blow. In the Hall, what should we do?"

"Don't worry." Pos said next to: "Senate will definitely agree."

Bi Babo blinked: "So, this matter we can't change it?"

Pieds Hout: "Aristocrates proposal, their so-called discussion stage, not to discuss this policy is suitable for unsuitable, but how to discuss it, so .... It seems that there is no way to change this."

Xunus touched the Pakistan, suddenly took a sentence: "Fiis, you said that the No. 9 is always the right to get gold coins?"

Fiis nodded: "I said this is waiting for gold coins. Croaty is like ....."

"I feel completely unnecessary." Croaty did not avoid: "Let her leave, then you will come back when you come back."

"Don't be so troublesome." Xunz looked at Fisii: "Tell No. 9, they have new tasks."

Fi Ni silk eyebrows: "I can't solve it so trouble, solve the creative magologicalism? I like this idea."

Dussen to Muskus: "Director Marcus, did you have no opinion?"

Marcus stapped: "I am the Director of the Winter Mountain Police Department. What is the relationship between the dragon?"

Dusc laughed: "You learn to be Mukus."

"It is to step in some sense in the original place."

"What else is there?" Asked.

"I am here." Aederson blinked his nose, opening: "His Royal Highness, there is a tricky case."

"Master you said."

"Before Markus Director, the serial killer they arrested." The old man of the tree is a little headache: "There is a problem with the evidence chain given by the police station. The most important evidence is actually the self-report of the movie killer. Everything he said is on the case, but this guy is not signed above the mouth. Now the evidence chain is insufficient, we can determine that this guy is the murderer. So ..... "

Word looks to Marcus.

Marcus's face is a bit low: "I will find evidence."

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