The Devil's Escape Diary

Devil Escape Diary Chapter 1208

"You see, this is the reason." Witcus boart, I am also very helpless: "I have the ability to be talent, there is enough sample to translate this language, but .... I can do it, it doesn't mean that my head can be installed. "

Zunus shakes his head: "A large number of different logic languages ​​are very tired in their head, so .... it will automatically delete some."

Xikaro is: "It's not the Hall, this can be deleted automatically? Is it what deleted according to what is deleted, what is still content?"

Xuns thought, then wrinkled: "To tell the truth, I have not studied it, maybe .... Is it in the mood?"

Sikaro is nauseated, and he first understands what it means.

This guy deeply took a sigh of breath and then rely on: "Word Hall, sometimes you are a businessman."

Duus did not deny just saying: "The helpless help always make people feel reasonable?"

"What do you want?"

Xunzu smiled slightly: "What is you there?"

"We can give you gold coins."

"no problem."

"500,000." Sikaro said: "Five hundred thousand gold coins, you only need to help us translate it."

Xunzu smashed, then said: "The Jerego Chamber of Commerce is about 30 to 40,000, and you are a bit low under the Sikaro Temple."

"How much is you ready?"

"One million gold coins." Said: "And I don't have to translate for you, I don't have so much time consumption, I can develop a word-comparison dictionary I know, I believe me, this is more than me. Leave more meaningful. "

It is a feeling of emotion in the heart, when you translate the trash of those fish people.

"Transaction." Sikaro did not have any hesitation.

However, the Shu Sci smiled, and then said: "I don't say just gold coins."

West Carlo: "What do you want?"

"Your present research." Springs said: "The set of relics including the construction team is looking for equipment for element nodes."

"There is also a ruins on the winter of the city?"

"No, I just like to collect it, I am, I don't need this together."

"Then you want it just to collect?"

WINZ scratched: "Transform, then find a mine plus?"

Sikaro thoughtfully, then nodded: "Well, no problem."

"Also." Springs continued.

Sikaro frowned tightly, but this guy did not say anything.

"The St. Weather Storage Transformation Technology." Springs said: "I want you to study the results now."

"That is the things of the Holy Tree, you should go to Silvia to see."

Siru laughed: "Sylvia is very good, at least from meeting, she didn't have a sadness, so this requirement is a bit not face, and I really can't say it. "

"When you spend my face?"

"At least no sense of sin."

West Carlo: "......."

"No problem!" Sikaro said.

Here, the rebuge is here, he hooks his hand, Barbara is coming over.

Zunus whispered: "What is so refreshing, this person is promised."

Barbara responded: "May it be really need?"

The film has changed, then glanced at Barbara: "Barbara! How can you get inch? Do you want a spatial stone! Still want a box! Do you know that this thing is only in human beings! Do you know his precious! "

"The boss!" Barbara glanced over his eyes.

"You still want to be sophisticated!"

Sikaro has a head and green gains. He stood up: "Cheng! Add a box of spatial stones! Damn, Springs! I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

Said, Sikaro walked to the door: "Don't want to add the conditions!"

Wonderful: "Thank you for your temple. I will help you prepare for the translation of this few days. Then ... trouble, you will talk about it, the technology doesn't matter, send several technicians to follow Kelly to Time to go back to the winter with me. "


West Carlo is going to go.

PS: Say, I think of something to ask the doctor rabies vaccine.

Ask him: "What is going on this vaccine?"

The doctor's head does not lift: "There is such a reaction, indicating that your body is not good."


Doctor: "Next"

Chapter 1,88: Go to

Five days of time is very fast, in the third day, Springs completed some translations of basic vocabulary.

Translate some of the fish people you collect now with the official language of the sacred empire.

Of course, this is less than the system of the system.

At this time, I fully demonstrate the sentence - knowledge is the power.

On the fourth day, Kelly found a lot, saying that it is ready to complete the empty boat to the sky.

The air boat will take everyone to the city of the Master, the city of the sky, although the city is not the king of the country, but it is a true symbol of the Master's head of the country.

Construction of the three hundred years, the heart of the eight generations.

Before the Word, he only heard that this is a blessing.

The air boat will be flying a day, arrive in the city of the sky, if it is the slogan direct flight, the time will shorten a lot, but the same comfort is not enough.

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